Soreness of reconstructed breast
I have been having some discomfort on the side of my breast. It is tender to touch and hurts if I cough. I had my tissue expander exchanged for implant about 10 weeks ago. This is the first time I have had any discomfort since surgery. I cant feel anything unusual to touch. I wonder if it is bone pain from radiation or…
Breast forms/prosthetics
I am 42 years old and a 7-year survivor of breast cancer. I had a right mastectomy back in 1996 for a 2.5 cm tumor and had 18 of 18 negative nodes. I opted not to have reconstruction and I've used different breast forms, but recently came across one that I just LOVE. It is so real-like and it is light-weight and does not…
Off to Stir Up The Doctors
Well, with all the problems I've had with my tram flap I am finally going to start shaking up the doctors. I am meeting with my general surgeon tommorrow. I want her opinion as to how we can get this thing closed and then I will get another opinion from a plastic surgeon from Denver who comes highly recommended. Wish me…
skin side effect to taxotere
I have had two sessions out of four of taxotere and have had some of the "typical" side effects, but this one is strange. My hands are getting raw. It is like the skin is being rubbed off. The places seem to be where the skin rubs when I write (although on both hands), between my fingers and the back of my feet. Has anyone…
bad news from the bone scan
Hi Gals, Thank you all for your replies. Despite all those good wishes, the sacral area is completely filled with mets - some in upper back - one bad spot and a rib or two on the cancer side. Now need test to see about lungs and liver. Today was MUCH harder than the first diagnosis. I will be on Femara and Zometa which the…
Problems with Emotions and Sex
I had my mas. in jan'03 and still after chemo and finally my hair is comming back,,I have very littlesex drive plus i have a large scar across my chest that is extreamly swollen from my breast removal site all along my side and back. My emotions are like a roller coaster and like i said i feel no desire for sex!! Whats the…
Delay in starting chemo/radio treatment after surgery
Six weeks ago I discovered a breast lump which was diagnosed as malignant and aggressive, 3.36cm. My mastectomy was delayed for three weeks. Today I was told that the tumor had grown to 5cm by the time I had the surgery, that it is not responsive to Tamoxifen, that 2 lymph nodes were positive. I was also told that there…
Chemo Port Removal
For those who had chemo ports, how long did you have it installed? My oncologist says keeping it in up to 2 years would be acceptable as long as it was still functioning well. From what I am hearing, he will check it every 3 months and top it up with a little heperin (sp) as they used to do after each chemo. Second related…
Hey all- I finished chemo in July and started tamoxefin a week ago....My legs have been killing me since the week before I started the tamox...Is this normal or should I worry? Thanks all of you for your sage wisdom and constant support. Tara
has it been a year?
YES it has! This month marks ONE year of my last chemo treatment.. only 4 more to go..and I can get insurance again.. gezzzzz. Just wanted to share that - so all well know that it does get better!! LOVE
Wow! What a great testimony, anyone who hasn't read her webpage should. CSN was doing a feature article on her on the home page, that lead me to her web page. 2b...I'm proud of you girl...donuts in a doctors office! Sounds about right. Congratulations on your success, may God continue to bless you. hummingbyrd
I hope that someone who has been taking this for awhile can tell me if joint pain gets better, I hear that is the case. I have been drinking a lot and trying to exercise but still have a lot of leg pain especially at night.
Choosing Reconstructive Surgery
Dear Bicolana, There are choices regarding the bilateral mastectomy that you do not mention, such as skin saving. Now with the radiation you have undergone, I do not know if that is possible. What procedure are these phyicians performing for a 17 hr reconstruction???? The Tummy Flap is major undertaking, requires excellent…
mets to the bone
Wondering who out there has recently had breast cancer go to the bone. I am having a bone scan Thursday for constant back pain - well, I've had back pain since spring but it came and went - now it is staying. Wondering who is taking Zometa and who is taking Aredia? Of course, any other info would be appreciated too.…
High tumor marker
Today my doctor called to tell me that since I started Femara/Zometa 2 months ago that my marker has gone from 360 to 880. The cancer is in my spine and skull. I am so scared. The doctor said I should wait a month more to see if the drugs are working. Every month seems so precious to me and I'm wondering if any of you have…
BRCA1-2 Genetic Testing
I was diagnosed in June 2002. I had a 2 cm lump and a micro amount in one lymph node. I had 6 treatments of AC and Toxatere and 33 radiation treatments. I had an appointment yesterday with oncologist and he recommended this test. My mom, her 4 sisters, my dad's 3 sisters, my 2 sisters have never had cancer. It was my…
Returning to Work
Hi, I have gone through the therapy for lymphedema and am trying to return to work. Is there anyone out there with lymphedema as a result of lymph node removal that is currently working for the postal service? If so, please respond. Thank you. Phyllis Marie
I have just returned home from the hospital following an infection in my lymphedema arm. I have no idea how I got the infection. There was no puncture, or bite, I hadn't even overdone the use of the arm. I had the surgery in '93 and this is the first time I've had an infection. I have tried to treat the arm using a pump…
Follow-up monitoring
Can anyone tell me what follow-up monitoring they received after surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy were completed? I was specifically wondering about CT scan and bone scan? I'll be seeing the oncologist once a month and will be having labs drawn. Thank you.
Search for Creativity
If you are a singer or songwriter and have had an experience with cancer, there might be someone interested in making a CD with cancer survivors, so keep up your creativity! Will keep you posted!
Hi iam starting too think reconstruction know that iam done with everything and i have woren a prothsis for awhile it is not the most comfortable thing.Anyways my question might be a stupid one but i am leaning towrds doing the Saline implant and i was wondering if i want too go a little bigger in the breast how do the do…
Update on my longtime friend
My friend had several nodes that were positive during her bi lateral masectomy. (Did right side as a precaution) SoO, now she is terribly afraid. She now knows radiation and chemo are on the way. I had no positive nodes so, what do I tell her now? What do positive nodes mean as far as how far the cancer has progressed? I…
BRCA1 positive-TRAM Reconstruction
I tested positive for the gene mutation which increases risk for breat/ovarian cancer. I have been diagnosed with breast cancer, have had the lumpectomy. Also had my ovaries taken out (as preventive measure). I am getting ready to start chemo. I have a couple months to decide if I want a double mastectomy and recon. i am…
out of the blue
Here's something to take your mind off breast cancer: acute appendicitis. Yup, August 2 I had the worst heartburn. I said to my husband "must've been that pork sandwich last night." Uncomfortable night Saturday, with pain in my lower right abdomen. Sunday morning we went to breakfast, I made the family eat and then off to…
Nutritional Support To Boost Immune System
My experience with the right nutritional support to keep my immune system in check while in treatment. I returned back to work within 30 days after surgery and continued working during radiation treatment and did not get sick, not even a cold.
Prosthesis that works
Hi, I am the daughter of a brest cancer survivor. My mom had a mastectomy two years ago and has had problems getting her prosthesis to work properly, or should I say "wear". It weighs practically nothing compared to the brest she has remaining (44DD) and as a result, her bra rides up which makes it difficult and…
Womenhood or Momhood
you are so right, I love being a mom, I sent my kids to school today and cried, I have a senior,sophmore and my baby is in 7th. Where did the time go. Enjoy them while you can. If you taught them well it will come back to you two fold or in my case 3 fold..... Happy thoughts back at ya Colleen
chemopause issues
After 4 rounds of CMF chemo, my periods have stopped. The last one was July 10. I have started with what seem to be hot flashes in the middle of the night only, so far. I have not had any sweating, just an overheated feeling that wakes me up one or more times each night for the last week. I'm having difficulty sleeping and…
The Joys of "Womanhood"
Got an email today, kind of tongue in cheek about why woman are cranky. (Periods, sore breasts, pregnancy, delivery, menapause ect.....) kind of got me thinking about the real moments of joy only woman can experience. Holding our newborn and knowing "I made this", that look of complete faith your 3 year old gives you when…
Extreme amemia
Just when I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, I realize it is a train bearing down on me. With only two more taxotere treatments awaiting me, I thought I would get to work through this and I got so tired and light-headed that I could not get out of bed. It took me 3 hours to get dressed. I kept breaking…