Hi Karen, You've been in my prayers the last several days. Please let us know how the last chemo went when you're able to. You are so strong to have faced it all! God Bless! Sue
Any advice out there? I started Fosamax today. The Arimidex was doing a number on my bones. Lost 7% of density in 1 year. My question is has anyone had any problem taking it. Or does it seem to not be a problem. Also, do you keep taking Calcuim supplements with it or not? Guess I'll call the Onc tomorrow... about the…
One down-- 7 to go
Haven't posted in a while. Moving in and getting as much done before my chemo started made me pretty busy. My Dr was really great about timing everthing out so I'd be able to to be in good form for the Thanksgiving and my daughter's visit during New Year's week. First treatment was Monday and so far, so good. No side…
burning in upper legs and groin area
Hi, I read what BBK wrote about her symptoms which sound very similar to mine. I had a bone scan 2 years ago and all was ok ,nothing was seen. SO I AM CURIOUS AS TO WHAT bbk FOUND out , and (hope she will post and let me know),since I don`t want to have another bone scan if it is arthritis. I just know that when I sit up…
Help...I'm having an anxiety attack
Greetings to you all. Its that wonderful time of the year again...and i'm not talking about the holidays, but check up time. Its always such a nervous time for me. I feel fine but my stomach turns into knots the closer I get to my 4-month checkup appointments. I'm 20 months out from diagnosis and have been NED since…
My last chemo tomorrow!
I just wanted to share with all of you that I will be having my last chemo A/C tomorrow! I am sooo glad to get this part of my treatment completed. Number #3 really hit me hard and then I got sick on top of everything. I am scared about tomorrow. I don't want to be that sick again. Please keep me in your thoughts.
And now some more radiation.....
Well, it was an interesting trip into the city yesterday to see my oncologist for my monthly check-up, since the surgery in late Aug. The surgery was for a re-occurance of BC in the area of the original breast cancer(left) from 15 yrs. ago. It was 2 malignant lymph nodes, below the left clavical, that were resting on top…
Hi everyone - Just had to share my news! I found out today that I do NOT have the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation! My oncologist is stunned! See, I have every risk factor/marker for this mutation - four immediate family members (plus myself) with breast, ovarian, or colon cancer AND I'm of Ashkenazie Jewish heritage (the…
Slow Hair Growth
received Taxatere and Cytoxin 4 times-May 11,2006,June 1 and June 22,2006 and the last treatment July 13,2006 for Breast Cancer. My hair did start to come back but the growth has been very slow. It has grown only about an inch, if that. It also seems to be very dry and a little darker and has a little more gray. Before…
Hello Just wondered how you were getting along. Hope things are O.K. and you are not too ill to post. Let us know how you are. wimpy
Billswife... How are you Doing?
Haven't seen you post lately. Hope you have gotten settled into your new house and that your treatments are going well. (((Hugs))) Susan
2 years ago today, the official fight began....
Today, 2 years ago, I was reeling from the diagnosis of rectal cancer. I also was in pain where the tumor was pressing against my tailbone. I was not aware of my family here yet, and pretty much went it alone. Luckily, the following March, I found you all!!! Luckier still, it was about the time the 'serious stuff'…
Second Mammogram Results - No Cancer
I posted a couple of days ago about my mom being asked to have a second (magnification) mammogram. She is clean. The radiologist compared all her mammograms going back to 2000. No problems. She just needs to contine with her yearly check-ups. I wanted to thank everyone for their kind advice and prayers. This is a great…
scared out of my mind
I've been through colon cancer but now breast cancer. I've never been so scared!!! I had my daughters help during the first cancer but not this one and I don't know if I can do it!!! I've concided no treatment....
low grade fever
Hi everyone. I need some advice. I am having A/C chemo. This past Wednesday I started running a fever of 101. I don't know what kind of infection I have. I only have the fever and body aches. I called my onc and he called in the anitbiotic Levaquin for me. It's three days later and I am still running a fever of 101 off and…
Out of the woods
Hello, and I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving. I'm 2 and a half weeks post mastectomy and reconstruction and got the drains out the day before the holiday. Talk about grateful! The pathology came back great. The lumpectomy that I had in August missed some DCIS in the left breast and the right breast had atypical…
Mammogram Question
I posted a couple of days ago about my mom being asked to come back for a second mammogram. Since that posting, we found out that the letter received by her doctor's office said the following: *pockets of calcium calcifications - most likely benign Does anyone have any insight? Would they make such a comment in the report…
nellswell and Oregan star
I am just writing to see how both of you are doing after your first chemo, last Thursday?This is the 5th day after so maybe you are both still not feeling so great, just remember.....You are both in our prayers and good wishes until we hear from you again..(((Huggs))) Kathy
Ranting over bone scan results
4 years' ago today (11/22) I was diagnosed with bc. Had a mastectomy and tram flap recon in Jan of 2003. Started chemo (AC) in March of 2003, finished in May. Started tamoxifen in June of 2003...still on it. Chemo-induced menopause. I suffer from major hot flashes/sweats -- literally every 30 minutes round the clock. I…
Losing Ovaries?
I am a 4 year breast cancer survivor. Yeah!!! Had a bilateral mastectomy in 2002. Had immediate breast reconstruction (implants) 4 rounds of chemo. Taking tamoxifen. I developed lymphodema in my left arm. With a lot of health and life adjustments over the last 4 years (got divorced), all is well until today. Well now…
Happy Thanksgiving to All
Just wanted to drop a note and wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving and many more. I have a new little friend at my house for the Holidays... My Black Lab died last year just as I was finishing treatment. I decided I really needed to decide that I wanted to make a committment to have another dog... SO I WAITED... But last…
I'm back and Happy Thanksgiving!
I kind of lost touch with CSN after I beat my breast cancer in 2004. In Sept. of this year, I found a lump in my left breast. To make a long story short....last time Stage II invasive ductal, tumor 5cm, 3 lymph nodes +, ER+/PR+, mastectomy rt. breast no reconstruction, 6 cycles A/C/Taxotere, 28 days radiation, Tamoxifen.…
Bone Biopsy
Can anyone tell me about this? Procedure? Pain level? How and why you may have had to have it done? Is it the natural next step after an abnormal bone scan? etc. Thanks, heaps! (I had bc dx in 2002, mastectomy early 2003 with tram flap recon; 4 rounds of AC chemo March to May 2003; and have been on Tamoxifen ever since.…
Re; still stay tired is that normal
hello I went through Chemo treatments April - June of 2003 and Find out that I still stay tired . Is that normal . I take walks but it seems like I do not have any energy what so ever. Does any one have these problems at all. marilyn
Beware the bathroom cleaner!!!
I finished all my treatment back in June of this year with radiation. I had been warned that I had a little damage to my left lung from the rads. That was ok. BUT, last Friday I cleaned the bathroom in a hurry, wasn't watching, and inhaled some of the overspray from the bathroom 'scrubbing bubbles' stuff. I am still…
Hair Finally Growing Back
My hair is finally growing back after chemo. But my main concern is that it is also growing on my face. I used to have a little fuzz on my face but not like this. Has anyone exerienced this? Please tell me it will go away.
What to Expect?
I'm new to this site . . . . and recently diagnosed. I've had a mastectomy and the possibility looms that I may need another soon. Because of family history - grandmother w/breast cancer, father w/colon cancer, mother and my oldest daughter w/ovarian cancer (all passed away now) - I've been tested for the BRCA1 & 2 genes.…
HI there, I just wanted to let you know you are in my prayers and thoughts today. And, tomorrow I will pray for you at church. Then the M-day, that you will do very well with, because having a good attitude alone can save us all. And, you do have it!! I don't want you to worry, we all love you…
breast reconstruction with implants
Hello Everyone! Six years ago in 2000,I had a radical mastectomy and breast reconstruction on the same day. Expanders, Chemotherapy and finally silicone gel implants. Everything went smoothly and I almost forgot that I had implants! Only recently, the past two years I have had small infections, tightness and painful breast…
Scars after Bilateral
I had a bilateral masectomy and they used muscle from my back to begin my reconstruction. I am wondering what anyone else has used to put on the scars to make them heal faster and appear less visible. I had this surgery Oct.31st so the scars are somewhat new. I will be having the reconstruction on May 26th,if there is…