
DCH Member Posts: 2

Hi Everyone! How long does it take for biopsies to come back? Last Weds I had 7! My GI said they all looked suspicious ... but I haven't heard a thing. How long did it take for you? Thanks!


  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    I haven't had any biopsies, only complete resections,

    but I know after my first surgery the first round of tests for all the basic cancers was done in about a week.  Because I have a wonky tumor type, it ended up taking more than a week, but that wouldn't be the case for most people.  i would call tomorrow and ask!  You shouldn't have to wait any's way too stressful.

    Good luck, hope the news is good.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Give them a call

    I presume you had colonoscopy biopsies. I think mine took about a week. I would definitely call them. You have a right to know what they are, good or bad.  Some Doctors don't call if everything is OK. But its good to konw, one way or another. 


  • CammieS
    CammieS Member Posts: 43

    Biopsies were taken on Friday and results were back on Monday. We live in a large city, so maybe that helps.