Womenhood or Momhood
you are so right, I love being a mom, I sent my kids to school today and cried, I have a senior,sophmore and my baby is in 7th. Where did the time go. Enjoy them while you can. If you taught them well it will come back to you two fold or in my case 3 fold..... Happy thoughts back at ya Colleen
chemopause issues
After 4 rounds of CMF chemo, my periods have stopped. The last one was July 10. I have started with what seem to be hot flashes in the middle of the night only, so far. I have not had any sweating, just an overheated feeling that wakes me up one or more times each night for the last week. I'm having difficulty sleeping and…
The Joys of "Womanhood"
Got an email today, kind of tongue in cheek about why woman are cranky. (Periods, sore breasts, pregnancy, delivery, menapause ect.....) kind of got me thinking about the real moments of joy only woman can experience. Holding our newborn and knowing "I made this", that look of complete faith your 3 year old gives you when…
Extreme amemia
Just when I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, I realize it is a train bearing down on me. With only two more taxotere treatments awaiting me, I thought I would get to work through this and I got so tired and light-headed that I could not get out of bed. It took me 3 hours to get dressed. I kept breaking…
pain in arm
I had a masectomy in November and 3 nodes removed.I am thru chemo and feeling good. I had no pain whatsoever in my arm until about 2 months ago. I seem to be getting weaker in that arm also. I asked my oncologist about it and all he said was "anytime you have surgery you will have problems on that side". I still don't…
Good Old friend with new diagnosis
Just wanted to ask your prayers for an old friend that moved away and we lost touch. She called this past week and has been diagnosed stage II-III invasive ductal breast cancer during her 1st age 40 mamogram. It was a cluster tumor 6 or 7 cm in size! So, keep her husband and children as well as Mel in your prayers. I told…
pain in arm
Thanks for all your helpful advise. I have been more active recently, swimming and gardening so maybe that is all it is. I will try the pillow and icepack idea. My surgeon said my arm shouldn't be affected by my surgery. Thanks again.
waitng for surgery
Taken off Tamoxifen
Hi, I'm a Stage 1 bc survivor (dx on Nov. 22, mastectomy surgery in january, immediate tram flap reconstruction, 4 rounds of AC chemo until early may, hair starting -- slowly to return, started tamoxifen on july 2, had SEVERE joint pain...) who was yesterday told to STOP taking the Tamoxifen, and had an appointment…
No Chemo
Hi all, just wanted to give you update. Saw Oncologist for the first time yesterday. He said my tumor was small, 1.5cm and with neg nodes, did not feel I needed to do chemo. He did say that he wanted me to start taking Tamoxifen. I'm not looking forward to be thrown into menapause, but I want to be doing something to make…
thank you
I just wanted to say thank you for all the imput that was given to me about reconstuction.I still haven't decided,there is plenty of time.Meanwhile I go to the onc on Tuesday to see how I am after my last chemo on June 30,2003.Thanks again.Twinks 56 aka Teresa
Not A Lot of Action Here
Come on girls. This site has been a little slow this week. Remember there are new people to our "club" that need and learn from our chatter. Log on and communicate! Hope you are all doing well and the reason you all have been so quite is that you are at the beach sunning and swimming or in the mountians resting and…
nails after A/C chemo
My nails are absolutely beautiful after 4 doses of A/C chemo.....strong and long. I used to have nails that would split, and I couldn't get them to grow long. Anyone else experience this? Thanks, Sue
can't sleep
Well, here I am again at 3:15 a.m. and I am wide awake even after taking sleeping pills. I have been up since a little after one trying to go back to sleep. I had my 2nd taxotere chemo today and am taking dexamethosome (generic of decodron, I think) to help with side effects. I am wondering if sleeplessness is a side…
lymphedema concerns
Hello all. I saw my surgeon last week for my 6 month followup. He said "see you in one year"!!! So he is pleased with my progress. The soreness at the surgery site(s) that I complained about was deemed to be within his expectations and he allowed that it might be sore for a while longer. We discussed lymphedema and he…
How to support SIL
My 36 year old Sister in law (who I think of as a sister) has aggressive breast cancer - it has gone to her bones and liver. She was taking oral chemo, but it didn't work and her liver spot spread. Now her gall bladder hurts because of the closeness to the liver they are saying. Obviously she isn't feeling great about all…
I have been reading this board for several months. I have found great comfort in all I have read from all of you. I am so afraid of my future that I can hardly breath some days. I am 47 years of age and was diagnosed in 1997, my tumor was estrogen positive and I had 9 nodes positive. Considered to be Stage II and went…
How do I contact you? Would like an e-mail address if that is Ok. As I said in my first post I am new at this board and still learning all the tricks. I wanted to thank you for the encouraging words. I needed to hear I still have a fighting chance at this thing, Thanks again, HUGS TO YOU-----Angie
Lost faith in my physician
Not so long but.....I was dx with bc in Nov 2003 and had a .6cm tumor, had mastectomy with tram flap recontruction. Neg nodes, Neg HER2 ER/PR. I was lucky to have chosen the mastectomy because pathology found in situ cancer at other sites in the breast. I did not require chemo or radiation due to the size of the tumor and…
anti-nausea medicine
My first chemo was Wed.. I felt fine until abou 3:30 pm that afternoon. I got a terrible headache and I started feeling stick to my stomach. I took the zophram and compuzene they suggested. I began throwing up until about 8:00 pm that evening. The doctor prescribed Adavan, which seemed to calm it down a little. They told…
How do I contact you? Would like an e-mail address if that is Ok. As I said in my first post I am new at this board and still learning all the tricks. I wanted to thank you for the encouraging words. I know that it is possible to beat this thing, you just need to hear from survivors like you to get through it all, Thanks…
Search for Creativity
Just a positive note of encouragement to say that I have written several simple songs since I got the breast cancer. I was a poet and teacher before that. I am trying to stir up interest in the art of cancer survivors/victims, so KEEP UP your creativity. And keep me posted--Maggs
Have you heard this one?
I saw the surgeon who will be performing my ovarian ablation. As I was given form after form to sign, I was presented with a form that stated that my ovaries, and anything else they remove during the surgery, will be the property of the Univ. of Pittsburgh Medical Center!! It also stated that they could do anything they…
Hi all, my dearest girlfriend was diagnosed with cancer 16 months ago. The primary site was her breast but by the time they found it, the cancer had spread to her spine and brain. As a result, she lost the ability to walk and now uses a walking frame. The doctors told her to get her affairs in order but proceded to try a…
Starting Radiation Treatments
I am in need of advice and guidance such as I have received from this site in the past. I am to begin 33 radiation treatments beginning this Thursday. I completed my chemo on July 29th (3 rounds of A/C and 3 rounds of taxol). The radiation oncologist reviewed the possible side effects, but I wanted to check with people who…
Hi Folks, My sister just had a biopsy with the following results 'Atypical Ductal Epithelial Hyperplasia'. Her doctor has reccomended 5 years treatment with Tamoxifin. Is this too drastic ? Thank you for your responses, Terry
Thanks to you all!
I just wanted to thank everyone who has helped me through this past month of my husband leaving me and now with the health problems I am having caused by the stress of this situation.If it wasnt for everyone in this site I dont believe I would of had the strength and courage to get rid of him and move on the way I have.I…
back pain and Arimidex?????
I am on Arimidex to battle this terrible disease known as breast cancer for the second time around. I am having a lot of back pain since going on it. I don't know if it is a side effect of the Arimidex or if it has anything to do with the plurel effusion. Has any one out there experienced this problem? I go back to my onc…
hot flashes and night sweats
Hello all, Congratulations to ME! Last chemo yesterday, and last nuelasta shot today. Came through with only a few minor problems. Am going to celabrate with a 1 hr full body massage next week!! My question today is about night sweats. When we found the lump the doc took me off BC and I had 1 period and stopped, followed…
thanks too everyone that has responeded you have been real helpful.hope everyone is doing good on this site.Amy