Post Surgery question
I will be speaking to my surgeon today, but I was wondering...how long post surgery did your bowels start moving? I am still waiting - surgery was 2/4. I have lots of gas, but no 'action' yet. I am eating a regular diet, although small amounts at a time. Should I be concerned? Vicki
New Pictures
I just had to put this somewhere... Beth, Nana and Mary... I love all three of your new Profile pictures. Beth and Nana... you both look fabulous!! And Mary... that little grandbaby of yours is a definite keeper! What a total sweetheart! Anywho... I just had to say something because I love it when people put up pictures :)…
Mags... Ontario Cancer Drug info
Hey Mags, I haven't had too much time to research this more thoroughly, but here are a couple of links to get you started if you haven't found them yourself already. I realize every province handles things somewhat differently so what happens here in BC may not be the same as what you have available in Ontario... and vice…
5 year colonoscopy all clear AND easiest prep every: Miralax!
Hi all, I just completed my 5 year post surgery colonoscopy, and they found nothing! I have not had even a polyp since my first small, cancerous polyp on my baseline colonscopy 12/03. I did have stage 3, one positive node and 6 months 5FU and leuco. I have been NED since surgery, and want to encourage all of you here still…
Question about diet and exercise?
I am new to this site and I love it! You all are so positive and that really helps me deal with my cancer issues. I was diagnosed 12/1/08 with rectal cancer with possible mets to the liver. I completed 5 1/2 weeks of chemo and radiation and I am now waiting for my PET scan Feb 17 to see what type of surgery we will have to…
Just let'n you know, you're on my mind and I'm thinking about you and hoping you're doing well! This message might be long gone by the time you're feeling well enough to check in, but sending hugs your way! Jorie
energy healing
Has anyone here had energy healing done and massage. I had this done on Monday. The massage was great. Our Cancer society offers Cancer patients and survivors a reduced rate for this. Also thanks to everyone on here for support and prayers. God bless
Chat Lines
I was wondering how to get on the chat line on here. A blank screen comes up. I have Java installed. I don't know what else to do. Does anyone have any ideas. Thanks
I'm New Here
Hello everyone: My name is Kim, I am 50, married to wonderful husband Walter, have 8 children (3 bio and 5 step) and all eight lived with us. I have 7 grandchildren with two on the way. I have been diagnosed as Stage 2, no lymph node involvement and the CT scan showed no spreading of the cancer. The tumor is low, very low…
Turbo Radiation Days
Hi All: Yesterday, today and tomorrow are what I'm calling my turbo radiation days. Yesterday they took more pictures to "zap" the tumor directly and have increased the radiation and length of it. I woke up this morning ready to go back to bed. They said I wouldn't feel much different but I feel exhausted (well I was…
I'm so grateful
I just got a message in my voicemail from my Dr. office that the Dr. saw the results of my scan done last Friday and everything was O.K. "no cancer" that was actually how the message said,and to make an appoitment to see him in 6 months.I recognized the number when it was ringing but didn't take it I was so afraid.Before…
bloody nose and becoming steril
I am 45 years old and have stage 3 colon cancer with 9 lymph nodes involved. I am on my 7th treatment cycle. Just wondering if anyone has had a problem with nose bleeds when you blow your nose? It isn't alot but it is everytime I blow my nose......Also I don't want anymore children but read that chemo can make you steril.…
So much for my good karma... now my doc wants to do 12 cycles...
i got talking about this on someone else's thread and didn't want to hijack it so thought i would start this one. I was a T1 cancer with 1 node of 26. Cea of 0.3 and moderately differentiated so considered low risk for recurrence according to mayo docs. I would have been stage 1 had it not been for the lymph node..however…
Question about swollen lymph nodes in neck
Hello all! It's been awhile since I've been here. I've been searching on the internet for information and you guys, in my opinion, have the best input on the internet regarding colon cancer. I have a question: I am 4 1/2 years out from a cc diagnosis. It was Stage 3, with 14 of 17 lymph nodes positive. I went through 6…
Does anyone know of a treatment for the split fingers caused by Erbitux?
Hi,long time, no post... Does anyone know of a treatment for the split fingers caused by Erbitux? It seems to come from the inside out, I've tried everything from Bag Balm to all sorts of hand lotions and nothing seems to help. I've been on Erbitux since it was approved, 3 years ago(?) and this is driving me nuts. Thanks…
question about port just put in
Had port put in today. It is sore hurts to move my neck is this normal? get chemo tomorrow scared do not know how my body will react to it. I am stage 3t. will be going through chemo for 6 months every two weeks, that seems so long. Wish I can talk the doctor into a shorter time. Feel like I am to old to be going through…
What Would you Do?
That lady from the clinicals keeps calling me, I start my chemo on Monday, but she is wanting me to be in this study where she knows they don't know everything about these 2 drugs combined (Avastin and Erbitux) and this was something that was in the paper that may make colon cancer worse. I don't think I'd mind the…
radiation question
Hi, Me again. I keep reading that FOLFOX with radiation is the traditional treatment. However, **** is not scheduled for radiation. Is that because it has spread to some lymph nodes but is not known to be on any organs? Does the radiation only take place if the cancer is on an organ and the organ has not been resectioned?…
Coping with Chemobrain:Johns Hopkins Health
Thought you guys and gals might be interested: Coping With the Mental Side Effects of Chemotherapy You were warned: Be prepared for the possibility of nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, and hair loss while undergoing chemotherapy. But you were probably not told about that unsettling state of fuzzy thinking, difficulty focusing,…
Hi! I'm new and really scared!
Hello everyone! My name is Donna and I am married with 4 beautiful children, and will be 44 next month. I was diagnosed last week with Stage 4 Colon Cancer with a large mass to the liver. This is really horrifying, as I haven't seen my gyno for a couple years, but she said I didn't need any kind of colonoscopy till I was…
High liver enzyme levels post treatment!!!
Hi, completed treatment in Dec. Took enzyme test yesterday and it revealed my liver enzymes are still elevated. Has anyone else had this to occur and what did you or the doctors do for you. My oncologist said today that he is not that concerned about it right now. He's saying that it will go down on it's own. He did say…
Two years for me.
Just had to chime in, it's been 2 years for me since surgery. I feel great, my neuropathy is pretty much gone, feet give me a little trouble at times but other than that, I've done well. I worked through the whole ordeal but I have 158 days until retirement and I'm so ready. I want to enjoy life. God was so good to me,…
A Rambling Observation
Hi everyone, I am here at home, resting/relaxing, with the Grammy Awards on the TV as background noise while I'm playing around on the computer. Now, you may very well be asking yourself, "So? What does that have to do with cancer support, or anything about cancer, for that matter?" Well, I thought I'd take the time and…
Update on Mom & Many Blessings
Two days after surgery I took my mom to a basketball game, can you believe that!! She is such a trooper. She said she is looking at it like, just one more procedure out of the way!! Also, as a bigger surprise for her, I got to tell her on Wednesday that I am expecting another grandchild on or about September 6th. She was…
Tomorrow Surgery at Vanderbilt
Just a reminder..my husband of almost 40 yrs was dx with colorectal cancer in 8/06 ..had surgery and a colostomy done in 9/06. He has had every kind of chemo available...5FU, Oxy...Avastin, Erbitux ..on and on for over two years. The cancer when found had met.to the liver ...in Dec of 08 told by onc. nothing left to try so…
bag is gone
well i made it thru the reversal 4 days ago but found out after only having the bag for 5 weeks i have lost some feeling and control over how to go again.does anyone have any sugestions on helping with this problem,ya know we just all want to be "normal" again.God bless and my prayers are with everyone.....johnnybegood
Hi, I've been reading about the neurotoxicity from Oxaliplatin and remembered that Dr. Lenz, ****'s oncologist is having him have magnesium and calcium infusions before and after the Oxaliplatin. Here's an article from Revolution Health. Does anyone have any experience with this? Can Magnesium and Calcium infusion help…
I was wondering, this may sound like a dumb question,but in childhood, we had all these immunizations to build up our immune system to fight against diseases..but with chemo, wouldn't that be taking all that away? I am taking my last series of the Hepatitus shots, since it was a job requirement that I have it, and asked my…
Justice Ginsburg
I guess everyone is aware that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsburg is being treated for pancreatic cancer. She got surgery this week. According to the news, she had colon cancer 10 years ago (made me wonder if it was colon cancer mets to the pancreas instead of new pancreatic cancer?) I am not going to take credit for this…
I have rectal cancer and had 14 treatments of radiation and chemo and Sat. night I had a bowl movement and at the end of it was something white like a peace of dead tissue or maybe a peace of the tumor has anyone had this before please I need a answer soon.