Reading Room: Mason Researchers Launch Innovative Clinical Trial for Colorectal Cancer
My son graduated from George Mason and I always considered it an excellent university for learning. http://news.gmu.edu/articles/1477
Shout out to all California Semis!
I have just been reading the weather forecasts...please, please be careful...a double whammy...El Nino and the Pineapple effect...one guy from Cal State Fullerton said likely to get a whole season's worth of rain in the next 5-10 days... Please take care and watch the forecast in your area before you venture out!!! Hugs…
Scan Results
Well, I got my can results faxed to me. My liver looks great with just the tumors that have been there - no growth. My lungs however....the new spot we found in September has grown (6mm) and the one we've been watching for 2 1/2 years has grown from 3mm to 8mm. My pulmonary embolism has now been diagnosed as chronic. Also,…
wrong about ct results
First of all thank you so much for greeting my wife Carrie to this site. She is and always will be my rock, I don't know what I would do without her. I posted the other day that my ct scans came back good, Well thats what my Onc, nurse told me on the phone. Today I went to see my Onc. to find out what approuch we were…
report from onc
I am still cancer free and all my blood work came back good . I will see him once a month instead of every three weeks . He wants me to stay on chemo until April and I said fine. I had a 50/50 chance of beating this back in July and I have beaten the odds Praise the Lord. Don't ever give up hope.Party time....
On the way to the Hospital
As i was driving to the hospital this morning for anther colonoscopy, it was 5:30am and dark and raining, my eadlights were on but i was missing one , i was a padiddle, innocently walking in front of my car was.... a skunk and i masacured him, my whole interior of my car smelling like skunk. What gets skunk off of car?…
Hello Emily, I saw your post today + I felt I wanted to let you know that I think your presence on this board has a huge impact + I truly appreciate it when you post. Let me try to explain how I think you have made a huge difference. First, you don't have to be here, your treatment has ended successfully + you could easily…
Thanks for your reply on CPT 11..Now I am not dreeding it as much knowing that it won't be as bad as the first time...I wrote down what you had so I can ask my doc too...Thanks JULIE P.S. How did u make out at the docs????
I posted please read
I just posted a long post on expressions about emotions and I hope my story gets thru, to all of you that I understand the roller coaster ride, the emotional, physical, psychological, and all the words here everyone festers to place on the board to help them find their piece of mind on the One hell of a roller coaster…
Woven with love
I started my day much like most, cup of coffee, emails and check in on my CSN family. I read Roger's comment about having followed the postings for awhile and his decision to contribute a post expressing his feelings about this board. It struck me that there may be many who have found the board but have not found their…
now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the lord my soul to keep if I should die before I wake I pray the Lord my soul to take. This has been a very hard time for all of us and death is never pretty we can hold the thoughts of those that has passed on into the gates of heaven before us and remember their smiles and kind words they left behind we can pray…
Where is the BEST Clinic/Hospital for Stage IV Colon Cancer with liver mets?
Any advice on what center(s) offer the best and most aggressive treamtent for Stage IV colon cancer with liver mets? Spoke to someon at Cancer Treatment Centers of America yesterday but I want to make sure we get our 2nd opinion from the absolute best.
Friday Riddle
No googling or searching the internet allowed. We all must use our brains whether if be filled with chemo or not :) RIDDLE: never was, am always to be, No one ever saw me, nor ever will And yet I am the confidence of all To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball
Kimby: Scan on Wednesday and wants prayer
Please pray for good reports for our precious Kimby. She has a scan this Wednesday. Kimby still tires easily but is doing much better! :oD Here's a quote from her email. I think you'll like it. "Comedy is the main weapon we have against "The Horror". With it we can strike a blow at death itself. Or, at least, poke a hole…
Friday Thought of the Day
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. - Mark Twain
It's here! Much anticipated scientific test for Stage II and III patients
Announced today, Jan. 21... If you've been reading about this test since May 2009, when it was first presented to the American Association of Oncologists and was promised to be available in early 2010, it's finally here! Now how long will it take the NIH Comprehensive Cancer Centers, or any oncologists for that matter, to…
count down to surgery
I will be having surgery monday to remove my primary tumor and if possible reconnection to my remaining retum, there is a chance i will have a perm. colosmy(mispelled, i can't spell anything lately). I will have a temp iliotomy if the surgery comes out ok, You all send your prayers and good thoughts my way, and any stories…
Chemo parties
It looks like I am going to get a break from chemo parties after the one I am currently having. I get scanned again the first week of February and if all is still clear the doc is going to stop my chemo treatments, unless he changes his freakin` mind again. I `ve already had more than the standard amount. I pray my scan…
Hi guys and gals
I am sort of kind of back. My surgeon says things went great. My cervical fusions went well. My body was trying to make the fusions on its on. So that had to be cut and dug out and replace with new bone fragments and I have metal plates and screws in my neck. No loss of motion. fusion was on 4 and 5 6 and 7 vertebrae. My…
Does anyone take Royal Jelly or Melatonin
I know i have to clear it with my Oncologist but I ordered some vitamins from a show I watched "Dr. Beckkers Bionutrients" and a lady who was going through chemo called in and spoke of her tiredness. He suggested she take the melatonin tablet in order to sleep well and royal jelly 3.5:1 concentrate to boost the immune…
Questions asked at pre-op have you>>>
When do you discuss mary jane? Its always asked and i always say no, but thats not true so is it really relivent and does one need to say yes before surgery, its not like i am doing it now? what do you all think winney
ct scan news
I don't post often but read the boards regularly and I know this month has been hard on everyone. I just wanted to tell everyone that my last ct scan showed that the tumors continue to shrink and nothing new showed up. I was a little reluctant to post because I know how sad everyone has been.I pray daily for all the people…
no surgery?
Hi, as most of you may know my siser has stage 4 with mets to liver and possibly the lungs. She was initally treated at Sloan and they are saying surgery is not an option at this point. 2nd opinion also said no surgery. 3rd opnion in Maryland said surgery is an option if a lung biopsy comes back as non cancerous. SHe has…
New here and New to Cancer
Hi all. I am 62 yr old female with rectal cancer. I got the “95% sure it is cancer” diagnosis the week before Christmas, and the 100% positive biopsy results just a week ago. Will find out CT scan results next Monday. Those results will determine if I need to make any decisions on surgery, chemo, and radiation. Right now…
Our friend Buzzard said he hasn't had a good day and it's getting worse. I'm going to give him a big ♥ and a {{{Buzzard}}}
Can PET scan show less than 1 cm?
So my ct scan showed mets to both lungs but they are all less than 1 cm. My onc said that he really didn't think a pet scan would show much more information as pet scans do not pick up anything less than 1 cm. What do you all think? I see him on Friday to start new treatment. Had a new port put in today. I'm still sore.…
I know I haven't updated everyone on Michael's condition but I've been a bit overwhelmed with everything that is happening. I had hospice come and they are going to have a nurse come twice a week to check on us. It's hard for me to decide how much to share about what is happening with Michael. His decline has been very…
Help me make sense of this please
I shared with you that last week I had a Ct scan that showed a spot on my liver about .7cm. I was diagnosed in 4/08 stage 3 with 1 positive node, surgery and 7 months of chemo. The oncologist ordered a pet scan; said if scan is denied, that he wants me to wait 1 month to see if the spot grows. He said only after growth can…
Shayenne's drs. appt.?
Did I miss her posting about the results of that visit? I've been watching but the board was down last night when I tried to log on and didn't get back to it. Just wondering and hoping that things are good for her. If I missed it, sorry Donna. Just concerned about you. Sandy
back home and ready to dance
good morning semi's, thank you all for your prayers and thoughs while i was in the hospital. i am finally back home and feeling okay. the cancer wasn't there, like the dr's told me only a precaution. it was alittle more involved because of my prior surgery. so i need to lose weight so i don't have to deal with more hernia…