Lung Surgery Coming Up: How Bad Is It?

carrieh Member Posts: 146 Member

Hey Guys,

I'm meeting my new surgeon Monday and will have lung surgery within the month. I've done tons of abdominal surgeries due to cancer and radiation enteritis...pretty painful stuff, but never had a lung surgery. How bad is it with recover time and pain? I really don't feel afraid at all after all that I've already been through...but I am wondering if it hurts to breath etc...


I have one small tumor on my left lung that is growing. One that hasn't grown at all. My oncologist said a 3 or 4 day hospital stay...what are the things that can go wrong with this situation? Crazy "rare" things seem to happen to me for some reason.


Also, because I'm younger and the cancer hasn't spread...that we can any great extent, my oncologist doesn't think we should do chemo. I cant do radiation after what happend to my intestines, but has anyone else been told to hold off on chemo unless it spreads?


Thank you,



  • ccfighter
    ccfighter Member Posts: 476 Member
    Over from the gyn boards but

    Over from the gyn boards but wanted to give my experience regarding lung surgery.  I had a wedge resection done by VATS and was told it was an outpatient procedure though simultaniously had an abdominal surgery as well.  Only spent two nights in hospital.  My hysterectomy was the worst of surgerys so far, but the lung wasn't a walk in the park.  My pain meds were not sufficient when I came home (diladid), I also had a pain pump in my chest to keep the area numb.  I still had a few sleepless nights, but all in all,  the experience wax not as bad as I feared.  I did end up with an infection where they had the drain which was the majority of my discomfort I believe.  Spiked a fever.  Couldn't roll over in bed.  Pretty good pain.   It all passes.  It never hurt to breath.  But I couldn't sneeze without severe pain for a few weeks.  Totally worth it.  My tumor was in the upper right lung, a met from cervical cancer, about 1 cm.  I hope this helps.  Best of luck to you.

  • YoVita
    YoVita Member Posts: 590 Member
    Lung Surgery

    I had VATS which is considered less invasive.  It definitely was less trouble than my original rectal/colon/appendix/hysterectomy surgery.  Do the breathing exercises post-surgery religiously.  That will help with your recovery.  Also I found that wearing a very tight sports bra following the surgery helped as well.  Good luck to you!

  • carrieh
    carrieh Member Posts: 146 Member
    YoVita said:

    Lung Surgery

    I had VATS which is considered less invasive.  It definitely was less trouble than my original rectal/colon/appendix/hysterectomy surgery.  Do the breathing exercises post-surgery religiously.  That will help with your recovery.  Also I found that wearing a very tight sports bra following the surgery helped as well.  Good luck to you!


    Thank you both for the advice. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. What is VATs? I'm completely new to any kind of lung procedures.


  • ccfighter
    ccfighter Member Posts: 476 Member
    carrieh said:


    Thank you both for the advice. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. What is VATs? I'm completely new to any kind of lung procedures.


    Video Assisted Thoracic

    Video Assisted Thoracic Surgery.  A few small incisions instead of an open procedure.

  • carrieh
    carrieh Member Posts: 146 Member
    ccfighter said:

    Video Assisted Thoracic

    Video Assisted Thoracic Surgery.  A few small incisions instead of an open procedure.

    Oh, small incisions do sound

    Oh, small incisions do sound better! Not looking forward to surgery but going to do it to get the tumor out. Surely it can't be as bad as open abdominal surgery...I just hate putting my life in another persons hands...when your out on the anesthesia you have no control...not my favorite thing...


  • KFalvey
    KFalvey Member Posts: 118 Member
    carrieh said:

    Oh, small incisions do sound

    Oh, small incisions do sound better! Not looking forward to surgery but going to do it to get the tumor out. Surely it can't be as bad as open abdominal surgery...I just hate putting my life in another persons hands...when your out on the anesthesia you have no control...not my favorite thing...


    lung surgery

    Hi Carrie,

    Yes, I've had both types. Vats first...a walk in the park; only 1 day in the hospital, 3 days later I couldn't tell I'd had it done.

    The open thoracotomy was another story. I had 2 tumors in the other lung, too far apart for vats, so he removed the bottom of that lung. It hurt much worse,

    had to stay in the hospital for 3 days; they wouldn't let me lay down at all during the daytime, had to sit up to prevent pneumonia. It took me a month to feel

    better and even then, I had nerve pain when I breathed for many months. They say the backside of the ribs are lined with nerve endings and they disturb these

    during surgery. I thought I must have lost alot of breathing capacity but the Doctor said I only lost total of about 10%.  I am very thankful I haven't had any recurrances

    in many years, so it was all worth it. Best of Luck to you!!!!


  • carrieh
    carrieh Member Posts: 146 Member
    KFalvey said:

    lung surgery

    Hi Carrie,

    Yes, I've had both types. Vats first...a walk in the park; only 1 day in the hospital, 3 days later I couldn't tell I'd had it done.

    The open thoracotomy was another story. I had 2 tumors in the other lung, too far apart for vats, so he removed the bottom of that lung. It hurt much worse,

    had to stay in the hospital for 3 days; they wouldn't let me lay down at all during the daytime, had to sit up to prevent pneumonia. It took me a month to feel

    better and even then, I had nerve pain when I breathed for many months. They say the backside of the ribs are lined with nerve endings and they disturb these

    during surgery. I thought I must have lost alot of breathing capacity but the Doctor said I only lost total of about 10%.  I am very thankful I haven't had any recurrances

    in many years, so it was all worth it. Best of Luck to you!!!!


    Thank you Kandy

    Thanks Kandy,

    I think I'm having the more invasive procedure. They said at least 3 days in the hospital...can't wait for that delicous jello and chicken broth that tastes like salt, I'm like a surgery diva! I've had so many, you'd think it wouldn't faze me anymore, but it does...everytime. Thanks for answering my questions. It makes me feel so much more at ease and relaxed, just knowing what to expect.

  • kennyt
    kennyt Member Posts: 110
    carrieh said:

    Thank you Kandy

    Thanks Kandy,

    I think I'm having the more invasive procedure. They said at least 3 days in the hospital...can't wait for that delicous jello and chicken broth that tastes like salt, I'm like a surgery diva! I've had so many, you'd think it wouldn't faze me anymore, but it does...everytime. Thanks for answering my questions. It makes me feel so much more at ease and relaxed, just knowing what to expect.

    I just had my rt. middle lobe

    I just had my rt. middle lobe and rt. lower superior segment removed via vats. I was in the hospital four days it's been two weeks exactly and I'm starting to feel much better my first vats was for one nodule and was easier but not that much. You will do fine.

    good luck

  • carrieh
    carrieh Member Posts: 146 Member
    kennyt said:

    I just had my rt. middle lobe

    I just had my rt. middle lobe and rt. lower superior segment removed via vats. I was in the hospital four days it's been two weeks exactly and I'm starting to feel much better my first vats was for one nodule and was easier but not that much. You will do fine.

    good luck

    Surgery June 6th

    I met my surgeon..scheduled surgery for the 6th of june. He walked in and said, Whoa! You are not what I was expecting! You're the best looking hospice patient I've ever seen! (Im not on hospice anymore)...guess he actually read my chart! Said Id be the youngest patient on the cardiac/lung floor...LOL.


    He said the worst thing that could happen is he could get in there and see more than the scan showed or sometimes peoples lungs are stuck to their chest wall. Either way, I think it will still turn out okay. He might think Im a little bossy..  I told him I'm a puker and not to let me aspirate, to use my port, make my scar pretty, keep me out of pain or the nurses will be calling him every hour, and to under no circumstances take more than a organ removeal etc... Bless his heart...he actually made notes...I cant wait to get it over with and get back to life. I hope I can kayak this summer!



  • LivinginNH
    LivinginNH Member Posts: 1,456 Member
    carrieh said:

    Surgery June 6th

    I met my surgeon..scheduled surgery for the 6th of june. He walked in and said, Whoa! You are not what I was expecting! You're the best looking hospice patient I've ever seen! (Im not on hospice anymore)...guess he actually read my chart! Said Id be the youngest patient on the cardiac/lung floor...LOL.


    He said the worst thing that could happen is he could get in there and see more than the scan showed or sometimes peoples lungs are stuck to their chest wall. Either way, I think it will still turn out okay. He might think Im a little bossy..  I told him I'm a puker and not to let me aspirate, to use my port, make my scar pretty, keep me out of pain or the nurses will be calling him every hour, and to under no circumstances take more than a organ removeal etc... Bless his heart...he actually made notes...I cant wait to get it over with and get back to life. I hope I can kayak this summer!



    Attagirl!  I like your


    Attagirl!  I like your style, tell him who's the boss!  :D

    Best of luck with the surgery, I'm sure the doc will do a great job and then you'll be back to kayaking in no time.  :)

    Take care,


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    carrieh said:

    Surgery June 6th

    I met my surgeon..scheduled surgery for the 6th of june. He walked in and said, Whoa! You are not what I was expecting! You're the best looking hospice patient I've ever seen! (Im not on hospice anymore)...guess he actually read my chart! Said Id be the youngest patient on the cardiac/lung floor...LOL.


    He said the worst thing that could happen is he could get in there and see more than the scan showed or sometimes peoples lungs are stuck to their chest wall. Either way, I think it will still turn out okay. He might think Im a little bossy..  I told him I'm a puker and not to let me aspirate, to use my port, make my scar pretty, keep me out of pain or the nurses will be calling him every hour, and to under no circumstances take more than a organ removeal etc... Bless his heart...he actually made notes...I cant wait to get it over with and get back to life. I hope I can kayak this summer!



    You're great!

    It sounds like you've got yourself a good surgeon. Some don't take kindly to being told what to do, even in jest. 

    When you have a good patient, surgeon relationship (or patient Doctor of any kind) it sure makes for an easier journey. 

    June 6th is on my calendar.