Liver Pre-op Question
Hi, I am wondering what happens during "pre-op" of liver surgery. My sister is scheduled for liver surgery on 2/4, but has pre-op 2/3. Her PET did show "uptake" in the peritoneal area, but the tumor board gave the green light. Is there a chance they would say no after pre-op? This has happened once before, but it was pre…
Degradation of joints ? anyone have any dealing or knowledge of this
It seems that since chemo has ended my joints seem to be degrading to not severe but close to it pain and stiffness. Every joint I have is sore and stiff and seems to be getting worse by the week. Is it that I am so sedentary that I am folding ? I don't feel like exercising because of being so sore. especially in my knees…
Raise CRC awareness with an ad or video and WIN!
Raise CRC awareness with an ad or video and win! Your print or video public service announcement to raise awareness of colorectal cancer and its prevention could be a winner. The Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada will award $2,500 for the best video and $1,000 for the best print ad that reduces colorectal cancer by…
Anyone heard from Sonia32 lately?
Has anyone heard from or about Sonia32 lately? I'm worried about her. We used to exchange PM's and emails and she hasn't answered any lately. I know that last time I talked w/ her, she had separated from her husband and was living (I think) with her father. She had been dealing with depression and was working on changing…
Does everyone feel comfortable with caregivers here?
I have recently joined after lurking for a couple of months and the information, spirit, and courage of this group is so heartwarming. I am just learning to use the website and prior to today did not even realize that there was a special section for caregivers .... is it acceptable for me to post questions here on behalf…
Hope for newbies
I haven't posted for ages but this board was a lifeline when I was first diagnosed in February 2007. I've just had the results of my annual scan: ALL CLEAR! Such a relief ... I don't think much about cancer these days but once a year, when I have a scan, the Great Fear grips me once again ... After surgery I was told that,…
Shoulder pain
When I was in the outpatient facility last week I met one of my CC friends who had an HAI pump implanted the same time as my liver surgery (Feb 2009). He had a sling on his arm and over his shoulder. I asked him what happened and he said that he had had pain in his shoulder and it turned out that the rotator cuff was…
made it through open surgey at Cleveland clinic!
Had open surgery done on Monday..opened me up from just below the sternum to the pelvic bone....took the tumor that was in my rectum and took out some lymph nodes in the upper pelvic area....Chemo to follow..this clinic is amazing to say the least. please take time to check out their colorectal unit..it is top notch!! Im…
In a state of what to do
Sorry to bother you - but I am in a state of what to do.....and I just need another shoulder...not sure what rock to pick up and move and carry with me......(must be a rock theme today - just 4Brooks - love your rock painting idea) While on radiation - and Xeloda - I began to have the foot tingles - on both feet....doesn't…
Kimby Can We Talk
Thanks for your supportive message. Can I ask a few questions about your treatment? You can reach me at steven.rushbrook@aig.com Steve2010
New to forum
Hi everyone. My name is Pat and I am a new member. I actually found this site as I was googling "nose-bleeds + chemo". Glad it brought me over to your forum as I see that nosebleeds are common with chemo. I have been reading lots of the threads and many of them have been helpful to me.Thanks! I had surgery in October,…
little worried
Going in for pet scan this month. Stopped chemo in Nov. Been feeling great until the past week. I'll be feeling fine one minute then this really bad feeling (physical) will come over my body. Kinda starting in my stomach and almost like nausea but not. Hard to explain, but just a terrible feeling. I know its not alot to go…
Happy Birthday to all the February babies !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nanab (06 Feb) Shayenne (17 Feb) Karguy (28 Feb) If you would like to join the Birthday list, please provide me with the following info: Birthday date including year Date of DX and if NED, date please
Cancer clinical trials at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda - No cost
Cancer clinical trials at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda The National Cancer Institute Center for Cancer Research in Bethesda, MD, just outside of Washington D.C., conducts cancer clinical trials, including trials for colon and rectal cancer. There is no cost to participate in a clinical trial at the NIH…
Thank you to all female readers & posters
Just wanted to say thank you for your stories, recommendations, opinions and comments on my current female condition. It is great to have know I have a friends I can turn to for support.
As I sit on the sideline watching this debate.........
I think about everything I have talked about in here with others. We have talked about penis',vagina's, anal boils, farts, puking, castration, poop, peanuts, stool softener, catheters, colonoscopies, ostomies, life, death, and have done it as the drop of a hat, with little or the slightest whim of an ughh, nasty, yuck .…
To John 23 and the rest of the people on what was once a board filled with support and caring and has now become a forum for the left and right to do cyber battle: I have been a dedicated member of this board since 2002. I have supported complete strangers through their worst times, shared their victories over cancer, and…
Need Experiences of Stage 4 Recurring Cancer with Mets to Liver and Lung
Scans and tests this week
UGH! I am in Houston at MD Anderson for my quarterly scans and test. PLEASE keep me in your prayers and thoughts that everything is clear and I am still NED!! Thank you all! Linda
Bloody Nose Getting Worse!!!
Man.....I seem to have all this little stuff creeping up on me. I hope ya'll don't think I'm a whiney baby. I just know at least ONE of you guys have an answer or opinion about my questions.....and those are priceless!!! I have had nosebleeds since chemo started. Always mild...off and on. NOW..... my nose bleeds nonstop.…
I just wanted to share my experience on this board. My husband was dx'd with stage 4 rectal cancer. He seemed to be perfectly healthy but a colonoscopy revealed that was not true. I was completely devasted, we have a son who was 12, he needs his Dad. The onc. gave us a book and it had little hope once the cancer had…
Out of hospital
Hey just got out of the hospital..I feel somewhat better now...I was severly dehydrated and my potassium level was very low. Plus I have be dry heaving non stop for days..So I was in the hospital for 3 days.. This chemo treatment is really kicking my butt!!! I am on Camptosar and I am having terrible side effects from…
NED victory trip
I am considering taking my wife and kids on a trip somewhere sunny to celebrate NED. Please share your thoughts and history with trips of this sort. I am uncertain where we will go, but it seems very important to celebrate the moment. Thanks for any input. Mike
Surgery tomorrow
I know that there's a lot going on for everyone, but I'm having HIPEC combined with cytoreduction and a liver resection tomorrow. I would very sincerely appreciate any kind thought, good vibe or prayer you'd take a moment for. I do feel sheepish asking this in light of the horrible losses that have been sufferred recently…
Friday Riddle Answer
Alot of GREAT guesses this week :) RIDDLE: What starts at red and stops at green? ANSWER: A WATERMELON!!!
Anybody in the Albuquerque area?
Hey all We've done something crazy! In the middle of my hubby's chemo for stage 3b, we've decided to pack our bags and leave kansas city, mo and move to ABQ area. We just bought our first home, in Rio Rancho, and I am wondering if there are any ABQ people out there and more specifically, if anyone's gone to the New Mexico…
I heard from Lizbiz and Phoebe
I heard from Phoebe and she moving along one day at a time after taking care of all the matters that must be attened to after someone passes. She returned to work last Thursday but, as she put it, the thought makes her sick to her stomach. She said she must endure and take one day at a time even though she is totally…
Sorry.... Gross Question..... But I Need To Know.....
ok.... I really need to know if any of you have experienced this..... Oh gosh.... OK..here goes..... maaaaaan.... ok. Does anyone ever get sores or boils or anything of that nature near your anus..ON your anus???? Sorry so gross... but need to know. Thank you Jennie
colon cancer awareness day march 5th
March 5th is dress in blue day we need to ban together and dress in blue this is our day so lets all do it....
An Open Letter...
An Open Letter... My husband is 92 years old and was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer in 2006. He has had four surgeries (three of them major surgeries) in 3 years. He is now fighting a serious surgical complication, an enterocutaneous fistula, and has been hospitalized four times since November 23, 2009. Life is…