Looking for similar situation - bilateral mastectomy, hysterectomy, gene mutation and chemotherapy
I had cancerous tumors in left breast and DCIS in right breast so I had a genetic test. Add a genetic mutation to the mix so I had a bilateral mastectomy. In addition I had a total hysterectomy. Test results came back with negative nodes. Also had an estrogen sensitive cancer. Just got results of oncotype back and I am a…
Home from hospital
home from hospital. I went to Dr. On Friday for ultra sound and while waiting to go in, my oncologist nurse came in and told me when I was done, go straight to hospital, I was being admitted. Do I have time to go home? No. So .straight to hospital I go, thinking I was a direct admit. Not! Two hours later, no food, I was…
TraciinLA ... We are thinking about you and
up coming bilateral mastectomy -- Please check in with us when possible. Gentle hugs my dear Friend, Vicki Sam
Had onocolgist appt this am...canceled
I had an appt at 10 am today. I called yeserday to confirma nd make sure they had all my test results- I was good to go...TEN mins later I got a call saying it has to be canceled. (I had put in for half sick day at work)-so the I canceled the sick day) This am I get a call-can you come in this afternoon at 1:30? I told…
New formed breast with fat grafting......
Have to tell you all - after wearing the brava machine for 10 hours a day the last two days, I have a breast when I take the machine off. You can see it. It's almost as big as my other breast that they lifted. I might only need to go through the grafting one more time if it stays this big. Wouldn't that be great? Can't…
Today is Natly 15's Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Sending BIG wishes your way - hope you have a wonderful day ... and a healthy, happy year! much love, Jenny
Surgery coming up, could use advice on hospital stay
Thank you all so much for all your support as I get closer to my bilateral mastectomy on Thursday. My partner Trace and I are as prepared as we can possibly be for my recovery at home, but I’m finding myself really anxious about my hospital stay, as I’ve never had to stay overnight in a hospital before (my lumpectomies in…
Today is ppurdin's Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope your day is filled with fun and love all around! Celebrate! -Jenny
Weather-HOW did everyone in Juno's path make out?
I worke for a school and we closed early on Monday and canceled Monday night for Tues...we did get some snow-but nothing like they expected in my area of NYS (half way between Albnay and NYC) MY husband works for cablevions so he was out-crazy hours of course. Denise
Pink Bus Friday am
I am headinf for my NOW annaul mammo and ultrasound Friday AM if anyone wants to ride along. I am excited back to once a year...i was almost there-then back tracked-but now to once a year...whoot whoot...plus now ultra sound... Denise
Tomorrow am PINK BUS
I had fun ride lasta week with you ladies for my mammo and ultrasound/ blood work. Tomrorow i am going to my annual low risk check up with my onocoloist if anyone wants to ride alond at 9:30 Denise
Pink Bus Today
Today is the day I see the breast specialist/surgeon to find out what he wants to do about the lump in my radiated breast. More scared now than the first time I had cancer. Wow, its hard to hold on.
was wondering what foods would be good to eat to keep nutrition while feeling nauseous . Had scrambled eggs and ramen noodles today but want to keep my nutrition values .
Anybody want to ride the pink bus tomorrow for Mary?
The pink bus is going to pick up my friend Mary tomorrow for her first 6 month onco appointment. She's been worried and could use as much support as possible. Mary, I'm praying for good results!!! Hugs, Anna (P.S. I'll be bringing the snickerdoodles!!!)
Looking for encouraging words..Hi it's me.......I'm back,
Looking for encouraging words to help out a friend. that is all. thanks.
Chemo side effects
Have had headache and nausea since after chemo that was on tues. How long should I expect delayed nausea. Haven't vomited. just very nauseous. Have meds for it but was just curious if others had this problem and how long each time it might last. Thank u
Update on Cypress Cynthia 1/13/15
CC's sister posted this update a few hours ago. Let's continue to keep her in our thoughts & prayers. "Eileen hanging in there-sleeping a lot and weak but no nausea and pain well controlled with a patch. Danny is always at her side."
Today is Bella Luna's Birthday!
Wishing you your BEST BIRTHDAY ever! Hope you have a beautiful day and the year ahead filled with health & happiness! Jenny
3 word New Years story
2015 will start
I almost waited too long. My sister in law DID wait too long before she sought treatment and she died in two years at the age of 56. Found the lump but did nothing for several weeks....it's a real miracle I am still here....and I KNOW I wouldn't be here now if I had not done Chemo. What do you think about the fact that we…
Small trick for getting your blood taken
I'm a chicken when it comes to needles. And it seems they always poke me twice. Here is a simple trick to getting it the first time and not hurting. Baby oragel and bandaid Place baby oragel on a bandaid where you know they always poke you for blood. I usually do it in two places just in case. Put the bandaid on the spot…
did the dr. call with malignant biopsy results or bring you to office?
did you recieve bad news over the phone or in the office?
Hello ladies.. Thursday ( 1/22) is my first appointment after my chemo tx (6 mos. ago) and I am really freaking out. Can you please let me know what can I expect on the first visit? Will there be a pet scan right away, blood work?
Today is Rjjj's Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope your day is filled with lots of fun & surprises! - and your year is full of Happiness, Health and Love! -Jenny
Flushing of face and chest
Had my first chemo today. Did pretty good so far. Had herceptin, perjeta, carboplatin and taxotere. On way home about an hour from chemo dr. Noticed my face and neck were red and hot like a sunburn. No fever. Called dr on call and he said could be from decadron (steroid). Has anyone else had this problem
Surgery was end of October, strong thru recovery after bilateral mastectomy nd doing reconstruction.
Had my BMX end of Oct. Recovery went real well. going thru reconstruction with breast expanders. Great report no chemo needed orradiation. Started on Femora around first of Dec. no noticable side effects. I was strong thru all of that. Now i feel like everything stresses me out. Was on Zoloft for a couple of years and had…
itching ?
Hello all you lovely people....I have a question. I was diagnosed 2013, stage 4 with mets to the liver. Ive had a mastecctomy on left breast, chemo and radiation complete. Now herceptin and perjeta every 3 weeks. Lately I have been having a lot of itching, not real bad but just here and there all over my body. Anybody…
Monday, January 17th -- Update on Eileen
Eileen's sister posted this on Facebook yesterday . My sister Jeannie Tidy and her daughter Heather DeLapouyade went to visit Eileen today. I was able to talk to her on the phone briefly. She is no longer walking, mostly using a wheelchair and very weak. It was great to talk to her, she sounded pretty good and even made a…
Easy foods for chemo
Hi! My name is Denise. I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and have went through two chemo sessions. After the first chemo I was still able to eat a few things. Jello tasted especially good (orange and grape) but after treatment #2 I cannot eat a thing. I havent had much nausea but have a very acid stomach and…
O.T. getting another opion on my BAD Arthiritis in hands Monday
I have had sugery on both hands, wear special clothes/ wrist supports etc..2nd dr handed me pain killers....said ntohing i can do..first dr i have gone to for year same thing... I have colitis so the pain killers not an option though he gave them to me New Dr monday / does infustions...we'll see