Positive CT scan results:Update

janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
edited May 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1

If you all remember when I had my recurrence back in February there was a total of 7 lesions, 5 on the chestwall and 2 next to each other in my liver. The scan last week showed that 3 of the chestwall tumors are gone, 1 is the same size, and 1 has shrunk to half its origonal size. The liver only shows the on larger tumor which has grown some. The 2 liver lesions were right next to each other so it is possible that it was always one tumor or they fused together. So I am back where I started from with just 3 tumors down from 7. I am pursueing surgery again since they were going to operate when there was origonally only 3. If not we are going to do Y90 on the liver and possibly SBRT on the 2 chest wall tumors.

Update:My surgeon said he could operate but it would be risky due to the size location and the fact that they took so much of my liver last time. He would be more comfortable if i did y90 first to hopefullyshrink the tumor. Tuff decision. They should have taken the tumor out when it was tiny 6 months ago or 3 months ago when they stopped the surgery for 3 additional spots that arent even there now. I emailed my oncologist and left a message with the interventional radiologist but nothing will get done until tuesday withe the long weekend which i thought was going to be a good weekend. Oh well like they say its a roller coaster ride. So surgery is a big risk but to me so is y90 just due to the fact if i dont respond and more time is wasted.



  • LindaK.
    LindaK. Member Posts: 506 Member



    Things sound like they are turning around for you!!



  • kennyt
    kennyt Member Posts: 110
    LindaK. said:




    Things sound like they are turning around for you!!



    Great news jeff, maybe that

    Great news jeff, maybe that Celebrex is helping out,have you still been taking it? Ha e you fully recovered from the mountain biking incident? Anyways congrats on the positive scan.


  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    Dear Jeff,

    Sounds like the chemo is working and I hope surgery or other more permanent treatment will be possible for you. Take care of yourself, because this is not easy. No crazy biking accidents, let the surgeons do the cutting lol.


  • jen2012
    jen2012 Member Posts: 1,607 Member
    So happy to hear this news!

    So happy to hear this news!

  • CammieS
    CammieS Member Posts: 43
    High five!

    So glad to hear this.

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    kennyt said:

    Great news jeff, maybe that

    Great news jeff, maybe that Celebrex is helping out,have you still been taking it? Ha e you fully recovered from the mountain biking incident? Anyways congrats on the positive scan.


    I am mostly recovered. I

    I am mostly recovered. I actually mountain biked last weekend. Plan on doing a lot this weekend. I am still taking the Celebrex. I am considering pushing my oncologist into doing full on ADAPT therapy and no more IV chemo once I am done with surgery and or radiation. Maybe fly out to see Dr. Lin for a consult. Its a good excuse to go to Seattle. Have you made an appointment with Dr. Lin yet.

  • kennyt
    kennyt Member Posts: 110

    I am mostly recovered. I

    I am mostly recovered. I actually mountain biked last weekend. Plan on doing a lot this weekend. I am still taking the Celebrex. I am considering pushing my oncologist into doing full on ADAPT therapy and no more IV chemo once I am done with surgery and or radiation. Maybe fly out to see Dr. Lin for a consult. Its a good excuse to go to Seattle. Have you made an appointment with Dr. Lin yet.

    Jeff, I see dr lin next

    Jeff, I see dr lin next Tuesday

  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member
    CammieS said:

    High five!

    So glad to hear this.

    Good News, Jeff!

    So glad things are moving in a positive direction. Hope all goes as planned for the surgery or Y90.



  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    My liver surgeon responded to

    My liver surgeon responded to after reading the scan report and said that he dicussed it with his thoracic surgeon and they would be happy to consider surger again but they need to look at the actual scan on disc. So i am picking up the disc today and delivering it to him tomorrow.

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    That's great news! I didn't

    That's great news! I didn't even realize you could have them in your chest wall. Go get them Jeff! 

  • Chelsea71
    Chelsea71 Member Posts: 1,169 Member
    Fantastic news!  Don't stop

    Fantastic news!  Don't stop fighting for surgery.  Be persistent.  I suspect I'm preaching to the choir.  Congratulations.

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    Helen321 said:

    That's great news! I didn't

    That's great news! I didn't even realize you could have them in your chest wall. Go get them Jeff! 

    The chest wall is rare but

    The chest wall is rare but does happen.

  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Encouraging News!

    I am so very glad that you have gotten this encouraging news.

    I hope the doctors can do the procedures you mentioned.

    Will be keeping you in my thoughts as you work thru this part.


    Marie who loves kitties

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    kennyt said:

    Jeff, I see dr lin next

    Jeff, I see dr lin next Tuesday

    Awesome. I can't wait to hear

    Awesome. I can't wait to hear how that goes for you. How are you recovering from surgery.

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    lp1964 said:

    Dear Jeff,

    Sounds like the chemo is working and I hope surgery or other more permanent treatment will be possible for you. Take care of yourself, because this is not easy. No crazy biking accidents, let the surgeons do the cutting lol.


    I am being very careful on

    I am being very careful on the mountain bike. I plan to seriously increase my mileage though to put my physical condition over the top in preperation for whatever si coming up for me. I told my surgeon after the last surgery that a lot of people that I ride with train for mountain bike races but I train for surgeries. 

  • kennyt
    kennyt Member Posts: 110

    Awesome. I can't wait to hear

    Awesome. I can't wait to hear how that goes for you. How are you recovering from surgery.

    I'm doing good, a little sore

    I'm doing good, a little sore still and trying to get my lung capacity back up.

  • YoVita
    YoVita Member Posts: 590 Member
    Great news Jeff

    Some positive news for you.  Good to hear.

  • Cathleen Mary
    Cathleen Mary Member Posts: 827 Member
    YoVita said:

    Great news Jeff

    Some positive news for you.  Good to hear.

    Oh, Jeff, this is great news!

    Oh, Jeff, this is great news!  Praying that surgery will in your near future.  Strange the kind of things we wish :)

    I so admire your perseverence.


  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member

    Oh, Jeff, this is great news!

    Oh, Jeff, this is great news!  Praying that surgery will in your near future.  Strange the kind of things we wish :)

    I so admire your perseverence.


    I agree. Surgery is what i am

    I agree. Surgery is what i am praying for. It really is something what we wish for or willing to go through.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    I agree. Surgery is what i am

    I agree. Surgery is what i am praying for. It really is something what we wish for or willing to go through.


    Lisa just had that done. Less invasive. I hope all works out and soon. I always like to get on top of things.