How Juicing Helped Me Absorb Nutrients and Less Bathroom Trips

carrieh Member Posts: 146 Member

You guys...If you have trouble absorbing nutrients because you've lost a lot of intestine and colon...or you go to the bathroom like a thousand times a day (I have issues with both); I started juicing a week ago and OMGosh...I already notice a huge difference in both areas.

I have felt energetic, less dehydrated, and things thickened up. I've been doing organic carrot juice twice a day, or a watermelon, kale, wheatgrass mix...natural juice is sort of thick...not like gag you thick...but not the watered down sugary junk you get from concentrate.

I don't know if it will help anyone else but I think it's helping me because my body doesn't exactly break down food the way it's supposed to, especially my way of thinking is that the juicer is doing some of the work for me...just thought I''d share...don't know if it will help anyone...but it seriously has made me feel much better...and just in a I'm hoping with time, things will get even better.



  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    I'm trying... juice as well, but can't seem to do it on a regular bases. After my surgery I have colostomy and a lot of gas, because I don't digest food good. I have to go to the bathroom 30-40 times a day which is very frustrating.

    Ihave to make changes in my diet and juice more. Thanks for reminding.


  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    That is great that you are

    That is great that you are juicing.i have been doing it since 2005 when i was diagnosed. For the first time since i am back on chemo i have had to limit my juicing due to far too much diarrhea. Its frustrating. When i do juice itnis kale celery ginger and wheatgrass which i grow myself.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    lp1964 said:

    I'm trying... juice as well, but can't seem to do it on a regular bases. After my surgery I have colostomy and a lot of gas, because I don't digest food good. I have to go to the bathroom 30-40 times a day which is very frustrating.

    Ihave to make changes in my diet and juice more. Thanks for reminding.


    30 - 40 times

    My goodness, Laz, that is extreme. I am so glad you have 'the bag', even though that has to be a trial, changing it so often. 

    I hope the juicing works for you. I bet its just a matter of making it happen. Changes in how we prepare our food or change our eating habits, takes time, it just doesn't happen over night, even if we wish it to. I have just discovered that sugars and bread contribute to my joint pain, but can I stop eating bread, no, so I have to start by cutting it down, and then one day I may be able to cut it out. 

    I have a bowel movement four to seven times a day, without the bag, and I thought that was bad. 

    Good luck! 

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    That is great that you are

    That is great that you are juicing.i have been doing it since 2005 when i was diagnosed. For the first time since i am back on chemo i have had to limit my juicing due to far too much diarrhea. Its frustrating. When i do juice itnis kale celery ginger and wheatgrass which i grow myself.

    Maybe a new thread

    Maybe someone can start a new thread with recipe ideas. I would love to start juicing, I have a juicer, but I usually only juice fruit. 

    I've never eaten Kale, but your Kale, Celery, Ginger and Wheatgrass sounds interestin. I love ginger!

  • carrieh
    carrieh Member Posts: 146 Member
    lp1964 said:

    I'm trying... juice as well, but can't seem to do it on a regular bases. After my surgery I have colostomy and a lot of gas, because I don't digest food good. I have to go to the bathroom 30-40 times a day which is very frustrating.

    Ihave to make changes in my diet and juice more. Thanks for reminding.


    Hey Laz,
    I know how you

    Hey Laz,

    I know how you feel...I go like 20 times a day with lomotil. Pretty frustrating when you try to go somewhere etc..and I don't digest good foods easily. Junk food yes, because it's more easily broken down by the body...but I don't want to eat that stuff so I broke out the juicer... I've had my juicer for a year and just started using it.


    One of the best recipes for cancer patients is a low acid, high alkaline juice (at least that's what I've read)'s not a 'cure" although you may read that on the internet..but it's from websites trying to sell things and not actually based on scientific data...studies to date are not's just really darn good for you...and this type of diet cuts out processed, sugary, refined foods so that can't be bad...


    Watermelon (to hide the veggie taste) or do a strawberry kiwi juice base if you can afford's smashing delicous darlingSealed



    Ginger if you can afford it


    I also throw in some orange and lemon or lime (acid fruits, but alkalizing in the body)


    and if you can't have foods with the skin, like apples...(skin has most nutrients) you can add it and all and it won't block you up. Also, to keep from doing a ton of dishes everyday, you can put your juice in mason jars with lids to make it last longer


    Happy juicing


  • carrieh
    carrieh Member Posts: 146 Member

    That is great that you are

    That is great that you are juicing.i have been doing it since 2005 when i was diagnosed. For the first time since i am back on chemo i have had to limit my juicing due to far too much diarrhea. Its frustrating. When i do juice itnis kale celery ginger and wheatgrass which i grow myself.


    Try straight up organic carrot juice..just a couple of big swigs two or three times a day. It's fairly thick. I know all of us have different issues with diarrhea but carrot juice really improved things for me...I was sitting in my car after doing carrot juice for a week and I thought to myself, "I feel like I'm glowing from the inside out." LOL..dorky maybe...true definately.

    Also, if you've never tried lomotil...give it a whirl. If you take too much its like your intestines go to start with one when you get diarrhea and go from there. It cut my trips to the ladies room in half..helps with dehydration so much. Dont do lomotil if you have chrons or ibs tho..mega colon issues can be scary and deadly



  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    Trubrit said:

    30 - 40 times

    My goodness, Laz, that is extreme. I am so glad you have 'the bag', even though that has to be a trial, changing it so often. 

    I hope the juicing works for you. I bet its just a matter of making it happen. Changes in how we prepare our food or change our eating habits, takes time, it just doesn't happen over night, even if we wish it to. I have just discovered that sugars and bread contribute to my joint pain, but can I stop eating bread, no, so I have to start by cutting it down, and then one day I may be able to cut it out. 

    I have a bowel movement four to seven times a day, without the bag, and I thought that was bad. 

    Good luck! 

    It's the gas...

    ...that is a problem. I don't have to change the bag only every other day and my stool is normal. But I can't seem to brake down food after all this treatment so I have gas. I had to eliminate all the healthy stuff from my diet. That is why I think about juicing.


  • carrieh
    carrieh Member Posts: 146 Member
    lp1964 said:

    It's the gas...

    ...that is a problem. I don't have to change the bag only every other day and my stool is normal. But I can't seem to brake down food after all this treatment so I have gas. I had to eliminate all the healthy stuff from my diet. That is why I think about juicing.



    I read a few things about how juicing can help us absorb nutrients because it does some of the work for our bodies. I'm not a doctor or a scientist, but it seemed to be from reliable sources. It basicallys said that you get like an instant shot of nutrients because your body doesn't have to break down all of the fibrous material from the veggies. Im off to a wore me out today..feels good to be tired from FUN.

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    lp1964 said:

    It's the gas...

    ...that is a problem. I don't have to change the bag only every other day and my stool is normal. But I can't seem to brake down food after all this treatment so I have gas. I had to eliminate all the healthy stuff from my diet. That is why I think about juicing.


    One thought on gas...

    My naturopath says that fruit should always be eaten on its own, as it digests much more quickly than other foods. the less digested food blocks the already digested fruit (along with its gas-producing bacteria) from moving on into the intestines, which apparently can lead to more gas, as well as bloating and cramping.

    She suggests eating fruit 30 minutes before or one hour after other foods.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    One thought on gas...

    My naturopath says that fruit should always be eaten on its own, as it digests much more quickly than other foods. the less digested food blocks the already digested fruit (along with its gas-producing bacteria) from moving on into the intestines, which apparently can lead to more gas, as well as bloating and cramping.

    She suggests eating fruit 30 minutes before or one hour after other foods.


    Thank you, Anna. I had not heard this before. 

    Right now, I don't suffer from gas, but I'll still keep this in mind when I eat fruit, except my banana, which I always have with Shredded Wheat. 

  • geotina
    geotina Member Posts: 2,111 Member

    The subject of juicing was explored extensively a few years ago.  People on both sides of the fence on this issue and it became a bit hostile.  Anyway, be careful with juicing.   A few people became quite ill because they were not used to the richness or did too much of it.   I think it is something you need to ease into. 

    If you use the CSN search engine you should come up with lots and lots of discussion and recipes for juicing. 

    What is important is that you have your doctor's approval or your doc knows you are doing it.   Some docs do not want you drinking all this raw stuff.   George's doc was not in favor of it but I just can't remember the exact reason why.  I think it was the rawness and fiber.   Anyway, the fruit stuff should be good but when you get into raw veggies, ease into it until your next doctor visit when it can be discussed.   If anything, send an e-mail to the dietician at your hospital and she/he should have some tips on the subject.  

    Take care and my best to everyone -


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    geotina said:


    The subject of juicing was explored extensively a few years ago.  People on both sides of the fence on this issue and it became a bit hostile.  Anyway, be careful with juicing.   A few people became quite ill because they were not used to the richness or did too much of it.   I think it is something you need to ease into. 

    If you use the CSN search engine you should come up with lots and lots of discussion and recipes for juicing. 

    What is important is that you have your doctor's approval or your doc knows you are doing it.   Some docs do not want you drinking all this raw stuff.   George's doc was not in favor of it but I just can't remember the exact reason why.  I think it was the rawness and fiber.   Anyway, the fruit stuff should be good but when you get into raw veggies, ease into it until your next doctor visit when it can be discussed.   If anything, send an e-mail to the dietician at your hospital and she/he should have some tips on the subject.  

    Take care and my best to everyone -


    I'm hitting the like button

    Good advice, Tina.

    Thank you so very much for taking the time to post. How wonderful you are to continue sharing your experience, after the painful loss of your husband. I certainly appreciate it, and I know the others do to. 

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    geotina said:


    The subject of juicing was explored extensively a few years ago.  People on both sides of the fence on this issue and it became a bit hostile.  Anyway, be careful with juicing.   A few people became quite ill because they were not used to the richness or did too much of it.   I think it is something you need to ease into. 

    If you use the CSN search engine you should come up with lots and lots of discussion and recipes for juicing. 

    What is important is that you have your doctor's approval or your doc knows you are doing it.   Some docs do not want you drinking all this raw stuff.   George's doc was not in favor of it but I just can't remember the exact reason why.  I think it was the rawness and fiber.   Anyway, the fruit stuff should be good but when you get into raw veggies, ease into it until your next doctor visit when it can be discussed.   If anything, send an e-mail to the dietician at your hospital and she/he should have some tips on the subject.  

    Take care and my best to everyone -



    I have read that juicing with a lot of kale can cause significant kidney problems.  Eating it isn't a problem apparently as you can't consume all that much.  That would be one I would want to research a bit before using it for juicing (vs a nice salad or stir fry, which is how I like it!).

  • lilacbrroller
    lilacbrroller Member Posts: 412 Member


    I have read that juicing with a lot of kale can cause significant kidney problems.  Eating it isn't a problem apparently as you can't consume all that much.  That would be one I would want to research a bit before using it for juicing (vs a nice salad or stir fry, which is how I like it!).


    I like juice, and in years past have owned cheap juicers that were not much more than glorified blenders. They'd do carrot juice and basic stuff.  

    When I was diagnosed with cancer, I read that juicing was so healthy, so I thought I'd invest in a really good juicer so I could incorporate greens and other healthy things.  I spent my credit card points (today's version of Green Stamps) on a nice one. Well...  two problems. One, the thing was a huge pain to clean. It had a seed catcher that was like a really fine cheese grater which I had to scrub with a tooth brush. It never got completely clean.  AND the second problem was wastage. It made good juice but I found that most of the veggies or fruit ended up in the scrap bin. that really bothered me, so I tried to make things out of the scrap, like soup. that got old.

    So I gave the fancy juicer away to my brother, and just eat the carrots plain!  I do miss combinations, though, like being able to add ginger. 

    My plan is to just buy custom juice at a shop once or twice a week. A juice bar/smoothie place just opened a couple blocks from me, so that's where I'll go.  No cleanup required.



  • carrieh
    carrieh Member Posts: 146 Member


    I like juice, and in years past have owned cheap juicers that were not much more than glorified blenders. They'd do carrot juice and basic stuff.  

    When I was diagnosed with cancer, I read that juicing was so healthy, so I thought I'd invest in a really good juicer so I could incorporate greens and other healthy things.  I spent my credit card points (today's version of Green Stamps) on a nice one. Well...  two problems. One, the thing was a huge pain to clean. It had a seed catcher that was like a really fine cheese grater which I had to scrub with a tooth brush. It never got completely clean.  AND the second problem was wastage. It made good juice but I found that most of the veggies or fruit ended up in the scrap bin. that really bothered me, so I tried to make things out of the scrap, like soup. that got old.

    So I gave the fancy juicer away to my brother, and just eat the carrots plain!  I do miss combinations, though, like being able to add ginger. 

    My plan is to just buy custom juice at a shop once or twice a week. A juice bar/smoothie place just opened a couple blocks from me, so that's where I'll go.  No cleanup required.



    Make Crackers and popsicles

    I just use the Jack Lalane was about 100 dollars...clean everything with the sprayer from my sink in about 2 minutes...and the pulp (I hate to waste too)...I make veggie crackers using the pulp and flax meal in my food dehydrator, use the fruit pulp to make posicles for the kids and me too, add carrot pulp to salads and muffins etc...and anything unsuable goes to the compost pile for my garden. The crackers are pretty good. You can do them in the oven but they arent as crispy; more bread like in texture.