New Swelling One Year Later
Hello- I am new here. I was diagnosed with stage 1 invasive LCIS in my left breast and stage 1 invasive DCIS in my right breast in June 2013. Had lumpectomy done on both sides that Sept followed up by surgery to remove 3 nodes on each side a month later in Oct 2013. I finished up my radiation treatement in March of this…
How Were You After Surgery?
Lump removal and Sentinel node biopsy with possible axillary lymph node dissection ....Surgery is 10/31....... Would appreciate any thoughts on "after the surgery".... Wondering how many days of downtime... This is the time of year to get the house ready for the holidays. I'm righthanded, the left breast is the one with…
Mediport pain?
Hi there...I had a mediport put in during my lumpectomy surgery. It's on my right side. I have pain in my arm and under my arm on the right side. I told my onc because I was terrified it was a bone met. He felt the nodes under my arm and told me to quit sleeping on my right side. Has anyone else experienced pain on their…
Good insurance coverage leads me to being "over-treated"
Can a woman have insurance coverage that's too good? Yes! (although the lack of good insurance is a much bigger problem.) It's been a couple of years since I posted. History: DCIS 2009, stage 0 but aggressive type, lumpectomy, then brachytherapy (interstitial multicatheter, not balloon), Tamoxifen briefly. So, the affected…
Caregiver/sister looking for others with triple neg/BRCA1 positive
Hi folks, I'm new to the site and am hoping for some help for my sister. She was diagnosed with triple negative invasive ductile breast cancer just before Thanksgiving. She had the BRCA gene test right before Christmas which came back positive for the BRCA1 mutation. She has not yet had surgery (soon, probably this month)…
1st Herceptin Treatment
Well my mom went for her first treatment on Wednesday. The first treatment is to be the longest. Well it was REAL long. They took my mom in pretty quick and got her seated and then had to ask her questions and go over all of the side effects and she had to sign off on papers, etc. That took about 15 to 20 minutes. Then…
Oncology meeting today :(
Today I got the info that I have a fracturd spine, wow this SUCKS!
Woman over 55 dilemma: Reconstruction or Not
I was just diagnosed with LCIS and DCIS after two years of being cancer free. Given my history and family history, they recommended a bilateral mastectomy. I am lost. At 57, is a reconstruction even logical. I DON'T want to go without breast but the more I read, the more I feel like I am being too vain. I work fulltime and…
Happy Birthday Teresa 41 October 23rd
Happy Birthday Wishes -- Enjoy your very special day. If possible, eats lots of cake! Vicki Sam
LULU2178 ---- Where are you? Worried about you !!!
Lulu, I have been waiting for a post from you to let us know how you are doing. I have thought of you everyday since you posted about your problems. I hope you recieved help and please let us know how you are doing, ((( HUGS ))) Pixie
when you were little, what did you want to be?
Something made me think of this, but when i was little, i wanted to be a go-go dancer! I swear! I grew up in the 60's and it was the rage! I would put on my sisters white lipstick and white go-go boots and dance, lucky you-tube wasn't around then! Of course, now I am shy about dancing. But, anyway, i was thinking about…
Swollen & painful lymph nodes in armpit
Hello All, I am new here. I am throwing out this question to see if anyone has had a similar experience. I am a 7 year breast cancer survivor. For the last 5 weeks I have had tenderness to the touch with not much swelling to my left armpit. (The opposite side of where I had breast cancer 7 years ago). I went and saw my…
I do not get on daily-thinking of booking the PINK bus
Anyone want to ride along on the pink bus...NO cancer related totally , but my gastro Dr is sending me for ultra sound on my liver and bone scan...but company would be great. Sat AM for both tests, (KILLING two birds with ONE stone) Denise
Making Strides
Sunday my husband and I will be walking in the American CANCER Making Strides Breast Cancer walk! Our 2 y/o grandson (babysitting while mom and dad work) will be with us as we all sport our team shirts with this slogan cancer touched my ta ta's so I kicked it's a** and a cute pic of a beat up jack! Our other son and DIL…
Panic and Dread
OK, so I'm done with it all. Chemo was over in June. Radiation was over in early September. The cancer was Stage 1, triple negative, and my prognosis is good. So why do I lay awake at night and just KNOW that it's going to return. Why do I think about it almost every waking minute? I have read that this is normal, but how…
Switching from Tamoxifen to Arimidex......
I have not been on the board for a year or so. But I do check in from time to time. Everything is going well, no side effects from Tamoxifen. I had to change onologist because of new insurance. I have taken tamoxifen for 4 years, but new doc ran blood tests saying I am post menopausal and so she wants me to be on arimidex.…
Arimidex side effects
Hello all. Been off the boards for a long time, just busy with life! I had been taking Tamoxifen for 2 years and after a long discussion with my onco doc, decided to switch to Arimidex. I wasn't really having any intolerable side affects from the Tamox, but decided that the supposed side effects of Arimidex were less…
Bilateral mastectomy in my future
As I posted about last month, I recently found out that I carry the PALB2 genetic mutation. My family was part of the study published in the New England Journal of Medicine this past August on breast cancer risk and PALB2, that also got a lot of media coverage. I’ve now met with a geneticist and a genetic counselor, as…
Free to someone if -------
Free to someone if only you cannot afford to buy.I have 5 surgical hats and a nice pink ball cap with sequins on it that I want to give free to someone that is taking chemo that has lost your hair. My daughter gave me the surgical hats to wear because I could not stand anything tight on my head. They are of different…
Surgeon didn't remove lymph node Ca
* Diagnosed Oct 2013-breast lump. * Needle Biopsy performed on suspicious enlarged lymph node on 11-2013. * Surgery to remove breast lump and some lymph nodes on Dec 20 2013. The biopsy performed on a suspicious enlarged lymph node in Nov. of last year was marked with a titanium clip for location/identification. The…
Update-after over 3 wks Friend knows what type of cancer-such a LONG time of the unknown
Please keep close family friend's (KNOWN since birth) husband has been in the hospital for 9 days and still no exact type of cancer-he is critial-many blood transfusions. Her mom died of breast cancer after years reoccruances, she her self have had lung and VERY bad breast cancer -remission right now...SO SHE HAS HAD HER…
Bra for Right side Mastectomy
Hello, it will surely be appreciated if someone can suggest to me what to do as far as a bra is concerned. I had a right side mastectomy with reconstruction, I don't know what to do as far as a bra is concerned. Thanks.
Looking for information from experience
Hi all, I was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in early July, and then from the pre-surgical MRI we found multifocal Invasive Lobular Carcinoma. So, I just had bilateral simple mastectomy on October 2nd, with auxiliary lymph node disection. Thankfully, my lymph nodes were clear, but the margin of one of the tumors…
From Her2 positive to negative
I started off triple positive, went through six rounds of TCHP then surgery- my surgical path report now shows me Her2 negative- thus I am being taken off Herceptin- has this happened to anyone else?
O.T. Mini get away
we snuck away (without our grandkids-who go on EVERY vacation with us) for 4 days camping in Vt...the leaves were super-great colors. We took a gondola up a ski lift and hiked to the top of Stowe Mtn. Sunny and windy dialy-poured when we got home to NYS-so we times it perfectly. Denise
Mets looking to start chemo**TAXOTERE**
Howdy! I'm looking for input again and your experiences. Here's the short story: diagnosed with mets to liver and lymph nodes in September, started on a study program looking at the efficacy of 3 drugs together, have only had 2 treatments with fulvestrant, and am now looking to start to chemo. I've had an infection and…
Not the Phone Call I Wanted
Greetings! I posted here several years ago. Back then the path report from a lump was negative. I was worried and got wonderful support here!!! Call from my wonderful doctor this evening .. path report (different breast) shows cancer this time. I'll start reading up on some new things...Oncotype DX to start! Will know more…
Pre Calcifications (feedback & comments)
Hi All. Just had my yearly mammo & ultrasound done last Friday. The 3d mammo picked up some small precalcifications in my right breast. I heard the word micro. This was not there a year ago & the doctor said since it is not that close to the surgical scar, they want to have it biopsied especially with my history. Doctor…
I am home!
A late and kind of crazy late night discharge last night - home at 9:30 PM. I am home on TPN/lipids/insulin - all via my port to strengthen me up for my upcoming battle. I see the onc on Thursday and my biopsy should be back then. I now have a fentanyl patch for pain that seems to be keeping me a bit more comfortable.…
Multiple Primary at 50
This summer, I was sent for my usual mammogram, but the doctor added a thyroid ultrasound because of a goiter. Within 3 months, I had been diagnosed with breast cancer (the biopsy showed IDC, but the final pathology showed both IDC and ILC with 3 separate nodules), thyroid cancer (a particularly aggressive type,…