Anyone heard of physiatry? UPDATED
NOT psychiatry, altho I am sure I need that as well. Since my not-so-great visits with the GP, this is the specialist they think I should see. Apparently they deal with chronic conditions relating to illness or injury. So I'm just curious if anyone has had any experience with this field of medicine.
Update on my sister
My sister was diagnosed in Dec with stage 4 colon cancer spread to her liver. She went through chemo for 3 months then had surgery on her liver and her colon. She has not been able to get over her surgery. She has been very nausea and not able to eat and her wound has not healed. They have put a wound vac on her and put a…
Stage 4 colon ca with mestastasis
My fiancé has just been diagnosed has has surgery for colostomy and chemo port I am so scared have searched till my eyes hurt does anyone know if there is anything short of a miracle out there for him his ca has gone to just about every other organ he is only 50 he still has a lot of living to do I've been off work for…
My Husband's results!
Wow! I walked in with my husband to his appt. this morning with a heavy heart. I was trying to be calm for my husband but I was terrified - after all the doctor who did his colonoscopy said it might be benign but either way it had to come out and then started talking about how he might need radiation or chemo or both and…
Alkaline Diet Success?
Good morning; I was curious if anyone has had any success with the alkaline diet? If you haven't heard of this, in a nutshell, the idea behind it is that cancer thrives in a highly acidic body. The alkaline diet supposedly reduces the acid. Things like kale, lemon and lime water, celery, onions, spinach and on and on are…
All CSN members are invited!
It’s finally happening! We are happy to announce that as early as tonight, a new Chat application is being launched on CSN. It is NOT Java-based and it DOES support members using mobile devices. To access chat, you must be a CSN member and logged on. Once logged on, all you have to do is click chat in your left navigation…
Hello, I'm 33 and had a radical nephrectomy in January 2013 for Kidney Cancer.. since then my scans have been ok! I have had bright red blood on the toilet tissue a few times recently. Not a lot, but enough to freak me out after all that has just happened? I guess I should get a colonoscopy? That makes me nervous! Can…
Memorial Day Weekend Plans? Anyone? Anyone?
This weekend I am vegging. I am going to sit in the sun (wearing a hat, lesson learned), do some light gardening, sip on some iced tea and just veg. Might even throw in a nap or two.
Hey Mimi . .Are Lucy and Harper here??
Positive CT scan results:Update
If you all remember when I had my recurrence back in February there was a total of 7 lesions, 5 on the chestwall and 2 next to each other in my liver. The scan last week showed that 3 of the chestwall tumors are gone, 1 is the same size, and 1 has shrunk to half its origonal size. The liver only shows the on larger tumor…
Feeling calmer!
Hi everyone, Well, at last I'm feeling calmer about the fact that they think my husband has colon cancer. His CT scan is next Wed and on Friday we meet with the surgeon. You'd think I'd be used to extreme circumstnnces because of my husband's multiple serious medical issues over the years leading to open heart surgery,…
Anyone with nausea symptoms after surgery
My sister who is 53 had colon and liver resection surgery April 15. She has been so sick throwing up ever since. They have inserted a feeding tube until her wound could heal. Said she wasn't getting enough of nutrients to heal the wound. She continues to be really sick and can't eat so went to the ER last night. They did a…
Haven't heard from Smokeyjoe so I contacted her husband.
Hi everyone, I was trying to give Leena a chance to come on the boards or Facebook thinking she might be taking a break. When a few months went by, I decided to reach out to her husband. I have been given permission to share the following message: "Unfortunately Leena is not doing well - she went in to the hospital in…
Not eligible for clinical trials, looking for other options - conventional or alternative
Have done: FOLFOX + Avastin (until Allergic reaction) 5FU + Avastin (until CEA made a big jump) FOLFOX + Avastin with desensitization (until platelets wouldn't come back up after holding treatments for a while and tumors started growing) Irinotecan @ reduced dose due to gilbert's syndrome + Erbitux (until new metastasis…
FLOX Anyone?
Has anyone on this board been treated with FLOX.? Mom's colon cancer has advanced to the point of no return and her last two options are redoing Folfiri or FLOX. Thanks and Huggies, Nellie
Freaking out!
Hi there, Wow - I'm pretty scared right now. Four years ago my husband had some benign polyps in his colon. He was told to come back in 3 years for a follow-up. He had to wait 4 years because he had stents put in and was not allowed to come off the blood-thinner for one year. So he had his follow-up colonoscopy last…
Just saying Hi
Hi everyone, it as been a long time, since I posted. But my prayers for all of you have been ongoing.My Larry will have been gone 1 year one the 16th. It's been a long hard year. But I am finally rejoining the world. Nice to see so many of you and heartbreaking to find out so many are gone. I am still hanging on, June 17th…
What a month
I've been in the hospital three times in past 30 days counting today's getting out, exactly 30 days from first visit on 15th of April. It's been decided I have intermittent bowel obstruction, trust me, you don't want this, only thing that touches the pain is dilalud. So far I've lost 8 pounds (not bad after losing 14…
Break from Chemo
They gave my husband a break from chemo yesterday due to his 6 day hospitalization last week and leaving with c-diff (the gift that keeps on giving). He will get back on his regular cycle June 4th. Oncologist yesterday said he was very happy with the lymph node shrinkage on his last scan so he encouraged a break to get…
Sad man rambling
I just re-read several of my emails on CSN. I really didn't email many people directly. The two I most often communicated with were joemetz and tachilders. They were both my age and geographically close to where I live. They both had larger families like myself. We were hoping to meet f2f (as I read in our emails). Both…
where's my Mommy?
It's Mother's Day today...and I'm so sad...this isn't how it's supposed to be. Each night I put my head to my pillow I try to tell myself I'm strong because I've gone one more day without my Mom....and today I just sit and wonder...why? There are moments in our life when we look back to the past, look ahead of the future,…
The Results are In
After the MRIs and CT were complete on Friday, we celebrated being one step closer to finding out what was happening within my husband's body. On Saturday morning, we found out that the CT scan said that nothing had spread -- not Stage IV. We celebrated again. Yesterday, we found out that he's Stage IIIb. While we still…
Hi Everyone! How long does it take for biopsies to come back? Last Weds I had 7! My GI said they all looked suspicious ... but I haven't heard a thing. How long did it take for you? Thanks!
Joemetz has passed away
Joe passed away today. I got to meet this man in person at his place of business in Toledo, Ohio. He was just as go-getter, effusive and lovely a person as one would like to meet. He was a fighter, a giver of time, and I'll miss him dearly. My condolences to his wonderful family. Winter Marie
Lung Surgery Coming Up: How Bad Is It?
Hey Guys, I'm meeting my new surgeon Monday and will have lung surgery within the month. I've done tons of abdominal surgeries due to cancer and radiation enteritis...pretty painful stuff, but never had a lung surgery. How bad is it with recover time and pain? I really don't feel afraid at all after all that I've already…
Hi everyone, My wife was diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer (met to liver) over 3 years ago. She is now 43 and I am 41 and we have a 5 year old son. My wife went through colon/liver resection surgeries and a colostomy but the cancer immediately returned to her liver. This was soon after her diagnosis. Since, she has…
How Juicing Helped Me Absorb Nutrients and Less Bathroom Trips
You guys...If you have trouble absorbing nutrients because you've lost a lot of intestine and colon...or you go to the bathroom like a thousand times a day (I have issues with both); I started juicing a week ago and OMGosh...I already notice a huge difference in both areas. I have felt energetic, less dehydrated, and…
Why do bad things happen to good people?
I find my faith in God fading. People who are doing what they are supposed to do (being productive on life) are in so much pain. I am angry at God for failing them and my family.
Good news/Bad news
My husband ended up in the ED Saturday night with belly pain and vomiting. He'd had his 4th Folfiri last Wednesday and usually feels pretty wiped out on the weekend. They did a ct scan around 3 am and saw a bowel obstruction but when oncologist in group came up to his room yesterday am he said the lymph nodes were…
Big Day Tomorrow
It's been a crazy couple of weeks. My husband has had a colonscopy where they found a mass. Then, the pathology report confirming that it was cancer. I've been taking care of calls with the insurance company, schedulers, etc., so everything is in place for his tests tomorrow -- a CT scan and MRIs. He's got to the tests.…