My Husband's results!

Suemarie Member Posts: 28 Member


I walked in with my husband to his appt. this morning with a heavy heart. I was trying to be calm for my husband but I was terrified - after all the doctor who did his colonoscopy said it might be benign but either way it had to come out and then started talking about how he might need radiation or chemo or both and then the nurse told me privately that it is cancer and that the ct-scan will see if it's spread and that they 'can tell it's cancer by how it looks.'

The new doctor today told us that Ct scan showed NOTHING and that the biopsy results show NO cancer. His plan was to re-do the colonoscopy next Thursday to take a look. He wants to spare my husband any surgery if at all possible so he's hoping he can take it out or his colleague can and he'll do more biopsies.

Wow - I was happily stunned but the doctor cautioned us that it still can be cancer - that the base of the mass or tumor could still be cancerous and that it might be small and that's why it didn't show up on the ct scan. So it's still up in the air, but I think it's good  news that the biopsy was negative and that the ct scan didn't show any in his liver or lungs. Whew - what a week.

But next Thursday will at least be a second opinion.

Thanks for listening.



  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member
    Good News!

    We all need to hear good news.  Thanks for sharing Sue!   


    We are sending our thoughts and prayers for continued great news!


    Best Always,  mike

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Second opinion

    Will next weeks colonoscopy be done by the same GI Doctor? Maybe you'd want another one to do it (if possible). 

    The waiting game is stressfull and tiring. I hope you can find ways to de-stress and relax over this coming week, and then the time it takes to get the colonoscopy results.

    Thank you so much for keeping us informed. 

  • Suemarie
    Suemarie Member Posts: 28 Member
    Trubrit said:

    Second opinion

    Will next weeks colonoscopy be done by the same GI Doctor? Maybe you'd want another one to do it (if possible). 

    The waiting game is stressfull and tiring. I hope you can find ways to de-stress and relax over this coming week, and then the time it takes to get the colonoscopy results.

    Thank you so much for keeping us informed. 


    The colonoscopy next week is being done by a different doctor - the one we met today. I really liked him and he seemed to want to be in 'partnership' with us, asking us a few times if we were happy with his strategy. And of course we were. We'll at least get a second opinion about what is going on. But man, I'm tired. This has been 2 weeks of waiting, knowing the nurse told me it was in fact, cancer. Meanwhile, my husband is fine. LOL! He's not a worrier and takes things in his stride. Guess I worry for the both of us. :)

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    That sounds promising. Good for the results so far.  Let's hope next week's are as good :)


  • Suemarie
    Suemarie Member Posts: 28 Member


    That sounds promising. Good for the results so far.  Let's hope next week's are as good :)



    Thanks everyone. I just can't believe how exhausted I feel after going through 2 weeks having been told my husband's tumor was cancer, only to find out that so far, so good, the biopsies were clean and the ct scan showed nothing. I am so grateful for the news but I know that next week's colonoscopy might show otherwise but for now I'm happy and trying to get some sleep. Meanwhile my husband is still as calm as anything but then again, for the past 10 years he's had so many serious illnesses, I think he takes it in his stride. :)