From Breast to Ovaries
In 2000 had b/c they said it was ductal only gave me 3 treatment of a/c and put me on tamoxfien, also had 17 lymph nodes + but that was all they siad i needed. In may of 2003 had hysterectomy and they found lobular cancer in both ovaries and now they say orignaly i had both ductal & lobular. Changed the tamoxfien to…
It Happened - I lost my prothesis
Can you believe it. I have a expander on my left so it is really huge - Like DD size and my right is just a B cup. I have to wear my prothesis on my right to even me out. Anyhow I had on a bathing suit and had to quickly run to my daughters soccer game. I threw a t-shirt over my suit and put on a pair of shorts and ran out…
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
*waves atcha...anyone out there dealing with IBC?*
My last chemo, hoorah!
I check this site almost daily and I can't tell you how much support and strenth you have all given me. I never joined a support group and in a sense, you are my support group from afar. It is nice to hear from people my own age (43). Well, today is my last chemo (8 treatments total). I must admit I am estactic yet a…
we could use your help
hi. we are two recent college graduates interested in trying to create a line of fun, sexy, and elegant mastectomy bras. one of our moms is a breast cancer survivor who has complained about the lack of creative lingerie available to women who have had mastectomies. we're wondering if anyone out there has any feedback to…
the link :-)
OK! I am really an idiot!! here is the link to the breast cancer site http://www.thebreastcancersite.com Peace, -mc
Mad at the Gods!!!
A friend of mine was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma in the breast about 2 months before I was diagnosed with BC. We have shared our feelings, anger, joy ect.... through it all. Last week she had a biopsey of a lump in the other breast. The surgeon was so sure it was a lymphnode even when she took it out. Well it came back…
looking for someone from chat room!!!
on july 3rd i was in chat room at 2:45am and got booted you were from wisconsin and i am for upper michigan we seemed to have a lot in commom and would like you to email me. thanx robin (rob6)
Great Breast Site
Hello My Sisters In Arms I was sent this link from a friend. I looked at it and it looks legite but as always, you should decide for yourself. Anyway it is a site like the hunger site where all you have to do is click a button and the sponsors donate funds to help pay for breast cancer treatment for a woman (or man ins…
Reconstruction and Insurance
I'm new to this forum. I was diagnosed June 3rd and as of today I am 3 weeks post surgery (right breast mastectomy immediately followed by the intitial phase of reconstructive surgery utilizing a free tissue flap and an expander). I was referred to an excellent plastic surgeon whose practice centers around this type of…
ear problems
I have had 4 rounds of AC and two of Taxol (two to go). My ears seem to be clogged up and I'm having problems hearing. Do you think this is a head cold or could it be related to taxol? anyone have this problem? Thanks
more appointments
Just an update on things......I had a call from the surgeons office yesterday. The results of the ultrasound done on Mon. warrant him doing another exam on me. They also mentioned a needle aspiration but I don't know it that will be done tomorrow or if I schedule that after the exam. Given my history of 2 years ago, this…
disappointed in friends and relatives
A heartfelt thanks to all of you who replied. Much love and luck to all of you...you are very kind survivors. Sue
Nipple Reconstruction
I don't know how many of you who were interested bothered to go back to see my later posts on the earlier thread. However this should "catch you up!" Everything went absolutely fine yesterday -- I could feel nothing when they did the right breast (where the malignancy was) and just a mild buzzing vibration when they did…
Bone met bioptsy
Hi.....On Monday I am having a bioptsy to determine if my b/c has spread to my bones. Is it a painful procedure? And if the test is positive can there be treatment? My bone scan showed hot spots near my tailbone and towards my right buttocks......my MRI was good.......I even had an xray to be sure. I lost my right breast,…
I was supposed to get the results of my MRI today on my other breast (diagnosed in one breast already) and when I called the nurse told me that the Radiologist has requested to see all of my mammogram films first. I realize that he probably is just being catious, but now i'm worried. I can't decide if they want to see the…
Protecting radiated area post-rad
Hi! I'm looking for tips on protecting radiated area years after receiving treatments. 2.5 yrs. ago, I finished 33 radiation treatments to my left breast (preceded by chemo and lumpectomy). Although, I didn't sustain any really bad burns during the treatments, the area has remained sensitive. 2 yrs. post-rad, the area…
Nipple Reconstruction
My tale of double mastectomy, chemo and hair loss, reconstruction via expanders and finally the new prostheses at age 65 is much like many I've read on this board. However I have been unable to learn much about the experiences anyone has had with reconstruction of the missing nipples. I have an appointment next Tuesday,…
The rug was just pulled out from under me.
Thank all of you first for your replies to "I was just diagnosed" I met with my surgeon on Monday. She was GREAT. She spent an hour and a half with my husband and I. She did tell me there is concern that part of my tumor may be invasive. She went over the pros and cons of a Lumpectomy and Mascectomy. She also discussed her…
nervous about a spot on mammogram
hi i am new here my mom has had breast cancer she is a nine year survivor. i am in my mid forties and every time i go to get a exam i am afraid especially since the doctors say i am a good canditate, because of family history. i went for a mammogram last week and got the call to come back for a spot mammogram i am now…
Hair Loss.....and Chemo side effects
I start chemo in about a week (after my port is "install"). I know that I will lose my hair. My question is: Will I lose all the hair on my body? I know that everyone is different with chemo but what can I generally expect? I'm really nervous about all of this. I can now think clearly since the shock is slowly wearing off.…
Well, I guess that my last (4th) Chemo treatment (AC) has done what my oncologist hoped for -- sent me into early menopause (I'm 44 now)...whether it's permanent or not is yet to be determined. I'm into the hot flashes/night sweats BIG time (every 10-20 minutes round the clock; it wakes me up at night A LOT, and is ROYALLY…
thank's for the support
our internet service was down a few day's so just caught up . the answers to my questions on my conserns helped. I'am not sure how to post a reply after your answers came in.the sight has changed from when I used to post more. thank you again sharon
back with more questions
I saw my ONc.last Fri. and everything is fine.Thank the Lord!!! had ct scan before seeing my onc. asked some questions but,for my own insecurities always feel like you need that little bit more. I use to post and read at this sight almost 3 years now. Have been through all the chemo rad. herceptin once a week for 6 months…
MRI & Esaperation (sp?)
Last week when they did the Diagnostic Mammogram and Ultrasound, they found two small spots on my other breast. They believe they are cysts, but could not tell for sure because of the size. They have scheduled me for an MRI of that breast on Monday and scheduled to esaperate (sp?) it on Thursday. They are wanting to make…
Hair Loss Question
I will have to undergo chemo as an adjuvant therapy soon. I have been reading the entries here and everyone has been very helpful so I decided to pose my question to any one who has been experienced this before - What is the best resource for wigs when hair loss happens. Thanks
7 Down 1 to go
Well all of you wonderful helpers, I have completed 7/8 ths of my treatment. Last one scheduled for 7/17/03. I really can't wait. The taxotere has taken it's toll but the upside is some hair recovery and knowing the end is in sight. Following the last treatment will be the removal of the port and the rest of the…
Hi everyone! As a public service announcement I want to let you all know about the promising cancer treatment called Controlled Amino Acid Therapy (CAAT). I have been volunteering there for 3 years and have seen and heard of many patients responding. I have even answered the phone and spoken to oncologists requesting our…
reece's news????
Did anyone hear what the Doctor's office wanted with reece? She said in her message she was due to see the doctor on Tuesday. Beth
increased breast tissue
I had a mastectomy 2 years ago this month on my right side. Yesterday I had a mammo of the left breast & today my doctor's office called to say the radiologist reported increasded breast tissue and to have a follow-up mammo in 6 months. However my doctor is suggesting I make an appointment with my surgeon right away. My…