chemo and teeth
Hey all, did chemo do a job on anyone else's teeth? Just had two extracted. Ow! Now dentist says possibly two more. I don't want to do the next two it hurts so much.
Of special interest for anyone who may have or know someone who has a colostomy
I found this remarkable article on Huffington Post about an aspiring, 23-year old model who has Crohn's disease and two colostomy bags: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/01/colostomy-bag-model-picture_n_5548863.html?&ncid=tweetlnkushpmg00000067 While this isn't a cancer patient, I know that several of you, like my mom,…
Not sure what's going on.
So, i'm not sure what is going on. as most of you know, my husband is at home and the oncologist has told him that he is dying - i have been taking care of him and working full time. Last night i was very angry, tired and frustrated. I was yelling at everyone including him and my dog. Both of them looked at me with such…
Should be out of Stanford by July 4th Whooo Hooooo UPDATE: OUT OF HOSPITAL
Ended up here Wednesday, (so had a full week home before returning) same stomach pains I had before surgery, they did CT Scan, had air in body where air isn't supposed to be, had an intestinal bowel ulcer (hole in intestine), low grade fever, high white cell count. Have been on antibiotics and pain killers since Wednesday…
Update on me
I want to thank True Brit for her interest. I have kept up on everybody and I really feel as you are my family. This has been a really bumpy ride over the last 5 years. I have had five surgeries and a million "it feels like it" hospital stays. I also suffer from epilepsy as well as hypercoagulation problems. I actually saw…
Great idea to meet when possible
I'm a Southern California girl. Im open to meet people in my area. I will try to give as much moral support as I can. I'm a patient at Kaiser Permanente. I've been very happy with their treatment. It's been a tougher day today. Round three Folfox day 4. Tired and a toothache! Still i feel blessed.
Post about my mom, 59 years old today
Hi everyone, It's been a long time since I've posted here myself, but I have been visiting this forum every day and following all of your stories. Even as I've often been too emotionally exhausted or afraid to jinx my mom to post much about her own progress, I've continued to come here to learn and to quietly share in the…
Mesach Taylor (actor) Passing
He passed of CRC this week. He co starred in the show Designing Women.
All The Small Things
For the first time since last August, I am finally allowed to polish my nails again. Purple! No particular reason other than it matches what I'm wearing for a function this evening. I remain amazed at how much it hurts to acknowledge all the things that are off-limits during chemotherapy and treatment. While individually…
Thinking of....
Kim/Anabelle41415 today as she goes in for her double proceedure. CammieS husband, and hoping all is going well with his chemo. Carrieh, hoping that she is recovering well from her lung wedge resection surgery she had on June 6th. Craig, of course. Just dealing with the pain and the pain and the pain. Wondering how…
Sharing a cancer article.
http://www.naturalcuresnotmedicine.com/2014/05/soon-censored-korean-scientists-successfully-kill-cancer-magnets.html I'm taking the papaya extract for my low platelets, let's see how it does. Good to hear it's good for killing cancer cells as well. I took Tumeric my first chemo round. I just reintroduced it. I eat lots of…
Results from today
My colonoscopy was clear and won't have to see him for another 3 years so that was awesome news but asked him him if I could do every two years and he said that insurance won't cover that but I said I have to pay for the first $7,000 deductible and he said most insurance won't cover it and I told him I would prefer 2…
Laz's CT and CEA
Had a CT and blood test today 3 months after finishing my treatment. Everything is clear! CEA is 1.6 unchanged since January. Very relieved. Thank you for all your support and prayers. Laz
Venting my worries
Hi Everyone, I hope this is ok to do here, but I need to get some worries off my chest. My husband was diagnosed with cancer about 3 1/2 months ago. Perfectly healthy, no symptoms, working out 6 days a week, and then boom, a seizure at home and a trip to the ER revealed 2 lesions in his brain and one in his lung. After a…
Linda Liess Passing
Can't exactly remember her screen name but was something like liliess. Diane Tavegia sent me a message that she had passed away on 1/6/13. It might have been posted but I've not seen it and she was a member when Diane and myself was recently diagnosed in 2008. She had done good for some time and then quit posting and when…
Side effects from FOLFIRI
Hello everyone, I have a question. My husband, who was diagnosed with stage IV colorectal cancer three months ago, just had his first chemo treatment with FOLFIRI a week ago. He just started experiencing significant hypersalivation. Has anyone else had this problem, and if so is there anything you found that works to…
Stage 4 Signet Cell --Colon Cancer
Dad is 61 battling cancer for 3 years... Reaching out to see if anyone out there has experienced Stage 4 Signet Cell Colon Cancer??? We know its a rare agressive cancer and not much information specifics. Doctors say it is in-operable because it spread from the peritoneum and is infiltrating the outside colon walls in…
I have decided that this damn disease is unfair. my husband lived a good life - went to the doctor for his physicals yearly, didn't smoke, didn't drink - his only think was he liked pizza a little too much. i don't know how i'm going to live without him, i waited all my life to meet the perfect man, a man who loves ME for…
Blue Berries, Popcorn, Baking Soda - My Rant
Blue Berries, Popcorn, and Baking Soda – My rant My neighbor is convinced that he is going to find the cure for cancer. He believes that all cancers must have a common link, and that by reading enough junk science nutrition books, he will find the answer. My response: GRRRRRR! He has taken an essential oils class, given by…
Questions about Xeloda
My Dr. wants to switch from 5Fu pump to Xeloda with Oxyalplatin and Avastin. Could you please share your experience with Xeloda pills and the side effects of the pill. Is there more nausea, diarrhea, pain, hair loss etc? Please let me know your experience as I am a little nervous about this and I know you are all so good…
A bit of a silver lining
So, if it is at all possible, my husband and i received some good news among this horrible news we received. For quite a while, my husband was unable to eat anything really solid - meat, vegetables etc. we assumed it was because of the "hospital food" and just having surgery and being in pain. Well it continued to the…
Cannabiss Oil
How many have tried Cannabiss Oil? I would like to hear if it helped anyone. My husband has Merinol, but we are thinking of trying the oil as we have read it is more effective.
surgery update
Wow, i cant be more thankful!! I had my surgery on June 18. The surgeon removed 15 cm of my rectum, biopsy my liver and removed 20 lymph nodes. As of today, im cancer free!!!! The liver was negativte, 20 out of 20 nodes negativte, and i dont have a bag either. I couldnt have wrote a better outcome. Man, i feel very…
Tomorrow is chemo day
I'm going for round 3 of 12 Folfox treatment. I'm still anxious even though I have an idea of what to expect. Thank you for those who have posted their trials and chemo treatments. It makes me feel like I have friends who truly understand how I feel. I did get a prescription for Mj but haven't started using it yet! I got…
Welcome Jasmine1865 to the forum
I am pasting Jasmin's post from Sandi's thread, so that we can all welcome her and give the support and information and love that we have for all of our fellow sufferers. just was told I had colon Cancer! Hi All, I am new to this first time on. I just received word i have colon Cancer! Words can't express how i feel i…
Another Y90 update
Sorry to bring this up again, but I have searched the board for Y90 and the topic doesn't seem to be discussed that often. I decided to go down the path of the Y90 procedure, mostly because I am tired of chemo and the most recent mix-erbitux and irenotecan, was not working for me. I am scheduled to have the beads placed in…
3 month CT for everybody???
Is everybody getting CT's every 3 month for the first year? I had a rectal cancer with no lymph node or other organ involvement. Thank you, Laz
survivors guilt
Can't seem to get past this issue. I was diagnosed july 2013. Surgery in august followed by chemo starting in september. I remember getting each bit of news and saying ok ok ok. There was always a feeling of disconnect. It still hasnt sunk in that I have cancer and all this is happening to ME. My first brother died in sept…
Colonoscopy and Endoscopy
Well I'm having both on Wednesday and asking that you keep me in prayers, or good vibes and thoughts that all is normal. For the last couple months I've been having throat issues. Just feels swollen and irritated. Went to ENT last month and he noticed that both nasal passages were inflammed and throat was a little…
What a week!!!!
Well last weekna developed anbad case of the flu rightbwhen i had to start my next cycle of Xeloda. Xeloda and the flu is a bad combination. I managed to get through all of the Xeloda and recovered from the flu just in time for me to go to the hospital. So i spent to days in the hospital. The first day was for a liver…