My CT Scans....
WoW....Well I am so humbled by all your posts to me wishing me luck and being prayers, you all bring me up when I'm feeling down, and know that I pray for each and everyone of you every day and night! My appointment with the onc was pretty much the same, except my tumors are still shrinking! Though my liver has too much…
lisa 42
Hi everybody.I don't wont to bodering just want to ask Lisa how can I pm her about Dr.Cantrell's treatment.Wife have recurrence on her lungs and I want to ask about some details.Thanks
Well where do I start.....
I got to Madison, and yes... froze my butt off!! :-} I met all the folks at corporate, overall a good visit with them, and finally met with my long distance supervisor of two months who took over our area from a co worker...and **** hit the fan! I had my performance review and it was not good (I was effective, but)..... ,…
Where do I begin?
Hi, everyone; a good Friday and good weekend to you all, and you-all know what that means in our world! I am a newbie/oldie who has been lurking for days now. You seem to be, not what the doctor ordered but what I need: a caring, supportive and knowledgeable community of individuals who, like me, had a dx (I'm learning…
JohnSFO Update
We haven't been posting much on the board lately and so I thought it time to give an update and explanation. Unfortunately, 2010 isn't really off to a good start for us either. By tomorrow, Friday, 1/22, John will have had 15 appointments or procedures so far this month, including one trip to the ER while we were…
FOUR deaths here in less than one month
Brant, Michael and Mike49. Also, Fringetree's Daddy. This is just heartbreaking to me. I'm overwhelmed.
I just posted a long post on expressions about emotions and I hope my story gets thru, to all of you that I understand the roller coaster ride, the emotional, physical, psychological, and all the words here everyone festers to place on the board to help them find their piece of mind on the One hell of a roller coaster…
Think I just need a hug
I will be honest, I am feeling blue. I know I can come here and get my spirits lifted back up. So I am. I went today for my surgical consult regarding a liver resection for my anal cancer metastases. I was anxious to meet the surgeon, Dr. Malafa, Head of Tumor Surgery, Moffitt/Tampa. I really liked him. I will give you a…
snommintj, your opinion
Hello John, What do you think about the cancer treatment with phenergan: http://www.energygrid.com/health/phenergan-cancer/ http://www.health-science-spirit.com/phenergan.html Thanks and Best wishes to every body Steven
2nd opinions dana faber, boston, ma
hello, im just wondering if there's anyone out there that has been to dana faber in boston, ma. i am going for a 2nd opinion next week. i live in nh & was told boston has more cutting edge tx. looking for any input, if you've been. diagnosed last feb w/ stage 4 colon cancer, currently undergoing chemo last ct scan wasnt…
ASCO meeting 1/22-1/24
Hello, here is a link summarizing some of the topics discussed at the conference in Florida this weekend. Some interesting and hopeful information http://www.medpagetoday.com/mtgnbscat.cfm?sCat=23&selSub=335
Gross colostomy question
Like many people, my colostomy is a "loop colostomy." My bypassed rectum is still fully functioning and requires a "traditional style" poop from time to time. It's usually just mucus, but yesterday I pooped out what looked like two flattened black beans. Totally gross. I laughed like crazy, but it also kind of freaked me…
Happy Birthday Leslie (lesvanb)
Happy Birthday Leslie. 58 ??? Are you sure ? I'll be 57 in April (I feel like I'm 87). You have a great day lady. John & Paula (Your friends in Utah)
Colon Palozza 2010
Does anyone have any information on Colon Palooza 2010 ?? When, where, agenda, etc. John
Cancer and Diet: The Cancer Project Recipe Archive
There was a bit of a interest expressed on the thread "2behealed" in setting up a common category heading for posts on this board that relate to cancer and diet, the rationale being that it would be easier for people to find diet recipes, articles, etc. with a common search term. Our section "The Reading Room" has worked…
I'm Baackkk...
Hi all, I want to thank all of you for your warm thoughts, prayers and cards over the last several months. You have blessed me in ways you will never know. It seems on my lowest days I'd receive a card, a phone call or an email from someone on this board. It is a wonderful thing. I'm not sure what information you got…
Prayer (or good thought) request
I would like to ask that all of you who pray will say prayers for my sister. She has been severe pain in her breast. Two doctors examined her and didn't feel a lump. She is scheduled to have a mammogram on Monday. I know that breast cancer seldom presents itself with pain, but I do worry about this. I know that since I've…
Time for something (not so) serious
How to Poop at Work We've all been there but don't like to admit it. We've all kicked back in our cubicles and suddenly felt something brewing down below. As much as we try to convince ourselves otherwise, the WORK POOP is inevitable. For those who hate pooping at work, following is the Survival Guide for taking a dump at…
3 year colonscopy
Well I got my 3 year colonscopy today and it was all good. another small step but glad of the results. Chip
I lost my dad, Ron, one month ago today. I haven't been able to talk about it because I can't seem to verbalize what this experience has been, and I certainly can't put into words what kind of human being he was. Believe me, I have tried and failed, but I will try again. He was sweet, funny, smart, and tough. He was…
dianetavegia, question
Hello Diane, If you don't mind please tell us what you are exactly taking to prevent the possible recurrence. Vitamins, supplements, etc. in what daily quantity and what when during the day? Thank you and wishing all the best to everybody, Steven
Clinical trial for neuropathy
I received a newsletter today from www.fightcolorectalcancer.org and one of the articles mentioned a trial for neuropathy. Has anyone heard of this or tried it?
More bad news
Ok, I went to see my uroligist today and had a test done on my Kidneys, They called me later today with my results. He said that 1 kidney was at 80% and the other was at 20%.My choices are 1. let it go and the bad kidney will die 2. Try and insert a tube in my ureter 3. This is the one they want to do, Cut 2 holoes in my…
No chemo today - frustration.
Since my daughter has been sick, my husband took the day off to drive me to chemo. But, no chemo. My oncologist said he was still studying what the pharmacist sent him, and waiting on the results of my stress echocardiogram which was yesterday afternoon, before making a decision. Then he wanted to talk with me again about…
G'day all, In light of the terrible week we have experienced with our extended family I thought a note of encouragement might be in order. I was origanally dx with what my surgeon descibed as a frightfully aggressive tumour of the transverse and descending colon. It was not overly large but in a short time it had invaded…
I'm still stage 4, cancer is basically stable. CEA has doubled since june but hasn't changed in a few months. My latest CEA was 125, but it has been 5000+ before so I'm not sweating a 125.
Need Prayers not for me but my MOM
Hi, I had my port removed yesterday and it is a great feeling. However, Ineed the power of prayer from all of you. MY mom had heart bypass surgery last Septemeber and her wound just keeps getting infected. As of last night, they had to goinand remove her sternum as the bone was so infected. This is not good, she is…
Newbie need colon stage 1 opinions
Hi, I am seeking information, opinions, etc for a friend who's 50 year old son was diagnosed with stage 1 colon cancer. He underwent chemotherapy and then had surgery. He has a temporary colostomy. They are at the point of reversing the colostomy. The doctor wants him to have 6 months of chemotherapy following this…
1st post
Hey Folks, This is my first post this board. My wife found you guys after I was diagnosed with Stage IV rectal cancer in July '09. I've been reading everyone's comments for a few months. The info, love and support that flows on this board has meant a lot to me. I'm not sure why it took me so long to join, but it became…
♫ ♪ ♫ Happy Birthday Dear Kimby ♫ ♪ ♫
♥ ♥ ♥ Happy Birthday Kimby (Jan. 23rd/ Saturday) I'm going to a Women's Conference at our church tonight and most of tomorrow and didn't want to forget to wish you a very Happy Day. Love, Diane