Flu shot question & update on Heatherbelle
Hi! I hope everyone's enjoyed their holiday season & off to a great start in 2015! Newer members won't know me but I'm an oldie from 2010 when I was dx with Stage 2 bc. Dx again this summer with reis recurrence to lymph nodes on my cancer side (I had a dbl mastectomy in 2010 and bc CAN recur after mastectomy in the…
So sorry
Hi friends. I am Janice. And kinda new to breast cancer. I was diagnosed during my annual physical and things have been spiraling eversince. I am handling the chemo itself just fine. It's the exhaustion for the 2-3 days after. My caregiver is amazing, it's my husband. He went inti retirement to care for me. He truly needed…
Beautiful flowers from Janice my ornament buddy
Came home today and had note on my door saying to call flower shop they was trying to make a delivery.I called and they brought out the most gorgeous flowers from Janice.She had been sick in hospital and worried she couldn't get ornament in mail.I dint want her to worry about it.What a nice lady to do this.And said pkg. is…
December 28th -- Happy Birthday Wishes to Carkris
Happy Birthday Shout out to YOU, Miss Carkris -- Hoping you have an enjoyable, and blessed day. Celebrate ... cuz, it is all about you today. Vicki Sam
Secreat santa
I had posted that my ornament had not came.Since then I have received two different one s.And yesterday another was received.wow you lady s rock.I will cherish them forever.The kindness is over whelming.Like I said before its so much more then a ornament.Its from someone that has gone through what I have with breast…
We have made the decision to call in hospice
After talking with my oncologist and finding out that my mets on my liver and spine are still growing I talked with my kids and we made the decison to stop treatments and call in hospice. The chemo was doing more harm than good. Due to the mets on my spine I am unable to walk without a walker and I have been told that it…
Tofday at NOON is just blood test Pre 0ncologist appt. I had to back up my appt by a week for mammo , since I NEED an Ulrasound the same time-need time for results (they take longer I am told for Ultra) So now Mammo / Ultra sound not until 23rd and then Oncologist the 29th... I"ll book the bus when I get closer! I am…
How long does it take
I stopped taking arimedex by dr.s orders.How long does it take to get out of your system.arimedex is what I took.thank you.
Surgery this morning!
I had my lumpectomy this morning as well as a port put in for chemo and a sentinel node biopsy. I have triple negative IDC, possibly stage , ll maybe lll . I was diagnosed on Dec 10 and the initial sonogram said I had a speculated mass that was about 3 cm. the MRI indicated the mass was 2.2x 2.0 x 2.3, however it showed…
Happy Belated Birthday deeb111 (Jan 3)
Happy Birthday!!!! Hope you had a wonderful day! Best Wishes for a Fabulous, Terrific, Healthy year! -Jenny
Happy New Year Positive Word Search
Happy New Year! H-Healed A-Alive P-Proud P-Peaceful Y-Youthful N-Nobel E-Endless W-Well Y-Young E-Energetic A-Appreciate R-Resourceful Can you come up with 12 positive words to fit Happy New Year!
Can I do this
so much has happended so fast. Nov 10th got the diagnosis call confirming I have invasive ductual carcenoma. Lumpectomy and some lymph nodes removed on nov 19th. Tests results 3cm, stage 2, grade 3, no evidence in blood stream, lymphs negativ, margins ok. Dec 17th another surgery to put port in (which two weeks later is…
** 1/3/15** Update on Eileen/Cypress Cynthia -
Posted by Eileen's sister, Patricia ... Eileen weak but hanging in there. She is sleeping a lot, no nausea, pain in good control. She is eating a little and drinking. Lucid but very weak and can't manage electronics right now. Her liver function tests were elevated last week and she is due to get another round of chemo…
Secreat Santa
I received another ornament from Utah today..A beatiful star with tea light with candle inside.And a box of candy.Thank you so very much.I will cherish it always.God bless you.What a wonderful bunch of pink sisters.
New To Forums
Hello everyone. I have been lurking on this forum for a couple of days now, and have found some really good information and support. I am 54 years old, and was diagnosed in June of this year. I have stage 3C triple negative on the left side, and IDCIS on the right side. I have complete 4 dd A/C treatment, and 9 of 12…
Pink Bus! Need some riders!!
HI! I need the Pink Bus tomorrow! I'm going for an MRI to find out what is happening in my brain. They the cancer may have spread to my brain or maybe I had a stroke. I'm hoping they find a third choice like maybe I haven't had enough chocolate! It is real hard to type and write and I keep running into things! (A great…
Happy Birthday - to our Christmasgirl (Susan) .. December 25th
Susan - Happy Birthday to YOU .. and many more... Enjoy, Celebrate, and many happy memories dear Susan. Vicki Sam
Looking for suggestions on low carb diets
Just got back from my appointment with my surgeon. He thinks that I am doing very well, considering my starting point three years ago this month. To look at me, no one would know. He has given me "homework" for the next 12 months: * Lose about 30 pounds more -- he again reminded me that this would be to my benefit, since I…
HAPPY New Years-good health to all
I wont' be on for a few days Happy New Years to everyone... Denise
Help with funding for genetic testing
Help with funding for genetic testing My entire team is recommending I have genetic testing. I keep putting it off because of the cost. My insurance covers the test itself, but not the consultation. I can't have testing without consultation. Consultation costs $600. I'm a single parent, working in the social services…
Secreat Santa
wow you Pink sisters are so wonderful.When my ornament buddy dint come through.I had not one but two ornaments buddy's send me a beatiful ornament.I couldn't beleive my eyes.I opened one then another one.thanks to victoria and Theresa .I will cherish them forever.Thank you so much.What a nice thing to do.Happy New…
Weight gain on arimedex
hi I have been taking armies ex 5 yrs. have two more days of it.i got my heaviest after Cancer.I walk fast pace 3 to 5 miles most days watch what I eat. Lost 55 pounds in over 4 yrs.I have worked really hard.I have 40 more to go.i can not get it off.My sister n law was able to loss weight after stopping the arimedex.Have…
Traditional New Years meals
As New Years Day is just around the corner - what is your traditional New Years Day meal? For us, it's black eyed peas and hog jowls (well, in today's world finding jowls here is impossible so it's hocks), collard greens and corn bread. In case, you didn't figure it out - we're Southerners.
Remission When is IDC and DCIS, stage 2A, grade 3, ER+, PR+, HER2- considered in remission? I had a lumpectomy with clear lymph nodes and clean margins. Treatment involves 30 rounds of radiation and 5 years Tamoxifen, then another 5 years of another hormone therapy drug. No one has ever told me when it is actually in…
Mets to Liver
Hello I'm scared because I was put on letrozole and only four months ago with only bone mets,and I had a CT scan last week. I met with my doctor yesterday and he went over the results and it showed a lot spots on my liver. He has taking me off of letrozole because of what happen. Did letrozole failed anybody else like…
Pink Bus TODAY for New Flower
Hi Everyone, Late notice, so maybe no baked goods, but drop everything, leave work (nice idea) and hop on board the Pink Bus for Olga's PET/CT scan today at 2:30. I've got my learner's permit for Pink Bus driving and I've been practicing in empty parking lots. So let's go:) xoxo Victoria
12/28/14 * Update on Cypress Cynthia / Eileen
as posted on CC's Facebook page .... Had a rough few days with sleepiness. I literally want to sleep all of the time. Had tests run yesterday.. Recommended I just get comfortable. Oxygen back and I went back on my pain patch and that has helped a lot. Liver enzymes have doubled on left. Just going to chill, but I'll take…
Er+ and period returns after 1 year
Hello everyone, My sister in law has asked me to ask a question for her since I'm the one who does all of the research for her. She is 42 yrs old, diagnosed October 2013 with Er+, Her-, Idc, stage 2, no lymph involvement, onc score 25. She had a lumpectomy, 4 rounds of chemo, 27 rads, and is now on tamoxifen. Anyway, she…
Mixed feeling about getting off arimedex
hi everyone.I have looked so forward to getting off arimedex.Been counting the days.I have three days to go to make my five years.Now suddenly I am hit with emotions that oh my goodness I have fought against Cancer for 5and half years.in three days I will not be doing anything to fight again Cancer recur acne.I am now…
Dint receive my ornament
Was very dissapointed I dint get my ornament.It has such special meaning to me when I get one.I have every year since I had Cancer.Its a lot more then the ornament.Its the meeting behind it that makes it meen so much to me.I mailed mine a few weeks ago.watched the mail every day since.Hopefully the person got my name had a…