She's gone
My wife died at 10:00 November 22nd. Her 2 adult chidren, their wifes, my daughter and myself were at her side. She died "Peacefully" (as if there is such a thing in death) but did not appear to suffer. I did my best to be her caregiver, it was an honor, a privilage to care for my soul mate. David
The end is nearing
My wife was diagnosed one year ago (November 11th) with Leiomyosarcoma (very rare, go figure) We went to Stanford for clinical trials that did nothing. She opted for traditional chemotherapy knowing there was no chance of a cure and stopped last March because it made her too ill She has not eaten in 2 weeks. Sips of water…
She passed away on friday
We took her to the ER on thursday as she was breathing harder than usual. She has been looped from the meds for a few weeks since her last hospital stay, inspite of my steadily reducing the doses. Tests and xrays were fine and they didn't see a reason to admit her. We brought her home and she died that night in her sleep.…
So, today's events... A rant.
Today, I helped my mom clean her hair. About a week ago, she had a craniotomy, where they removed a tumor about the size of a marble. This week, she was finally allowed to wash her hair. However, my mother has very frizzy, curly hair that does not brush or detangle easily, so you can imagine that after about 2 hours of…
So Angry.....and so Sad
My husband was daignosed with Omentun Cnacer on April 11, 2016. Everything now sucks. I have so MUCH anger over my husabnd's cancer that sometimes it disables me. But I try no to show it. His is a cancer that there is NO cure for, so only time will tell. But all I can think about is how angry I am that we have lost our…
Steroid Rage
I have posted a few times about the change in my husbands personality. The doctors told me "steroids cause mood swings". After taking my husband off steroids(dexamehtasone) for two weeks and his calm personality returning we went to the doctor only to be told that the dexamethasone along with the revlimid are what fight…
Ranting for the sake of ranting
So, here is yet another post about my mother and the constant rant my family has going. This past week, my mother has been on edge. Her head has been hurting, she is complaining of weakness and cramps. Now, there are several drugs she is detixing off of, which may be the cause for her angry mood but they were stoped almost…
Mother has metastisized breast cancer - What questions should we be asking?
My mother-in-law has stage 4/metastisized BC - Ductal Carninoma, lungs, lymph nodes. She cannot get a PET scan because she can't lay down due to coughing and mucus. So were not sure where else it has spread. She was working with a natural health practitioner for the last six months and refused medical treatment until just…
Can open...worms everywhere!
Sooo...I am caring for my mom since her cancer diagnosis almost 6 mos. ago. It is terminal. She is mostly bed ridden so I have been unable to go back to work since I got laid off in July. (She was only receiving a small amount of SSI so it's not like we could hire someone to come in and take care of her) She and I have…
I need hospice help desperately. Does anybody know where I can post about Hospice care. My wife is very sick and there is no more treatment for her at Sloan. She does not want a clinical trial or a 2nd opinion. She is waiting for a bed at a hospice and I need help and a place to post about this situation.
When my husband started hospice he was terminal but still able to do everything for himself. Hospice asked him if he wanted to sign a DNR but he declined because at that time it was hard for him to think about being in that position. Over the last few days my husband has gotten much worse and now he'a confined to the bed…
Loss of a long time friend
I lost a good friend this past week to a head on traffic accident. Blindsided all of us. I spoke with him about a week ago. He was supportive to me and my wife who is suffering from her cancer. I have a voice message he left on my cell phone that I forgot all about. When I heard it tonight that did it-the tears flowed.…
So, today's events... A rant.
Today, I helped my mom clean her hair. About a week ago, she had a craniotomy, where they removed a tumor about the size of a marble. This week, she was finally allowed to wash her hair. However, my mother has very frizzy, curly hair that does not brush or detangle easily, so you can imagine that after about 2 hours of…
Sometimes I just need.....
In November of 2015 my husband of 21 years finally decided it was time to go to the doctors. He should have gone five years earlier. It was on a Sunday so to the emergency room we went. A CT scan showed a baseball sized tumor just above his colon. His red blood cell count was so low its a miracle he made it to the…
New to CSN (should have joined months ago..)
Hi everyone. I am typing all this out as my mom sleeps. It's been a very long night, and I need support. My mom initially was diagnosed with breast CA about 5 years ago and went to into remission officially last March. Then she was re-diagnosed in June. This time came back with a vengeance, and long story short, this past…
Emotional torture
I was told by Hospice that my wife has days to weeks of survival left. She eats perhaps a piece of toast and that is her entire meal for the day, she has visible weight loss and people who have not seen her are somewhat taken aback. I sleep on the couch and she is in the guest room because she can toss and turn too much,…
Visitors that wear out their welcome and are clueless
I may have addressed this before-my head is spinning I don't know one day from the next. I about popped my cork the other day. My wifes half sister has a tendency to stay longer than I'm comfortable. It was a bad day. I told her my wife was really miserable and not to bother her. When I came into the house she had her feet…
caution: complaining caregiver; proceed at your own risk.
Well here goes Amidst the posts with people grieving over their loved one, I’m making a daring move to grumble and complain. I’m TIRED. I’m just tired. My husband is doing good on his new chemo pills. He is stage 4 and has been for almost 3 years now. He has been off work for a year and we are thinking he will not go back.…
She doesnt want anything anymore
Just a little while ago, my wife, Judy, said that she has had it. She does not want calls, people visiting, texting, no programs like visiting dogs---which she use to love, no future talk, nothing at all. What do I do or say?
Cancer is a business not a disease.A Secret Has Been Uncovered
Today I read an article about cancer.....I am shocked when i read ,it's not a disease,it is a business how can we care from it and main thing how dangerious items are in our daily use which caused cancer share it with others thanks. <Content removed by CSN Support Team 10/14/2016.>
It's 0530 and I hear a beautiful sound. It's my wife humming a song downstairs. Haven't heard that in a long time. Perhaps she feels better this morning. Nothing more soothing and beautiful than hearing my wifes soft, soothing voice. If she sees me, she will be embarassed. I will lay here a few more minutes and just…
Not knowing what to say
I swear, this is so hard. You feel bad because you don't have the C and are the one trying to offer support and make it make some kind of sense, then you feel bad because you feel anything you say sounds stupid, then you just feel plain stupid. They ask you to be the strong one and not get upset so they can be strong but…
Free Educational Conference in Phila, PA 11/18/2016
I wanted to share the following information with all who may be in the Philadelphia, PA area and interested in attending in person (or via livestream for those not in the area or not able to attend in person): OPEN TO THE PUBLIC: FREE Educational Conference - Focus on Leukemia, Lymphoma, Myeloma, and Bone Marrow/Stem Cell…
Helps to know we're not the only ones feeling this way
I just want to tell everyone who posts on this forum - THANK YOU. Like you, I am struggling to stay strong while my husband and partner of over 35 years suffers with metastatic disease. What his cancer is called is not important anymore - its not operable and its all over the place and unless a miracle cure is discovered…
Angry Wife
We found out my husband has metastic melanom about 3 weeks ago. He had surgery to remove a tumor in his brain about 2 weeks ago. Since then he has been very angery and rude. All that anger is focused at me. He rolls his eyes when I go into his hospital room. Today he told me to "just go home". After 2 weeks of this I…
My husband was diagnosed with Mesothelioma in October. In November he had his pleura, lining around his heart and diaphram removed. He just took his third chemo treatment last week. He got out of the bed the day after chemo but has not been up since. He is very weak. After much prodding from me they said it was figured as…
Anger, Depression, Lashing Out
I am lost and need some input. My father was diagnosed with bladder cancer approximately 15 years ago. The doctors removed his bladder and built him a new one out of his lower intestine. He has gone for PET scans and blood work regularly, and up until April 2016 he was clear. In April, his PET scan revealed that he had…
disfunction with in family
My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer 6 weeks ago. As one would believe it has turned our world up side down. Since the diagnosis she has repeatedly state "this is a death sentence" " doing chemotherapy will kill me, I would rather be dead then deal with it." I have tried to get her to talk with counsellors that are a…
Coping with financial difficulties of cancer diagnosis of loved one
hi everyone, i am new to the boards. My brother just started chemo for testicular cancer. He was dignosed 3 years ago and had surgery and was told of he was cancer free. However it has spread and he now has to do 3 months of treatment. In between his first surgery and now he got divorced and has had some financial…