I got a call from radiologist moments ago saying they thought they saw possible infection on ct of liver. Has anyone been told this? What does it mean and how dob they treat?
Radiation choices
I went to the Radiation Onc today. My "regular onc" sent me because she wanted to make sure we were covering all our bases. The radiation onc said that people that have colon cancer low in the decending side of the colon and if the tumor has left the bowel are often given radiation where the tumor was because of the chance…
really good burritos
I read an article on Yahoo that rated the quality and taste of grocery store burritos. I love burritos but I haven't eaten many lately. Mostly because the fast food ones aren't very good and the ones at burrito specialty places are $6 and up. I refuse to pay more than $3 for a burrito. My favorite mexican restaurant sells…
ONC appt tomorrow, them off to CABO SAN LUCAS
Do I ever need a break! Will talk with my ONC tomorrow, that is today about LTD. Life with Stage 4 cancer is too short to debate whether to work or not. I have to find a way to manage, to be able to spend quality time with my family before I meet my maker. And I don't need this stress. Take Care, hugs.....Raquel
Need Your Advice
Hello Everyone, I am new to the network. Have been following your supportive stories for a while and decided to join. Need your advice. Diagnosed with colon cancer in Feb 09, softball sized tumor and 20 lymph nodes (all removed), discovered small liver mets, did Folfox, liver mets died, discovered small lung mets, did…
Any idea what to expect....
My husband just had treatment #11. Last treatment #12 will be Feb 9....YEAH! Scheduled to have scan week after last treatment and follow up with onc. He has stage iv rectal cancer (mets to liver) was stable (no shrinkage)at last scan. He is really tired now but after recovering from treatments he does great! He has not had…
Leukoplasts (?)
Has anyone ever heard/dealt with leukoblasts/leukoplasts (?) on the underside of their tongue? I had one before I was diagnosed - it was a somewhat large, white, "blister" on the underside of my tongue. It didn't really hurt - but wouldn't go away. I thought it was an ulcer - but as I said - it didn't really hurt. My…
Rescheduled - NOW Conference Call! February 17. 8 PM EST Dr. Axel Grothey-Professor Oncology; Medi
Talk with Dr. Laura about Colorectal Cancer chat has been rescheduled due to a time conflict with Dr. Grothey. The good news is that we have rescheduled and the Mayo Clinic has generously offered to pay for a conference call so we can all call in and hear Dr. Grothey speak! The new information follows: February 17, 2010, 8…
Friday Thought of the Day
“A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” Walter Winchell
Brake Failure
When I was 24 I was driving across San Francisco to meet a friend at the movies. As I crested a particularly steep hill above Chinatown, my brakes suddenly failed with no warning. If you've ever visited here you know how steep the hills are and how crowded Chinatown is. I careened down the hill, gathering both speed and…
Glad to have your help
Hello Everyone, I have finally been able to log on which took me 3 weeks so I used a different E-Mail acct. First of all I want to say how helpful your posts have been in helping me with preparing me for this journey. I’ll tell you about my medical Hx. I had blood in my stool for approx. 3 months. I finally got a reference…
Had my check up
I had my surgical check up for my anterior cerival fusions. Doctor says things are looking good. Still won't remove bandages for another week and then I still have to steri strip. My long neck has seemed to stop the healing process abit. I guess they usually hide the incision in a fold or crease in your skin in the neck. I…
Scope Done Today
I went to the surgeon today to have a flex sig scope done because I was still having bleeding (but getting better). He said that colon looked healthy and j-pouch looked great the only part was right near the anus where the radiation was targeted so extensively and because I'm am going to the bathroom so much. You could see…
I'll pray for you...
I have initiated a thread over on the "Spirituality, Prayer, and Meditation" board on my experience of prayer and meditation as "relational" phenomena. I want to encourage the use of that board for dialogue on matters of spirituality and prayer and I invite you to join me and others there. The thread is titled "I'll pray…
Drop in Platlets
Hi! Can someone tell me what Platlets do? Mine keep dropping and I am bottoming out like a huge block of cement. I can't move for 1-2 days in a row. Has anyone had this experience - I am trying to go into my 10th tx but my platlets dropped about 45,000 within 2 weeks so he postponed my tx. Can anyone share their experience…
sorry its been a while
I haven't posted in a while but I have been trying to keep up with the reading. I too am praying for everyone wilth their battle and their procedures coming! I had the theraspheres a month ago and I go for a PET today and a CT tomorrow. I am praying for good news. I have a appointment with Dr Curley on the 10th for…
Is this a cause for concern?
Okay - I hope I am just being silly but wondered if anyone knows anything about high neutrophils. I had a CBC done on 1/8 and everything was in normal range except my neutrophils %. Normal range is 40 - 74% and mine was 78.4%. I asked the nurse and she said I may just be fighting an infection. Then I went to my new bone dr…
I've got my arm back!!!!! Dancing!!!!
The cast came off today, I'm a bit sore, but started exercises to get the arm back...wow! in only a 10-day period, I lost strength!!! But, it's VERY cold here again... -3 celcius (26.6F) was the HIGH today!! There was snow on Saturday night. It sent this southern California gal scrambling for the longjohns!!!! I am also on…
Good-by 2009: and good riddance!
Hello my fellow semi's! It's been a long time since i've been able to post, but i think i have my time managed now to where i can get more serious on the board again. 2009 was a nightmare for many of us. The last few months of it, for me, were disastrous. My four year relationship suddenly ended out of the blue; i don't…
Life and Death Here in “Our World”
There have been dark clouds hanging over our community this month. Like a storm that won’t pass, we’ve all been feeling this heaviness in our hearts as we check the Board each day, hoping for news that we don’t want to see, but fearing and knowing that we will. Just like all of you, the grief and sorrow has been almost too…
Cancer and Diet: Juicing/Smoothie Recipes and Discussion
With Emily's permission and in the interest of creating an easy-to-find juicing/smoothie "archive," I'm re-posting the recent juicing discussions here. Juicing Recipes and Discussion More Juicing Recipes and Discussion Even More Juicing Recipes and Discussion More and More Juicing Recipes and Discussion Hatshepsut
colostomy question
I know i have told you that my husbands stomach has been very painful lately and that he looked bloated. When i told the dr he said that with colostomy and illeostomy there can be pain.. But today it is bleeding ALOT out of the colostomy and it usually never puts out anything.. Could this be more of a cancer thing or more…
FINALLY a follow-up colonoscopy!!!!
I have been jumping through hoops to get this colonoscopy for six months! It looked like it wasn't going to happen, but i guess i bitched enough to finally get some results because they called a few minutes ago, and it's scheduled for FRIDAY!! I don't even have the golytly yet, but hey, i'm not complaining. The only thing…
Thank You All
Hi. I would like to thank everyone of you for being an inspiration to me since March 2009. I was 42 years old and DX with Stage 4 cc mets to liver and lung. I went through a month of terror not eating, sleeping or living. I was terrified and felt hopeless. I went to Sloan-Kettering and had a very netative Dr. Luckily my…
I've ordered a bunch of stuff to make a photobioreactor (don't get spooked, it's just a sealed environment for nurturing algae) for growing spirulina. I want to go on a low calorie algae diet for a month in the spring. I've tried raw spirulina in the past and really like it. I bought enough stuff to make two. I was…
No spot here!!!!!
Hello my friends. I wrote a couple weeks ago about a .7 cm spot on my liver that appeared on my recent CT scan. I was stage 3 colon cancer; 4/08 with 1 positive node out of 18. Well I had a series of bloodwork that was good. Doctor started to have me wait 6 months to see if the spot would grow any; and then he would make a…
The Spirituality, Prayer, and Meditation thread
Not to be too "me-like" but I can't look the other way forever. There is a place that has been set aside for this type of post over in the Spirituality, Prayer, and Meditation thread. I totally understand that prayer for many, is a part of the support. That is why there is a section just for that. I know this is not a…
Life News
My husband is a HUGE sports fan (Horse racing, Redskins, LA Angels & Wash Caps), so for Christmas I got two VIP Tickets to the first Wash Caps Care Casino Night which took place on Sunday, 24 Jan. We got a room at the Hilton Hotel where the activities were taking place and got a chance to get all dressed up (cocktail…
Craig is a frigging train wreck!
I saw your video. You must have won the lottery in a past life! Now things are catching up with you.
Another Subject Needs Answers.... When does Chemo Stop??? Ever???
I am kinda confused. I went NED Dec 1st. Totally estatic. I thought chemo would end and My life would go back to as normal as possible. What I didn't expect is for my Onc. to tell me I would NEVER be chemo free. That I am stage IV and I have to realize I have a chronic illness like diabetis... no cure...only treatment. He…