Liver Surgery Update-Please give me advice
My sister was scheduled for liver surgery today. Everything during pre-op went as planned and we were hopeful this was one step closer to NED. She went in at 7:30 today and what they found was that the cancer had spread throughout her abdomen and that the tumors were all over her liver (even tho they did not light up on…
coming back slowly
Hi everyone I am finially back home from the hospital for good now I hope. Carrie and I have been in and out of them and back and fourth from the Dr. visits the whole month of Janurary. I now have both of my kidneys working good and have a couple of extra riders hanging on for awhile also. I tried having them put the tubes…
My Rocks... Who would have thunk??
A new Cancer center in New Orleans may want to show my rocks and do a small story on me. My brothers GF runs a chemo floor there and I sent her one of my "Cancer Worrior" rocks for her desk. Well, her boos seen it then she called her boos who's like the head of the hospital. They all then looked ...at the rocks I have…
Again, Something to Ponder...........besides cancer......
There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She told her boyfriend, 'If I could only see the world, I would marry you.' One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages came off, she was able to see…
Friday Riddle
Remember NO GOOGLING or SEARCHING the Internet allowed. GOOD LUCK !! I cannot be felt, seen or touched; Yet I can be found in everybody; My existence is always in debate; Yet I have my own style of music. What Am I?
Friday Thought of the Day
“Imagination rules the world.” ~ Napoleon Bonaparte
Oxi is the Devil...
There... rant over. :o )
Juicing versus eating veggies and fruits????
I eat fresh fruit and drink a huge glass of OJ for breakfast, afternoon snack and after supper snack. I eat fresh veggies for lunch and several veggies for supper. Way more than the MDR. Raisins, grapes, bananas, different types of red, green and golden apples, peaches, pears, strawberries, blueberries, black berries,…
kombucha tea for health
Has anyone tried kombucha tea? What about fasting? Do these antidotes help with someone fighting colorectal cancer? I've been taking a probotic powder that I got from my dr and that seems to help. My husbands gastro dr said to take Kefir ( in the yogart section of whole foods or trader joes) and mix it with DanActive…
Michael Bell (Mike 49)
Michael Lawrence Bell, 50 Michael Lawrence Bell died on January 18, 2010, at his home in Gilbert, AZ, following a courageous battle with colon cancer. Mike was born September 10, 1959 in Phoenix, AZ to Alan and Imogene Bell. He served in the United States Army from 1976 to 1979 and was a life member of the Disabled…
Update on CEA
Just got an update from my oncologist. My CEA went from 5.3 on January 18 to 6.1 on February 1. He told me to not start to worry, yet. How can I help worrying? My CEA has been in the 3's since my surgery last January. Debbie in Arkansas
Question about K-RAS
Can someone tell me exactly what the K-RAS is? I just read through some of my medical records and it says I am negative for this. Is that good or bad?
To Be Hopeful in Bad Times
I came across this quote by the late Howard Zinn, and although taken out of context (and slightly paraphrased) it seemed apt for what we're all going through on this cancer journey. “To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history of compassion, sacrifice,…
Posted some more of my rocks
Everybody's been asking so I posted some more of my rocks on my "expressions page". Have a look and tell me what you think. Life is funny sometimes Brooks
Anyone familiar w/ the Gerson Institute or other nutritional cancer treatments?
Hi, Talking about alternative/nutritional treatments here... anyone familiar with the Gerson Institute?- it's in San Diego, but there's a bigger clinic in Mexico, as well. A woman from my church had breast cancer several years ago, never took chemo or had the recommended lumpectomy. She went down to the Gerson Institute in…
Calling all female readers and posters...........
This is not cancer related, but want to know if any of the female gender has or is going through what I am and to see what your doctor(s) recommended. I started my period late in life (16 or 17 yrs) and was good to go for many years. After having my son and few years later I started to have irregular periods and spotting…
HELLO from cabo, quick question
Can I get a lymthathic massage???? Is that bad for me???? A Hrebal wrap?
Stage III & IV Survivor call !!
Hi !!! I'm starting a journal....and I tried to go back to get this info, but is taking me 4 ever !!! Could you reply just telling us how long have you been NED ? ( just the years..) Besides, is always good to re write this info so the newbies know all about us ..... Thanks,thanks, thanks
juicing question
How long is it ok to keep my juicer juice in the fridge before it goes bad/losses nutritional value.
Took the plunge..
Well I finally tood the juicing plunge. I did some research and finally decided on what type of juicer I wanted to get, and ordered it on Sunday and when I got home from work, it was sitting on my front porch. So excited!! I have had a recurrence in my liver, and I was devastated. I am back on treatment, and will be having…
Well isn't that curious?
Doctors appointments all day today. Still in the indecisive stage of whether or not the liver resection can occur on Friday. So all the pre-op stuff was necessary so I wouldn't lose my spot on the schedule. Consult with the surgeon tomorrow will answer the question. I had a MRI last Friday and a CT today. At the onc.…
Scan Saturday
:)Keep me in your thots and prayers my CEA is 1.9-2.2 and never got higher then 64(pre surgery)
ct results--update!!!
I went for results of Ct scan yesterday, and they found out why I am in such pain. The radiation has inflamed my bile duct. They siad this happens in 1/2 of 1 %. Just my luck. The tumor has shrunk already though significantly in just a month. They want to do the left side but need to wait til the bile duct is not pissed…
I am NED! Yes. Hooray!
I went to the onc today and he said no cancer. I will return in 2 months for another lab check. I am so happy. Thanks for all of your good thoughts and wishes!
blood work
Hi, everyone, hope everyone is having a good day. I do have a few questions, hopefully you can help. My husband's first and last CEA was on Nov. 17th, how often is the test repeated? He had to go for blood work today for his coumadin level and also his A1C1 test for diabetes, his family doctor also orderd a CBC w/diff. I…
A funny from another board....
This was just too funny not to share! Enjoy! After I retired, my wife insisted that I accompany her on her trips. Unfortunately, like most men, I found shopping boring and preferred to get in and get out. Equally unfortunate, my wife is like most women – she loves to browse. Yesterday my dear wife received the following…
No radiation yipee
We got a call from the Radiology Oncologist and she said she presented my case and pathology slides to the the tumor board. There recommendation was no radiation. The tumor was too high and the stuff that was removed more than took care of what was out there. Oh happy day! Now just 5 more folfox treatments to go. I also…
Colostomy 101...remember rule #1
I forgot rule number 1 from my colostomy training.... 1. NEVER multi-task when changing your bag/wafer...especially on chemo day OUTCOME - you are tired and chemo brain sets in- and when you need to take a long nap after changing your wafer and bag before the nap MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE THE BOTTOM OF THE BAG... oopse...guess…
Extreme Make Over
Watched the show and cried like a baby that was one of the best ones I have seen. she has the courage to fight the hard fight but more importantly she was the voice of all of us in the battle I am so glad I watched hope all of you did too. Louann
Had Sir Spheres procedure on Wed.
Went in at 7am, sir spheres procedure around 9:30. Two hours in and 4 hr. recovery. I have to say that when they administered the sir spheres I did feel it and it was very painful. I was told it took a lot of pain meds. and versed to knock me out. I know as soon as I felt the pain and started yelling I was knocked out…