My fiance was diagnosed with breast cancer last Friday. The doc did a core biopsy and he said yesterday that is stage 1 duct (I can't think of the correct term). He said that he can't feel any swollen lymph glands (she is thin) and we have made an appointment Monday to talk to him further. We both are doing a lot of…
I a Black female, 47 years old I completed my chemo treatment in February and radiation in May. I need some advise on how to care for my hair, it has started to grow out (about 2 inches long) but it has come back with a lot of gray and thick. Is it to early for me to get a perm? Any advise will be appreciated concerning…
to scan or not to scan?
hi i am a year from dx, stage II, MRM, chemo rads. At the time of my dx my onc did not do any scans to see if the cancer had spread further than my nodes. I was happy not to have them, because I thought that I could not handle any more bad news. However, looking back, I wish I had just gotten them while all of that was…
lump in the morning
I had a lumpectomy in Feb 2003 for a 1.2 centimeter no lymph node involement breast cancer, followed with radiation, taking Tamoxifen daily and Zolardex every 28 days. I had my 6 month check up at MD Anderson Cancer Center with a baseline mammogram, a chest xray and a CT scan. None of these showed any signs of anything.…
My mother was diagnosed with her2neu breast cancer in June 2000. She went through 9 months of chemo and radiation. She was diagnosed with re-occuring breast cancer againin August 2001. Again chemo and radiation. It now seems to have matastisised to her lungs and surrounding lymph nodes. Is anyone out there a survivor or…
What Cancer Cannot Do !
I found this on the internet and wanted to share it with everyone. Cancer is so limited... It cannot cripple love It cannot shatter hope It cannot corrode faith It cannot destroy peace It cannot kill friendship It cannot suppress memories It cannot silence courage It cannot invade the soul It cannot steal eternal life It…
Period is Back, Is that Normal?
I started chemo on Aug. 6 and had my period that same week. However, when it came due the same time in Sept., it never came. Now it is the end of Sept. almost Oct. I've had 4 Adriomycin treatments and all the sudden I start my period again. Is this normal? I thought it stopped with chemo? I stay confused with the side…
Question for Mistie & Hummingbyrd
In regard to your last postings regarding Her2. I am curious if you had lymph node involvement at the time your first cancer was diagnosed? I didn't, its been 6 months now and all looks good but, of course, I still worry since it is an agressive form of cancer. I am scheduled to start my recontructive surgery on Oct. 9th.…
My brother has prostate cancer and....
My brother has recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer and has a mass in his chest of unknown cause. He is only 38, same age as I, when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. He is going to MDAnderson tomorrow for evaluation and diagnosis. I know this is the breast cancer board, but I feel I know so many of you, this is…
I am so blessed....
Thank you, thank you, thank you! What a blessing it is to come back and see all of your wonderful uplifting messages; and all the prayers! We got to MDAnderson, he saw doc, had blood drawn and x-rays and basically we still don't know what the mass in his chest is yet. But...it was a glorious day, one spent in prayer and…
Last chemo tomorrow (I hope)
Well, I will try again tomorrow to have my last chemo. I tried on Monday but was too weak and the dr. decided against it. I am taking taxol (changed from taxotere after two sessions and a bad reaction). My legs still hurt but I am feeling some better and I want to get this finished. The dr. said something about not doing…
Spinal tap and what it tells us?
I have gotten confused about the purpose of my spinal tap on Wed. Can anyone out there explain it to me? I have looked online, but can't verify what I thought I understood. Story: I have been having numbness in both my feet and calves. Saw doctors and an MRI showed a bulging disk. So I am going through PT for the disk with…
After a little cajolling, I have convinced the CSN that there is a need for a discussion for military cancer survivors. The purpose of this discussion is to give military folks a safe place to go and ask questions about treatment, administrative issues, performance evaluations, etc. that are unique to military cancer…
pain after mastectomy
I had my mastectomy 3 weeks ago could someone tell me how long the pain lasts. I am still very uncomfortable. When can I go to get fitted in a breast form? How long should I wait till I have this done? Thank you in advance for answering my questions.
YIPPIEEEEEE, HURRAYYYYYYYY, YABADABADUUUUU, today i had the last of my chemo and i've survived it! THANKS BE TO GOD now i am off to radiation will have my simulation on oct. 7th than will have 5wks of radiations and than will take Femara because of my estrogen/progesterone positive and my HER2nue is also positive i might…
Anyone who has done chemo before surgery?
This is my first post to the group. I am 36 and newly diagnosed in July. Had a hysterectomy 11/99, and lost 2nd ovary 12/02. In July, 6 months after HRT I found a lump on left breast. Saw dr immediatly who referred me to a breast surgeon. Mammo showed 2 tumors and an enlarged lymph node. Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, grade 3,…
After a little cajolling, I have convinced the CSN that there is a need for a discussion for military cancer survivors. The purpose of this discussion is to give military folks a safe place to go and ask questions about treatment, administrative issues, performance evaluations, etc. that are unique to military cancer…
Radiated Skin
Does it take a long time for the burned skin (after radiation) to peel off? I ended radiation 3 weeks ago and even then the nurse and doctor were wondering why the old, burned skin wasn't coming off very much. I go back to the doctor next week and I'm sure she is going to ask about it again. She was saying that a long soak…
kim22?? bone scan results?
HI You mentioned that you were having a bone scan for the pain that you had in your shoulder/arm/rib in a post of mine called "weird arm pain". I'm just wondering how things turned out. I hope the scan was clear. Let me know if you can reece
lump on reconstructed breast update, etc.
Thanks for those of you who wrote me and encouraged me to see my doctor. I went to the oncologist today who is concerned that the cancer might have metatisized to the skin. She wants me to have it biopsied by the plastic surgeon who doesn't have time to see me until Oct 14th so I'm waiting again. I've never heard of breast…
My surgeon and Medical Oncologist are fine with just radiation, but my Radiologist is insisting on a re-incision, to scrape out the perimeter of an area where 2mm of cancer was found. I am dead set against this. Is there anything to back me up? My surgeon and Medical Oncologist think the Radiologist is too cautious, but…
Bra's for the Mastectomy Patients
Is there anyone out there that can help me get a couple of bra's. My husband is out of work and has been for over a year.. I had a dbl mastectomy..have the softee's they were given to me by my sister...need the bras...thank you
Another skin question
Can anyone offer suggestions for healing open, oozing skin from radiation? The area under my breast is so tender and nasty. I started with Aquaphor, moved on to saline soaks, and now am treating with a gel the doctor gave me. The skin keeps blistering and peeling and I can't get any relief. It won't seem to dry up. I've…
lump on reconstructed breast
Well, I finished chemo August 4th and am doing okay, still tired, but okay. Within the last two weeks I developed a lump right by the scar on one of my reconstructed breasts. I wonder if that could be scar tissue. I had a bilateral mastectomy and it's the breast that didn't have cancer. I had transflap surgery last Feb. Is…
Tamoxifen and aches and pains!!!!
Hi all,it seems lately that I have been hearing alot about the aches that some are having while taking tamoxifen.I have also noticed that my legs ache,my back aches,my hips ache infact I ache in all my joints it seems these days.I questioned my doctor about this just yesterday and he said that yes tamoxifen can cause some…
I was lucky. Early detection. Right now,I have ten staples under my lymph nodes, and ten stitches across my breast. But early detection has probably saved my life. I am stunned that I could have breast cancer, but here I am.
Camp Bluebird
Everyone this is just to tell you about the cancer camp I just went to.It was three days of peace,wonder and bonding with some great people.We laughed,cried,made crafts,sang songs and learned we are not alone.They have these camps all over the states I am told.If anyone would like to know more all you have to do is type in…
Had last chemo treatment in June and still tire very easy
Hello I had my last treatment in June and I still get tired very easy is that normal or what? I go back to work this Friday but only Part-time to start out with because I get tired to easy.
Hysterectomy Results
Hi Everyone, Just wanted to let you know the results of my hysterectomy. The surgery was last Monday and I got the biopsy results Wednesday morning that the results of everything were negative including the tumor!!! Thank you Lord. The only glitch was having to go back in for surgery a couple hours after the first surgery…