Dyeing a wig..
Does anyone know how to dye a wig. I have a human hair wig but the color is lighter than I prefer. Any suggestions? Thanks, Karen.
bone met treatment
Hi everyone, I want to thank you for the support I received from my last questions. The doctor has ordered me to take Femara daily and have an intervenous drug once a month to strengthen my bones. This met was just discovered....can't chemo or radiation help? I asked my doc and he said he wants to maintain my 'quality of…
new book
Thank you! My name is Lois and this is my first time in the chat room. I have just completed chemo and radiation after lumpectomy. I am looking to do everything I can to never have cancer again. I put together a website which was very therapeutic for me and my purpose was to help others going through the same thing.…
Reality overload
I sometimes think I am going CRAZY! Does anyone else have trouble believing they actually have breast cancer???? Here I am: bald, going to radiation everyday, 3 lovely scars, no brows or lashes, fingernails peeling like an onion and yet still I sometimes I can't quit believe this has happened to me. I haven't been to the…
Cure for cancer
There are so many claims and such out there. Last night someone told me about Dr.day.com, A surgeon who cured herself. I'm sure some of the stuff might be true BUT there is also the coral calcium claim. Could it be this easy, if we had only taken a pill or ate right we would not have had cancer. I recommend a site.…
Question about BSE after Reconstruction
I am almost 2 years out from my bc diagnosis and bil mastectomies and close to 1 year out from finishing my reconstruction with saline implants. I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what I'm feeling between my skin and my implants. Does scar tissue shift around in there? This feels like my scars but is not close to…
First Cycle - A/C Cocktail
Good Day Everyone. I was newly diagnosed June 3rd. Surgery performed June 11th. I'm starting 4 cyles of Adriamycin/Cytotoxin followed by 4 cycles of Taxol this coming Thursday. I know the side effects vary with each patient and that the timing of the onset of these side effects varies as well, but would someone mind…
Good People
I had got fired during my chemo treatments and my husband had gotten laid off. Employers freak when there is cancer in the family. Today I went for a interview. I am so shocked, honored, amazed etc... The employer knows of my cancer, she knows I am a juvenille diabetic, she knows I got fired from my job during chemo, she…
going for the series of testing, bone, ct, muga scan and an mri of the head, wish me luck!!!!!!thanks
One year checkup
Does anybody who's been through the one year checkup have any advice on how to cope? I have a bone scan, chest x-ray, blood work and mammo on Wed, then I have to wait a week for results. I'm already going crazy, I can't focus, I don't care about anything except getting through these tests. I'm so afraid they're going to…
I wanted to let you all know that today I see the surgeon again and we're scheduling a needle biopsy for next week. I was praying when he spoke with the radiologist about my ultrasound they would feel everything was ok, but here we go again. Thanks for your prayers and concerns. This is a great site and I've found a lot of…
Skylar 1 year today....
Hello all.. How is everyone? I am good. I just can't believe it has been a year already that Skylar was born. I look back on everything I was going thru last year and I just can't believe it. It's feels like everything that happened to me last year was a dream. God how I wish it was. But..everything that did happen to me…
Hi, About your friends diagnosis, I am very sorry. This is a very difficult time for all of you, and my prayers are with you. Concerning how your friends cancer has affected you, it may be helpful to talk to someone and discuss all of your fears, and emotions. And then try to be strong for yourself and your friend. Talking…
Tamoxifen is not the only cancer fighting drug
Hi, I was on Tamoxifen for 1 yr. My side effects were back pain and blurred vision, I told my onco that I didn't want to take it any more, I told her that I was stopping taking it and she immediately put me on Arimidex, on this over 6 mths now and no real side effects to report so far. Please, if you are in doubt of using…
Opt for double mastectomy?
I'm new to this site. 63 years old. Diagnosed in Oct. with infiltrating ca, R breast, 6 1/2 cm, some lymph node involvement, won't know how many until surgery around end of April. Have had 6 chemo tx which are working (doctor could not even palpate tumor at last visit). Don't want to go through these tx again! They tell me…
Lumpectomy went well.
My surgery went well. I came home from hospital yesterday, still in pain. They said that my tumor was invasive, but they think they got good margins, my nodes came back negative to cancer, so that is good. They were able to put in the mammosite catheter for radiation, but I have to go have a CT scan today to make sure it…
brachytherapy / pemetrexed
Hi all, looking for info or experience on brachytherapy for radiation treatments. 2 down, 2 to go on Ac and radiation is next. I understand the new thing is 5 days radiation vs 6 weeks, 5 days a week. Wow, wouldn't that be great. Any info appreciated. Also they want me on taxotere or taxol next. I refuse due to side…
Thank You!!!
I am so very greatful to all of you, not just the ones who replied to my fear of tamoxifen, but to all of you for sharing. I was in a deep depression and way down in the pity pot, but now I know just how lucky I am to have options about my treatment and a place where I can get feedback and support. I actually found myself…
I need some advice from those that have been there,done that.My dx was Jan.28,2003 with breast cancer.My mastecomy was Feb.6,2003.They started recon then with an expander.On Feb.25 I had surgery to remove the expander because of major infection.I finished my chemo a week ago and now face recon again.I am scared to do it…
Thanks !!
Just wanted to thank all who responded to my first post about from breast to ovaries. Had my ct done yesterday now have to wait untill tues. when i go to the docs to find out what he wants to do. Again thank you all you support it is greatly appreciated. Shell
About "Mad at the Gods"
Well the news of my friend was not good. Actually it is as bad as it gets. (For those who didn't read the first post - My friend Terry was diagnosed last July with adenosarcoma in her breast. Had mastectomy, radiation and reconstruction. New lump showed up in other breast came back positive for sarcoma just last week.)…
With one more treatment to go I realize I am nearing the end of this ordeal. I have been told by my oncologist that the next step is the discussion of Tamoxefin. I'm looking for any feedback on the drug, it's side effects and the risks of the treatment. Please help me out guys. Thanks
risk of not taking tamoxifin?
I was diagnosed with BC in March, had a lumpectomy and then 7 nodes removed. I have 5 more radiation treatments out of 33 to go and my onc wants me to go on tamoxifen...(I am seeing him tomorrow to discuss this). I am considering not taking it...I can't stand the thought of depression (and more drugs for them!) and more…
First of all, thank you to all who have replied to my questions. I love this place!! I had a bilateral mastectomy. I can't make a decision about reconstruction. Is there less of a chance for recurrence without reconstruction?? If the cancer comes back, is it more difficult to detect with reconstruction? Gee, I just read…
chat room boot
Sorry Air and Shy..I got booted and cant get back in. Didnt want you to think I was rude. GRRRRRRRR *Kicks computer*
From breast to bone
Hi....I just found out that my breast cancer has spread to my bone, the tamoxifan isn't working. The doctor said that I will be switched to another daily drug and have something intervenous once a month (I'll know the names soon). He said no chemo or radiation because he wants to maintain my quality of life. Does this mean…
Anyone with weird side effects...
while taking TAMOXIFEN? I have just started taking this drug (I'm taking 20 mg per day) this week. I know all the "expected" side effects, but I'm wondering if anyone has experienced any strange symptoms -- like mood swings, anxiety, depression, pins and needles, or other things like that? I was already bothered by hot…
Question for the women...
This message is to all the women here at this network suffering from a female cancer. Is anyone bothered by men responding to posts from women to women. Sometimes I feel like I am speaking out of turn. Anyway, let me know how you all feel about it. Thanks -Michael
My typo!!!
Um.......... It has come to my attention that I mis-worded my subject about the Breast Cancer site I had recommended just now! In no way did I mean to say Great Breasts! What I meant to say was Great Breast Cancer Site. I do not mean to express that I dont admire the female chest in a normal healthy fashion, while at the…
HRT after bilateral mastectomy?
Help!! I can't live with these hot flashes!! I stopped my hormones (from Hysterectomy) after diagnosed with early breast cancer. Sister had Estrogen +. Never had problem with tamoxifen either. But stopped that after surgery 6/3. Now I have terrible hot flashes that keep me up at night. Has anyone heard of taking HRT after…