skin graft nipples
Hi I just had my nipples and areolas done with skin grafts after waiting 5 years to decide on it. I still have dressings on them and only saw them briefly. I am experiencing lots of itchiness where they added fat as well. I am wondering if anyone had the skin grafts done and if they like them or not and what I should…
Me with hair
This is a picture taken a couple of years ago. What i look like now.
Triple Negative with Metastasis to the sternum
I had triple negative breast cancer stage 2, no lymph node involvement. I now have triple negative metastasis to the sternum. They say I have a unique case, so it will be brought before the conference to discuss and determine my treatment plan. I had double mastectomy on 7/11 of this year, PET scan 8/26 showed spot on…
Triple Negative Breast Cancer Survivors
Hi. I just finished my last round of chemo on Thursday last week. I had 8 total, 4 AC and 4 Taxol. My Invasive Ductal Carcinoma tumor that was removed last October, along with lymph nodes, was found to be Triple Negative. I'm 42 years old with three young daughters, age 10, 8 and 7. I am having additional surgery to…
Tattooing over mastectomy scars
I am taking part in a charity event called P.ink Day. It is put on by P.ink which is a charity that connects women who want tattoos to cover their scars with tattoo artists that have experience with that. Also once a year they have an event where they bring multiple survivors together with tattoo artists and provide free…
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to those who've alerted us to the PM spamming from earlier today. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this kind of private message spamming. If you received a message from rita44556 prompting you for money,…
Hello everyone. I am an 'oldie' here who had been in remission for several years. However, my cancer has returned in my bones. I will begin a series of Herceptin treatments soon. I have not taken this drug before and would very much appreciate comments from those who have and can tell me a bit about the side effects, etc.…
celebrating survivorship
I was dx with BC in 2011. The road has had many bumps along the way. Finally almost 3 years out I feel things are settling down. I changed my diet to a lot of raw fruits and vegetables, mostly vegan, and I walk EVERY day 3-6 miles. I want to have control over my life and hopefully stop a reoccurance. I was wondering if…
Happy Birthday Justme32213- Lisa .. October 3rd
Happy Birthday shout out to you Miss Lisa - Hope you enjoy your very special day... Have fun, and eat lots of Cake. Strength, Courage and HOPE for a Cure. Vicki Sam
Today is Thyca anne's Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day! Jenny
Just got a pm from Rita44556. brand new first message/post. Telling me she needs me to reply to her personal acct chungrita32@gmail.com. Says she has 4 days to live and has 8,3 million dollars to be dispersed and she needs ME to do it. Based on divje intervention, god chose me. Sent her back a pm stating if this was in any…
I'm in The New England Journal of Medicine!
I’m famous! Please, no autographs or paparazzi…. Some of you will remember that my family was asked to participate in a study last year for families like mine with a strong history of breast cancer, but who are BRCA-negative. Through this study, I found out that I carry the PALB2 genetic mutation, which is just starting to…
Confused lumpectomy or masectomy
I have just completed 16 rounds of chemo for invasive triple negative breast cancer 4 rounds of AC and 12 taxol, finished on sept 11 2014. im so happy to be done I feel good despite the neuropathy and tiredness I'm suffering. I have an MRI and mammogram this Thursday then a meeting with the breast surgeon next week my dr…
FallWinter -Are you ready?
As 'Fall has Fell, (in some areas) are you ready? And what do you do to be prepared? We got our first blizzard last year the first of Oct. We were without electric power for 8 days. I was prepared for all but one thing I never thought about. For heat have a good keorseene heater, lots of antique kero lamps, large pantry,…
Pink bus on Wednesday - let's have fun together
Hello my dear sisters, it's that time again ... going for PET/CT, yes that right 3 months passed by quickly, now back to our favorite activity - imaging & metabolic activity of b** This time I wil really appriciate your company, making sure that IV, contrast and everything else will be in order. Hoping for good results…
Depression and Femara (letrozole)
I have been recently switched from Tamoxifen to Letrozole. I had some revision surgery the first week of August, and ever since have been depressed. I have only been on the Letrozole for about 3 weeks, so I really dont think it is the only culprit, but am curious if there are any anti depressants that are better when used…
Inflamation of breast area after mastectomy 1 yr ago
Hello. I have a question and maybe one of you can shed some light on..I had a mastectomy one year ago of my left breast and diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer. Over the past month I have noticed a strange feeling in that side of my breast. Lately it gets swollen and red and feels hot. I was looking around this site and…
Next step for my Mom
We met with the oncologist on Tuesday. He indicated that she is a Stage 3 (HER2 Positive) at this point given the skin and a lymph node involvement. However, during examination, he could not feel the lymph node. The doctor wants her to get a PET scan. Right now we are waiting for approval and hopefully it will be scheduled…
Expressions Gallery**
Just a quick note for those of you who have not checked out the Expressions Gallery.....there is a woman on there posting her Chemo Journey with Fantastic Graphics and Scientific Graphs.........it is well worth looking at them and very uplifting to see her Great Attitude***
I was wondering if anyone has periods even though they are on Tamoxifen. I suddenly started again this morning after 2 1/2 years of menopause, or at least what I thought was menopause. I'm 48 and have been taking tamoxifen almost 2 years now without forgetting any pills at all (i take one a day). I'm not worried about…
Allergic reaction to Taxotere?
I have had hives for a few days and my doctors think that it may be an allergic reaction to Taxotere. The hives come and go on different spots of my body and my hands ache as if I have arthritis or something. I am wondering if anyone else has had an allergic reaction to the Taxotere, and if so - what were your symptoms?
Post Menopausal bleeding
Wow it's been quite awhile since I have actually posted anything. I am so sad to see that we have lost some of the brave Pink angels that I know helped me so much as well as helping others. I will def have to update my pic since it was taken the day before I got my port which was in January 2010. I lost my Dad the day…
Hi everyone. I had a check up with my onc today and he told me I will be on Femara for another 2-5 years. I am approaching my 5 year mark this winter and expected to be coming off of Femara by Spring. I wasn't aware that studies are now showing that an extended period of Femara is recommended. I don't really mind as I have…
It is mets
The news I really didn't want to hear... I saw the doctor today and it is mets to the liver and nodes. I had an additional CT done today of the abdomen and an MRI of my spine. The bone scan was negative but there were two spots from a previous CT that everyone said was arthritis, but this onc wants to be sure. We are…
THree word story topic fall is coming!
Soon fall will
Today is TJ Johnson's Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Sending Big Birthday wishes your way! Jenny
Today is ButterFlylvr's Birthday!
Hope you have a Great day - filled with everything and everyone you love most! Jenny
Not Xeloda but Gemzar
Has anyone ever done Gemzar? If yes, would you tell me how the side effects are? Having a bone scan on Friday. Sending me to see a radiologist about my fracture which really does hurt. I did have a shot of Xgeva. Oncologist said it has a different chemistry than Zometa, Aredia and etc. My uveitis specialist probably won't…
First day of Chemo today
I've read it all but now that the day is here I am nervous as heck! I start my first found of A/C today at 11 central time. I have IDC stage 3a. I will do 4 rounds of A/C evey other week amd then taxol the next 4 rounds after that. Any tips would be great
Pancreatic biopsy #3
I had the 3rd and last biopsy (I hope) today. I don't want to jinx myself, but, so far, this has been the easiest of the 3. Danny took a photo of me waiting to get the biopsy. Now, we wait about 4 days. Send positive thoughts, prayers, whatever you have for this to be benign!