Anyone heard of physiatry? UPDATED

annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
edited May 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1

NOT psychiatry, altho I am sure I need that as well.  Since my not-so-great visits with the GP, this is the specialist they think I should see.  Apparently they deal with chronic conditions relating to illness or injury.  So I'm just curious if anyone has had any experience with this field of medicine.



  • carrieh
    carrieh Member Posts: 146 Member
    I haven't heard of this but

    I haven't heard of this but my interest is peaked. Anything that helps you feel better is a good thing...hope someone knows more. I'm going to research it.If I find aanything legitimate, I'll post.

  • Lisa2012
    Lisa2012 Member Posts: 142

    I have never heard of it either.   Are you going to see this doctor?   If so, I will vote for you to be the resident expert!


  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    Lisa2012 said:


    I have never heard of it either.   Are you going to see this doctor?   If so, I will vote for you to be the resident expert!


    I see online that

    some of the big cancer centers, like Johns Hopkins, have this kind of doc on staff.  So fingers crossed!  Maybe they will have some experience with cancer-related issues.

    I also read that the platinum based chemos, like oxaliplatin, are among the worst for long-term damage.  Lucky us!

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Lisa2012 said:


    I have never heard of it either.   Are you going to see this doctor?   If so, I will vote for you to be the resident expert!


    I second that or 'Like'

    If so, I will vote for you to be the resident expert!

    If this were Facebook, I would 'Like' Lisa's post. HA! 

    I'll keep fingers crossed that you will be set up with a good specialist, and that some relief will come to you, as I'm feeling you are deserved of such. 

  • vinny3
    vinny3 Member Posts: 928 Member

    You probably already got the answer, it is a rehab doctor, one trained to order things like appropriate physical therapy.


  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member

    Did you know I shouldn't feel too sorry for myself because I don't live in a refugee camp?

    That's an exact quote from the physiatrist, who otherwise was a perfectly nice lady.

    I got a referral to a physical therapist, and was given the suggestion to try meditation.  Neither of which is a bad idea, but not exactly things that required a trip to a specialist.

    (I think you know you're in trouble when the pain specialist says that meditation is your best option)

    She did mention that as more people are living much longer with cancer, and even being cured, that doctors really don't know how to fix the long-term side effects that we are left with after treatment.   She pretty much said "what do we do with you people now"?

    I guess that's kind of good news in a way. :/

  • LivinginNH
    LivinginNH Member Posts: 1,456 Member


    Did you know I shouldn't feel too sorry for myself because I don't live in a refugee camp?

    That's an exact quote from the physiatrist, who otherwise was a perfectly nice lady.

    I got a referral to a physical therapist, and was given the suggestion to try meditation.  Neither of which is a bad idea, but not exactly things that required a trip to a specialist.

    (I think you know you're in trouble when the pain specialist says that meditation is your best option)

    She did mention that as more people are living much longer with cancer, and even being cured, that doctors really don't know how to fix the long-term side effects that we are left with after treatment.   She pretty much said "what do we do with you people now"?

    I guess that's kind of good news in a way. :/

    Hmph, I'm not really

    Hmph, I'm not really surprised given the lack of knowledge by the so called "specialists" that I've seen over the years.  When Rick was diagnosed I was naturally having a hard time dealing with my emotions, so my GP suggested a therapist.  I told her that I was looking for some novel coping techniques to get through the emotions brought on by his illness, stress relief, etc., but you get the idea.  This is how she started off the conversation; "So, you're depressed, were you physically abused as a child?"  EXCUSE ME??!!  I had explicitly told her why I was there and what I was looking for from her, and she wanted to go all Freud on me.  Oh, the take away - "You should exercise."  Gee lady; a simple Google search gave me THAT answer - what the heck do I need YOU for?!!  Needless to say, I never went back.  So I asked my GP for Zoloft, and that worked.  Oh, and then there was the dietician who handed me the standard Food Pyramid chart when I went to her for some dieting advice. Oh Yeah, and these people actually get PAID for doling out these incredible "words of wisdom"!!  Oy vey...   But yes, I suppose it’s kind of good in a sense that doctors don’t know what to do now with all of the cancer survivors!  Yey!  :)


  • traci43
    traci43 Member Posts: 773 Member


    Did you know I shouldn't feel too sorry for myself because I don't live in a refugee camp?

    That's an exact quote from the physiatrist, who otherwise was a perfectly nice lady.

    I got a referral to a physical therapist, and was given the suggestion to try meditation.  Neither of which is a bad idea, but not exactly things that required a trip to a specialist.

    (I think you know you're in trouble when the pain specialist says that meditation is your best option)

    She did mention that as more people are living much longer with cancer, and even being cured, that doctors really don't know how to fix the long-term side effects that we are left with after treatment.   She pretty much said "what do we do with you people now"?

    I guess that's kind of good news in a way. :/

    Not too helpful

    Love the quote about the refugee camp.  What the heck!?!  Hope the physical therapy helps.  I know that meditation helps me  to feel better, more upbeat.  I guess that it pretty good news, that as a whole cancer patients are living longer.  Hope you find some relief soon.  Traci

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member


    Did you know I shouldn't feel too sorry for myself because I don't live in a refugee camp?

    That's an exact quote from the physiatrist, who otherwise was a perfectly nice lady.

    I got a referral to a physical therapist, and was given the suggestion to try meditation.  Neither of which is a bad idea, but not exactly things that required a trip to a specialist.

    (I think you know you're in trouble when the pain specialist says that meditation is your best option)

    She did mention that as more people are living much longer with cancer, and even being cured, that doctors really don't know how to fix the long-term side effects that we are left with after treatment.   She pretty much said "what do we do with you people now"?

    I guess that's kind of good news in a way. :/

    That's settled then... need for a Physiatrist in my life. 

    I hope the visit didn't cost you too much. I feel kind of guilty now, making you the Guinia Pig. (just kidding).

    May you (and all of us) continue to beat the odds and foil the Doctor's.