Stopping Arimedex
Has anyone experience emotional outbursts since taking Arimedex?
Good News and port is working for now!
Had to go back to lab to try and give blood again. No luck. The male nurse, nice but a little cocky came in and said he was going to do a shortcut that he found is quicker than stronger heparin or TPA. I stopped him in his tracks! Asked if this was taking the big syringe of saline and pushing it in like 15 seconds. He said…
Doxil Has Failed
Had a ct scan and echocardiagram yesterday. I progressed in the left lung again, also have a small effusion and a fracture in the coracoid process (had to look that one up, had no idea what it was) it's a small bone in the shoulder. I really thought it was a bout of bursitis as it seem like the same kind of pain. I had…
Any advise I can give my mom?
Hi All: My 80 year old mother (soon to be 81 in November) was just diagnosed with IDC (HER2 positive). She already has a skin lesion and one lymph node that shows up on the scan. We met with a surgeon and he suggested that she do chemo and herceptin first and then surgery. Although he did say she could do everything he…
HAPPY Belated BIRTHDAY ILuvmykids (Sept 12)
Hope your Birthday was fantastic and filled with lots of surprises! Best wishes for your year ahead! Jenny
Today is creamPuff91344's Birthday!
Best wishes for a great Birthday and a happy, healthy year! Jenny
Last chemo tomorrow
Had to use soap to get my ring off last night and my socks are leaving dents in my legs from the swelling. I called oncologist this morning, regarding being puffy before even starting my dexamethasone, and getting short of breath just bending over to tie my shoes. Dr is out of the office, PA is OK with that. Went in and…
An Inconvenient Year by Yvonne Joye
Just learned of the book "An Inconvenient Year" by Yvonne Joye about a woman's battle with breast cancer. It's available on Amazon as a free Kindle download. I've downloaded it, just started reading it.
How are things going, CypressCynthia?
Dear CC, How are things going? Update? Hugs, Doris
Watering eyes
Hello everyone, I finished chemo about four weeks ago. But my eyes are watering a lot. I've been to the eye's doctor but nothing is helping. Does anyone have that experience? Please let me know what you use.
Boarding our Pink Bus for CypressCynthia
Hi everyone, Pink bus for Eileen. Driving to a "specialist" interventional radiologist who is going to get a percutaneous (through the skin) aspirate of her pancreas on Friday. I'll see you on the bus
stopping by to say hi!!!!!
hi everyone,I haven't been on the boards in a while,just been busy,I wanted to check in and let you all know I'm still Alive and doing well,I pray everyone is too! I Will set down one day and catch up on all the news.Mollyz
new alpha game "caring / kind words"
A-Awsome next person "B" with apporiate word etc.
Pink Wine by the Case??**
If we must be on Pink Bus or in Pink Waiting Room we need to buy the Pink Wine by the Case.... don't you gals agree? Wonder if the Doctors would approve? I always heard that Red Wine was good for the blood...but all it ever does for me is make me sleepy. yuk yuk So if we are going to buy it by the case...why kind of Pink…
Israeli research team: Screen all Ashkenazi-Jewish women for BRCA mutations
In the Pink Waiting Room**
So here we all are in the Pink Waiting Room...and it is no fun to be here. Twelve and a half years from Diagnosis of Invasive Ductile Carcinoma (IDC) High Risk Triple Negative (HRTN) Stage 3A and, about eleven and a half years from End of Treatment. (lumpectomy/6 courses of FAC Chemo/33 days of Radiation)....with all the…
Hello Sweet Pinks
It has been a while since I last logged on to CSN and when I do, it brings back so many memories. both the good and the not so good. I will be forever grateful to this website it was my only support while going thru treatment. I remember the fear of the unknown, going into unchartered waters and you gals guided me thru it…
O.T. in a away (oncologsit related though)
Years ago (MY MOM died 8 yrs ago NOT cancer) my mom saw the same oncologist (regularly) I starting seeing after her death. MY MOM had Platlet issues and saw and oncolgoirst , yet she never had cancer-Does anyhone know why she would see an oncoolgoist? (she had heart pace maker, diabetic BUT NO cancer at all) Just cruious…
question about mets
I just found out yesterday (Friday) that I have cancer in my lymph nodes and liver. It has not quite been a year since I finished treatment for breast cancer. I go in next week for biopsies and a bone scan. And you know how it is in the office...never think of the questions to ask until you leave and there is no one to…
Technical question!
I'm pretty new around here, and I was wondering how you know when someone has posted an answer to you. I can't always remember which forum topic I responded to the day before (lol)! I want to be sure and answer others, thanks.... (Oh and I think you are all awesome!)
Questions about the Shingles vaccine
I know a couple of you here have had shingles and I also know a couple of friends--all in the 50+ age group who have had them. I had chicken pox as a kid and also have had herpes simplex on my lips (cold sores) from time to time throughout life, so obviously this virus is in my body. I did some online looking and one of…
How do you feel as a woman
I have not been on this site in quite some time. Part of it because I didn't know what to say. Part of it because i was dealing with my own feelings and don't believer that I ever came to a peaceful place. I was diagnosed in 2010 with Stage 1 cancer. There was on site of invasive cancer that was .9 cm. I had other…
Today is Kara0221's Birthday!
Sending BIG wishes your way - for a lovely day! Happy Birthday! -Jenny
Lymphedema Education and Prevention
Just wanted to throw this out and see what others' experiences have been: It seems lympedema education and prevention in cases where only a few lymph nodes are removed in controversial. I had 3 lymph nodes removed. My BS said, "No worries," use that arm for BP checks, blood draws, flying no problem,etc. My MO said she…
Asked for a pink bus...what do you call it when the bus hits a pothole?
Thanks for the bus for my appointment yesterday. I had gone in because I found lumps in my neck and along the collarbone. Well, crud! CT showed involvement on both sides of my chest and in my liver. On task for biopsies next week and a bone scan. Looks like I'll have a season pass for the bus again. Blessings, ~Mtmom
Hello, Everyone, I was just wondering if there is anybody out there that has decided not to do the BRCA testing after already being diagnosed with breast cancer. I was diagnosed 9 years ago (47 years old) with stage 1 IDC, had lumpectomy, 4 rounds of chemo and radiation. the BRCA test was not recommended by my dr's when I…
Pink Bus for Friday!
I have been having trouble with some worrisome issues: bloating, nausea and vomiting, vomiting without nausea (really weird), constipation and excruciating left-sided pain (ribs) at night. Primary wants a CT of abdomen and pelvis on Friday. I asked about PET, but he said onc would probably order it but he still likes a…
Pink Bus, please?
I am new to the Pink Bus, but I think I would like one for tomorrow. I go to see the oncologist tomorrow (Thur) at 3pm (MST). I found a lump and bump on my neck and above my collarbone on the same side as my breast cancer. I have my heart set on it being nothing but I'm very anxious today and having a hard time focusing on…
Game - Last word/First word
We haven't played this game in a while. For the 'newbies' who haven't played it before, the object is to put 2 words together that relate to each other BUT the next person to play has to use the previously last word as the new first word. Example : red hot could become hot dog which could become dog tired amd so on. I'll…
Revised plan: 2nd pancreatic biopsy on Wednesday
My onc thought I should listen to the gi surgeon and have the second endoscopic us of the pancreas. GI wants to do it in the hospital and have the pathologist in the room and keep getting samples until the pathologist feels like they got a good one. BTW, my pancreatic enzymes and blood glucose remain high since late July.…