Anyone heard from Kathi?
Where is that gal? I miss her heaps and bunches. Hugs. Lesley
Ignore the message below
It sounds like another scam. These people are disgusting.
Kathy M - How was the Trip
Just being noisy... Hope you had a great trip. Susan
New to the site.. Alternative therapies
Hi, I had surgery lumpectomy and axill clearance in may My breast lump was very small and could not be felt by me or the Drs. I felt a lump under my arm and hey presto turned me upside down inside out hey i'm sure you guys understand. But the surgery aside her2+++er+ and apart from Arimidex have refused chemo and rads and…
Has anyone had their ovaries removed?
I have to have my ovaries removed as my final step in my bc treatment plan. Has anyone had the surgery? Could you tell me how they did it, (lap), how was your recovery and did they do it outpatient? I'm more concerned about this procedure than radiation. Thanks for your help! Karen
I had a bilateral in July 2006 and 4 rounds of chemo Cytoxin and Taxatere anyone ever have problems with swelling of the arms,hands feet and legs after chemo? I finished treatment in Nov.
Well hello to everyone. I know that I have not been sending posts for a while, but I have been on line and my heart and prayers are with all of you. I still have 7 more treatments of Taxol to go and I have some side effects but nothing I can't handle. Mostly it is intestinal and cramping. I want to tell everyone that there…
IBC and CFIDS (CFS) +/- Fibromyalgia?
I am very new at this. Does anyone know a person who has been diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer and Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS or CFS) and/or Fibromyalgia? Please contact them and ask them to email me as soon as possible. Thank you.
Favorite Christmas Movie
Hey Gang! When I was in treatment in the leukemia ward, it was touch and go, things were tense.. but having a bit of normalcy at home was good for the spirit. So, I thought I would be nice to venture away from cancer for a short moment and post my favorite Christmas movies and have you post yours. I thought it would be a…
Genetic testing in breast cancer followed by lung cancer
This year, thanks to a cautious oncologist who decided to biopsy first and decide on further treatment based on the results, I found out I have BOTH stage 1 breast cancer AND stage 1 lung cancer. Both are adneocarcinomas and fortunately they were both caught early. But I'm beginning to wonder if there is some knowable…
Hi Everybody! Just wanted to wish everyone a HAPPY and HEALTHY 2007! HUGS!! Cathy
OK, Girls I need Help...
Ok, I have thought about this for the last couple of days and decided to get some advice from you girls. For the first time since I fought and won with the beast, I am dating a guy who has no idea that I fought this battle. We have gone out two times and seem to really like each other. Tonight we are going to go out again.…
New Concerns?
Merry Christmas to every one and all I want for all of us in 2007 is good health!! I haven't written for awhile or even been checking, I just got too caught up in life, which is a good thing I guess, but Christmas can do this and fortunately it was not a crazy one for me. However, it was interspersed in the last two weeks…
Post chemo hip pain
Hi all! I finished chemo on December 1st, (dose dense A/C). I start rads next week and then I will have my ovaries removed. Anyway, ever since I finished chemo I have experienced deep hip bone pain. I don't know what could be causing it. I am not on Tamoxifen or any other hormone therapy. Anyone having the same problems?…
I am having increased overall stiffness and significant hip pain. I have been on tamoxifen for 9 months now and wonder if this could be one of its' side effects. Has anyone else experienced this and if they have, does it go away with time (as the insomnia did) or does exercise help? And if exercise doesn't help is there…
femara after tamaxofin
I had terrible joint pain,shoulders, hips, pelvis and knees.....debilitating..excruciating..anyone out there with similar side effects?
Hi All! It's been 4 weeks today since my bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction with silicone implants. I developed a seroma (fluid) below the left implant which is concerning to my plastic surgeon. It is preventing the implant from healing properly in the pocket that is supported with a strip of Alloderm. To prevent a…
Question about BC Follow-up Care
Hi all - I'm Betsy from the colorectal message board (Stage IV CRC - doing well.) I have a question for you all. I have a close friend who was diagnosed with some type of breast cancer (Stage 3x - don't knoow what x is) in January 2005. She had two breast surgeries (didn't get clean margins the first time), had the…
Merry Christmas to All
Just wanted to wish all of you guys a Very Merry Christmas. This is my first Christmas after treatment.... How glorious it is.... On Christmas Day... maybe we can all share one of Kathy's Happy Naked Dances... because we have beat the beast or we are on a way to sleighing the beast... Take Care All.... God Bless... Susan
Merry Christmas to my family
When Monday comes, I will board a plane for Holland. After, of course, spending Christmas morning with my family here. I had hoped that this year would be exclusively merry, but with the sudden death of my daughters' dad, well, we are reminded that things can happen that change everything in an instant. I am grateful to…
Pet Scan Results
Just got back from the doc's office and my pet scan results are CLEAR!!!!! I wanted to get on here first and let everyone know how much I appreciate all of your support. Thanks so VERY much for prayers and all those "strong vibes"!!!! Tomorrow morning port removal YEAH!!!! Kathy M-thanks for the Naked Happy Dance!!!! Happy…
Getting nervous
Hello to all of you! I haven't posted for a while and actually haven't been "lurking" too much either. Guess I am getting my life back!!! Tuesday is my PET scan and am having a few problems trying to stay upbeat and positive. Just keep thinking about last year and how well I felt at diagnosis. If NED I am scheduled for…
sentinel node procedure
hi, i am scheduled to have a sentinel node procedure next week. i am very concerned about the discomfort involved w/the injection of the radioactive tracers. can someone let me know what i can expect? thanks
Twas the night during relay!!
i got this today in my email & wanted to share it with everyone - Merry Christmas & God bless!! Twas the night during Relay by: Kathy Mosier âTwas the night during Relay and all thru the park Hundreds of creatures were stirring only minutes âtill dark. The luminaria were placed around the track with great care, A…
I need your help!
Hi all. I am 17 days out of my last chemo treatment. During each treatment, in addition to my Neulasta shots I had to have a shot for my low red blood count each time. I know that my red blood problem is responsible for my tiredness, but it has been several weeks since my last chemo round. I made myself get out last week a…
Interesting reading - FYI
i received the following in an email - i thought it was one of those crap emails, but i tested my own lipsticks on my hand and i did get a black streak on my hand from all of them!! >Subject: >Serious: Lipstick alert !! >Subject: Lipstick Alert!!! > You might just want to stop wearing lipstick> This comes from someone who…
Elevated Liver Enzymes
Hi everyone. BC survivor, one year. Just did my 3 month checkup and my liver enzymes were slightly elevated. I was doing an herbal cleansing about 2 weeks before I had the blood test done. Could this have contributed? I never had this come up before. Thanks, Ann Marie
My sister has a lump in her armpit??
My sister had a lump checked out that is in her armpit. It is the size of a marble, it is not painful, and is immovable. The Dr. said that it is in her lymph node and that she needed to have a mamogram and ultrasound done on it. She is scheduled for those procedures to be done next week. In the meantime, I am worried that…
Hormone Blockers
Is anyone having any difficulty tolerating the hormone blocker treatment to prevent IBC from returning?
Suspicious Mammogram - 65 year old woman
My mom received a letter in the mail today asking her to come back for a repeat mammogram (potential finding). Not clear enough on the scan. It is on the right breast. This breast was imaged twice because radiologist detected breathing during first take. My mom had a very bad cold during this exam (breathing issues). Very…