Living with cancer
I want to share in other peoples experiences on living with breast cancer. I am 34,and was diagnosed of breast cancer 2 years ago.I was still breastfeeding my 6 months old baby when I notices a pink colour on the breast milk each time I expressed the milk( as a workingt mother) for the baby.At first I did not believe it…
Breast Cancer
I am a newbie , just had my right whole breast removed . Just looking for some kind of support online .. Help me cope with it all. I am a 45 yr from Or.
Hi Everyone, I am alittle scared. for the past few weeks I have been hurting on the lower left of my back and also between my shoulder blades. I have a Onc. appt in a week should I be concerned or blame it on the tamoxifin and sleeping wrong. Thanks Leenie
I had the breast re-incision and I feel like hell. But I also feel that I have done the very best thing for my long-term breast health. Dammm, it hurts, though. Worse than the initial lumpectomy. I can now feel every muscle in my chest. Regardless, I'm glad I did it. Re-incision was the right thing for me.
Wondering if anyone has heard of this? Saw it advertised recently and so looked it up first chance I got. www.avlimil.com Caution: the web site is contradictory. It states that the mixture is completely "estrogen" free, several times. If you read the ingredient list, it becomes clear that it does contain plant estrogens.…
big day
finally it's here after all the paper work and test i am fianlly getting my stem cel transplant. next thursday i will be at tampa. had my stem cel harvest last week, no pain did pretty good. wish me luck thanks
Tests came back...
Hi, All! I had a message on my answering machine when I returned from my Florida trip (Brother's wedding and mini-vacation with the family)...all tests were NEGATIVE! Yippee!! And Praise the Lord! SO, NO Diabetes, and NO Cancer spread to the liver. Of course, it's been a wake-up call, and I'm back on my eating plan to lose…
opting for Arimidex
I was on Tamoxifen for 3 mos., but my onchologist has encouraged me to switch to Arimidex. Taking Arimidex gives me 2% better chance of no recurrence........so I'm going for it. What makes me a bit nervous is Arimidex hasn't had the Tamoxifen longevity edge. I know the side effects of both drugs.....ha,ha,ha....neither one…
ultrasound tomorrow
I had my first year mammogram on Wed was told everything was fine. Went to FL for a quick four day vacation and came home to a message saying to call the breast center. I'm told I still have the cyst in my breast that I have had since surgery and they want to do another ultrasound tomorrow. this is the second of those. Due…
Respite before surgery and update
Afternoon Friends: Well, this was a tough week and I thank all of you for you messages and prayers. I got back last night from NYC, from my brother's house. They sent me home to be with Jack and to get some details taken care of before surgery on the 24th. Here is what happened and it seemed like I wasn't even really…
Arm numb, prickly and nonfunctional
I was diagnosed with bc in 1995 with no recurrence since. I don't have very much lymphedema but my arm lately has been getting numb and prickly and I can't use it. I shake it to relieve it but it is taking longer and longer for it to go away. Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks......mav
life style changes
I know I could have prevented my breast cancer (estrogen positive)if I had changed my lifestyle. Please tell all: 1. Not more than 1 alcoholic beverage at 1 sitting....alcohol interferes with liver's ability to break down estrogen. 2. Low-fat diet....more fat cells=higher estrogen levels. 3. No smoking 4. More strenuous…
what can I expect now that Im done with chemo
I was just wondering what other's found after chemo. I have joint pain all the time, Im not sure if this is normal or not? Im also getting sick alot easier with colds and such... well if u care to share with me i would love to know what u are going through or if u could help me? I also dont sleep much anymore and was…
bilateral mastectomy
After 7 mos., I still have a lot of extra tissue.....under arms, area between where the breasts were, and on each side of my body (like I'm beginning to grow wings). I didn't have reconstruction , and I don't know if I will. Has anyone else had this problem? Sue
I am a 48 yr old woman,who has just been diagnosed with atypical hyperplasia im my left duct. am scheduled for a left excision on nov.6. if things come back just as hyperplasia, with my genetics (under 50, premenopausal, mother who died from breast cancer) my oncolgist/surgeon is recommending tamoxifen(decrease cancer…
Mastectomy after Arimidex
Has anyone had a mastectomy after not being able to tolerate Tamoxifen or Arimidex?
Can I ask some Questions?
I am Susan and new to all of this. I have a couple of questions and wonder if I could get some of your input. First, did anyone go to Sloan and if so what did you think? Second, I have my appt next Wednesday and am wondering, do they just put you in the hospital and do the surgery or wait a couple of weeks since I am…
I went to the dr yesterday. Can anyone tell me the difference between a Just a CT scan and a PET scan? thanks
Breast cancer spread to jaw bone
I have had bone mets in many locations for about 18 months and it has now spread to my jaw. The lesion is 1.7 and very visIble. I will have 10 -12 radiation treatments for swelling and pain next week. I would like to find someone who has also had the mets spread to this location. I can't find many people who have had this.…
ultrasound is over
Thank you for your prayers. Sandis I hope your biospy turns out as we all pray, normal! Cyst was scar tissue left from radiation and may be there for years!!!! As long as it is not cancer back I can live with it. Inkblot your words are always wonderful. I have printed many a letter and taken it along on chemo and radiation…
One other thing
I am not afraid or angry or numb...just annoyed really...annoyed that I have to miss work...and that I have to listen to all these bone headed doctors....I have always known medicine was called a practice for a reason...but in military medicine it takes on new meaning..it looks something like this...a good doctor (ya know…
update pain after mastectomy
Hi everyone, First let me thank everyone who answered my e mail questions. I am happy to report my pain level has even out and only find discomfort once in awhile. I had an infection in my breast and this is what was causing the extreme pain. I know have an appointed on wednesday oct 15th at Fox Chase Cancer Center in…
Anxious about biopsy
Finally, after 3 weeks I have an appointment to see the plastic surgeon who reconstructed my breasts. I wrote earlier about a lump on the scar from the non-reconstucted breast. Now I have two lumps in the reconstructed breast that had cancer (they remind me of the initial lump). I'm having trouble sleeping and getting…
misleading info
Last week, I watch a breast cancer segment on the Today SHow. A woman opted for a bilateral mastectomy as a preventative measure. The show left the viewers believing a bilateral mastectomy would be insurance that there would never be any future breast cancer. WRONG......we know here that not all breast tissue can be…
Life after Tamoxifen
This just published by the New England Journal of Medicine. It shows real promise for those of us currently on a 5 year treatment of Tamoxifen. THE STUDY involving more than 5,000 women with the most common form of breast cancer was suspended halfway through its planned five-year timespan because of the surprisingly strong…
My Question
Hi! My name is Flo I live in NC outside of ft. Bragg. I am 37 and the mother of 5 girls and 1 boy. I had a lumpectomy in early 2001. I found my cancer by accident, an overzealous intern wanted to do a complete work up and included a mammio due to family history, grandma and mom died of breast cancer. In any event...I am…
I had my first check-up with my docotr since being treated for breast cancer. Everything was normal, but I have a question. What does the test for tumor markers indicate? Mine's was in the normal range - whatever that means. Thanks to everyone on this site, it is very informative.
Act Now, End Breast Cancer!
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This year, more than 200,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and nearly 40,000 women will die. Join the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation's fight against breast cancer. Click on www.ActNowEndBreastCancer.org to take action and send a free letter.
I'm Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Girls, I'm back...sorry I've been away so long, I an happy to report I am in remission and just needed a break from all the cancer related things in my life. I've been in remission now for a year and am feeling great. My last biopsy was in Feb of this year, but it was clear thank God!!!!!!!!. I have gone back to law…
Need help with Taxotere....
I've done two of four rounds of Taxotere. First treatment was horrible..suffered severe side effects. Ocologist has to reduce my dosage by 25% so I could function. One thing I've noticed is that I have blood under my nail beds that shows up after treatments. My onocologist is baffled. He says Taxotere should have been an…