Arimidex side effects
My doctor put me on Arimidex because Tamoxifin was causing insomina, hot flushes, night sweats, etc. Now I am having severe back pain, which I read is one side effect of Arimidex. I had a back x-ray and a bone scan (my oncologist was afraid the cancer had spread) but both were negative for cancer, arthritis or…
Vegetarianism - Concerns
I've decided to follow a vegan diet going forward - but only if my oncologist gives me the go ahead this coming Wednesday. I know I need to be very careful about consuming enough in the way of protein replacement foods - and to stay clear of soy products (my tumor was both estrogen and progestrone receptive). Would…
Over half-way done
I haven't visited this site in a while. I am not sure why, but I read many of the messages today and felt so blessed by all the stories. You are all such wonderful people and helped me as I started this BC (breast cancer) journey. I am now over half done with my chemo therapy. I finished the AC portion and now am doing…
Doxil Caused Rare Side Effect
Hi folks :-] My Mom who's 62 years old has Stage 4 Breast cancer that has spread to her bones. She has responded very well to treatments and her tumer markers are very low..thats the good news...a few months ago her doctor told her that she should recieve some IV treatments of Doxil as a preventative mesure. The first…
I just wanted to thank you all for your responses. Hummingbyrd, you are an inspiration, girl,and wanted you to know that God is using you in tremendous ways. Laura, Mico, Denise, Stephanie, and Tara my gratitude for your kind words. I had just heard about a friend with bad news when I posted my message the other day. Felt…
Sounds like a book to get!! Thanks for the info. Laura
Joint/Bone Pain
I've probably asked this before...but, I'm gonna ask again. I finished 4 rounds of A/C Chemo the beginning of May. On July 2, I started with the 5 years of Tamoxifen. (I had a mastectomy in January, with immediate tram flap reconstruction; invasive ductal carcinoma, with 0 lymph involvement, and no apparent spread -- all…
Need Prayers for Direction
I need LOTS of prayers so that I can understand what to do for work...I tutor and love to teach writing especially but am afraid of changing jobs because of having cancer in remission and not cured. Still feeling fine and no changes (Praise God) but at work the younger people seem to want to push me aside and take my…
Sharing the joy.....
At my initial diagnoses, my oncologist suspected I had Stage IV inflammatory/invasive ductal carcinoma (grew from 3cm to 9cm in 3 weeks)and told me it was incurable. 10 months of chemo/surgery/radiation are now over and I received the results of the 3rd set of bone/CT scans and they are....negative! My pap test came…
Alcohol Consumption/Continuing Risk?
I am a wine collector and while I don't overindulge, I know there is an associated risk between drinking alcohol in moderate to heavy amounts and developing cancer, particularly breast cancer. Now that I've been diagnosed and am currently receiving chemotherapy, I'd like to know if anyone out there has received advice from…
Believe it or not you will smile again
Today I am getting ready to leave for Montana for my daughters wedding. After being diagnosed with bc last Novemeber I was fearful of being here for the event. But I am cancer free and doing well. And I never thought back in the beginning of this journey that I would smile, laugh, look forward to visiting with family and…
"Breast Cancer for Dummies"
Dr. Ronit Elk interviewed women through this site! His book is a real tribute to breast cancer survivors. It is available through Amazon.com
Quitting Chemo Con't.
Wow, thank you to those who took the time to respond to my request for info. I am learning a lot from reading the responses. It sounds like the Chemo that they are giving me is pretty standard. 4 courses of A/C and then 4 courses of Taxol every two weeks.I was also given the Luprine shot and had terrible side effects. So…
1 year mixed feelings
I don't remember the date of my actual diagnosis but it has been one year, give or take a week, and I am still here. As I've written before, my sister died one year ago 7/12 from breast cancer followed by my mother on Nov. 9, 2002, also breast cancer. I was with both of them in their last moments. This discussion has…
nails after A/C chemo
My nails are absolutely beautiful after 4 doses of A/C chemo.....strong and long. I used to have nails that would split, and I couldn't get them to grow long. Anyone else experience this? Thanks, Sue
Blood in urine
Hi all, i finished my Mammosite radiation about two weeks ago. Had lumpectomy 5 days before radiation. I was on an antibiotic for nine days after surgery. Then all of a sudden this past Sat. i had alot of blood in my urine, it only lasted one day. I saw the dr, on Monday and he did urinalysis, no infection. He was not sure…
Rebecca Study?
Just wanted to thank everyone on this board for sharing their information and offering their wonderful support to each other. I've learned so much from everyone, from how to cope, to what questions I need to ask my oncologist. Recently I had a dexa scan (having read about it here) and found out that I have osteoporosis at…
Ovarian Oblatian
I am getting ready for treatment for breast cancer. My tumor was 2.5 cm. 3 nodes affected. Estrogen positive. HER negative. High grade. My doctor suggested chemo + radiation + hormone therapy of tamoxifen. A friend said a friend of hers was told to get rid of her ovaries because that is what was feeding the tumor and would…
Done with Chemo - Yippie!
To all my friends on this board. I have finally completed my last Chemo on Friday, July 25th. I feel like I have accomplished so much. I breezed through all my Chemo treatments with very little side effects. My Onc is very pleased with how I handled it and is calling me the Chemo Poster Child. I am in a study becuase of my…
extreme fatigue..... Help
Did anyone experience extrime fatigue during their taxol? had my first one last wednesday almost a week ago and still feel very tired even if i take a nap every day i am starting to feel guilty for feeling this way cannot do much with my kids :(Will their mommy ever have strenght again?
want to share the good news
No need to respond to this note, but just want to tell u that my 43 year-old niece had stage 3 lymphoma, and she's now cancer -free!!!!!!!!!!! Hurrah!!!!!!Gives me hope!!!!!! Sue
Tamoxifen question?
I have been on this med since April. In the last few weeks I have been cold all the time. Anyone else having this?
Iron Deficient Anemia with Arimidex??
I am having problems keeping my blood counts up. I didn't have to have chemo or radiation but do take Arimidex daily. My Iron levels, % Saturation levels as well as hemoglobin and MCV are all down and staying down. I took a 50 day course of Iron with no results, actually they went down a little. Anyone else experience…
i got my results from my scans everything was negative. YAHOO!!!! my daughter and i went to disney this week had a great time.
Pain in breast post op and tightness/pullin in arm
I had a lumpectomy in February and just now started to have some pain in my breast where the incision is. My surgeon did an ultra sound and said there is nothing there, that was a relief. But I also have a tightness and pulling all down my left arm from my armpit to my elbow. When I raise my arm up over my head and extend…
Fatigue - Can I Control It?
I have experienced a couple of days of complete fatigue post my intitial infusion of A/C. I have not wanted to take any supplements or stimulants in an attempt to try to control this just in case they should have an adverse effect on my system or treatment protocol. My oncology nurse (oncologist is on short term leave)…
Taxol, How is it Different from A/C
Tomorrow, I start Taxol. I finished 4 cycles of Adriamycin/Cytoxin. I tolerated that pretty well. I have heard Taxol is less stressful for the body. Can anyone give me any insight?
Hi Tony! I hope you haven't left yet...I just want to thank you for all of your personal care & support through the CSN Administration. You, along with other admin. have taken very good care of us survivors. I wish you the best in life. We will miss you! Take care... Geral
Hello my friends!
I'm back from Alaska and it's good to be home. Having surgery next week...I think....to remove the new lumps...thinking benign...Missed you all but kept you in my heart and prayers. Love, Jayne
quick tamoxifen question
When is the best time of the day to take this med?