mastectomy update
fellow survivors, thanks again for sharing your experiences. The double mastectomy was successful on Fri, and I am already at home and doing well. My Mom and my husband are taking care of the drains, and I am having very little pain, even without meds. Next step will be radiation, then maybe chemo or maybe not...depends on…
Cancer Personality
I don't know if this topic has been covered yet, but I stumbled upon an article concerning the "Cancer Personality". Some Doctors are convinced that there IS a Cancer Personality but I think the last word in the medical journals is that there is not a Cancer Personality. I am always looking at ways cancer may be caused and…
second mastectomy
HI..I had a unilateral mastectomy in sept but now I am trying to get my insurance company to give me the ok for a prophylactic 2nd removal...I am not comfortable with the prosthesis and I'm having back pain ...anyone have an suggestions for getting my insurance company to cover the surgery.
Chemo--need some advice
I was diagnosed in Sept., had a double masectomy in Oct., I am now going through chemo...just started last week. I'm feeling like I just can't handle this. My recovery from surgery was very difficult, then when I had a mediport put in my lung was nicked and I ended up spending 5 days in the hospital for a "day…
What Happens After Tamoxifen
Hey Everyone, I marked my five years as a breast cancer survivor in July. It will be five years on January 1 that I would be taking tamoxifen. I didn't start it when I should have because I was afraid of the side effects. But the side effects were minimal or I just got use to them. My question is: Did any of you have any…
new drug
it has been 5 years i have been on tomoxofen now my occ wants to put me on femara(i hope this is how you spell it) for 5 years. are there any weird side effects from this drug.
Merry Christmas to all
Hey Gals.... Just wanted to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas... For me I am now 2 1/2 years Cancer Free.... Did my 6 month Mammogram check up and Onc visit last week.. and as usual it was like being given the most wonderful present... Tonight my son, his fiance... and my soon to be Granddaughter will arrive... my…
cervical cancer first, then breast
I am curious to know if any of you have had cervical cancer and then later was diagnosed with breast cancer. My cervical cancer was diagnosed in 2002, (I did not have HPV), and then I was diagnosed with breast cancer in August of this year. I have tried to research this and cannot find any information or experiences from…
Treatment option for antiestrogen-resistant breast cancers, PR+ breast cancers and familial BRCA1 ca
Ladies, If all else fails and you are suitable candidate this drug can be obtained via the US FMF's Compassionate Use Program so please bear that in mind: 1998 - Additive effect of mifepristone and tamoxifen on apoptotic pathways in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells:…
Breast Wound with an infection
Please contact me has this happened to anyone out there?
Merry Christmas
This year has been a real adventure. The cancer journey has only been part of it. With the help of all the brothers and sisters I made it through the process. If I hadn't taken this journey I would not have gotten to know so many wonderful people. I want to wish each and every one of you a MERRY CHRISTMAS & A CANCER FREE…
Merry Christmas, everyone. I am looking for the voice of experience again. I am scheduled for double mastectomy on Dec. 21. They say probably 3-4 days in the hospital, then 6 weeks recovery at home before I go back to work. I know everyone is different, but I was wondering how likely y'all think it is that I will be home…
While I have Internet.....
These past few weeks, I have had great trouble with my internet connection. So, before I lose it again.... Happy Holidays to all! I know that for many 2007 hasn't been easy (today was my daughter's birthday....sigh....) but we still have each other, and the joys that each day can bring us. I light a star for each of you,…
Have you ever had this? Really need your help!
I want to challenge you all to do something great for YOURSELF during the Holiday Season. Take an afternoon to enjoy being YOU, life, your friends and family. Let the hustle and bustle go. Then -- report back to us and tell us what you did. Game is on!!! Good luck -
Twas the week before Christmas...
Twas the week before Christmas and all through the room, keyboards were silent, but mouses did zoom with cybershopping and thoughts of packages to boot. The chatters were all wrapping and decorating with zeal, wondering if the boob chat would continue for real. When all of a sudden there arose such a clatter, I ran to my…
I've always loved Christmas. I could keep our false Xmas tree up all year I find it that beautiful and am always sad to take it down. I love the good cheer, friendliness, food and drink. 8 months out of chemo and I find I'm looking at Christmas and my birthday differently. I want to make more out of each. Put up extra…
Aromasin and Sleep
Has anyone had problems sleeping since they started taking Aromasin? If so, what do you take for sleep. I noticed it and told my Drs. P.A. She said that it wasn't a "usual" side effect. I have been taking Ambien CR but that doesn't keep me asleep anymore. I just started Lunesta, but that isn't working well either. I used…
Taxol/Taxetere side effects
Hi. I was diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer in October 2006. Had 4 AC treatments between 11/06 and 3/07. Was scheduled for 4 Taxol treatments. The first treatment in April hit my joints badly and my doctor switched me to taxetere. Pain in my joints never went away. I was taking strong pain medication. In August I had…
If Today is Monday...Tomorrow must be Chat-Night!
So, enough said~ do your own math! :-) All I know is that where I live on the West Coast, chat in room 2 starts tomorrow, Tuesday,at 6PM. We are sooo smart, we of the Traveling Mammos, that I know each of you will know when your time zone corresponds with mine! Hugs and I look forward to chatting with you! Claudia
3 weeks after surgery
Hi New to this just trying to get thru afterafects os surgery. any advise
Development of Oncolytic viruses as potential cancer therapeutics
I came across a very informative site that you all might be interested in. Please allow me to share it with you. It's the official website for Oncolytics Biotech, Inc. Oncolytics Biotech is a company focused on developing new treatments for cancer patients. Oncolytics Biotech proprietary reovirus formulation, Reolysin, is…
new to tomoxifen
I have been taking tomoxifen for two weeks. I have experienced minor side effects(more intense hot flashes and occasionally slight nausea). My question is about how long does it take for side affects to appear? Do they last the whole five years? Also how bad does it effect you hair? I know everybody is different but I…
Trying to be happy...
Hello everyone. Its me, Josie, once again. I have great news to report. Clean PET scan, once again. I'm trying to be happy about it but in the back of my mind all I see is doom. After 2 years of cancer-free living, it came back in the lung. Back on chemo for 6 months and now all clean again. Lost my hair again(much more…
Hi Everyone, My doctor has prescribed Effexor 75mg once a day for hot flashes/night sweats caused by chemo. I was wondering if Effexor worked for anyone here and if it did, how long before you noticed an improvement. Also, did you have any side effects from it? Thanks to everyone!
See you in a month! May you have a very Merry Christmas and aBlessed New Year! Angel hugs and love, Cindie
Herceptin question
Hello Does anyone know if herceptin can mask the growth of cancer cells? Has anyone heard this happening at all? Even masking the tumor markers to remain within normal range if taking this medication. Interested in what people have heard or read or thought. This seems to have happened to someone I know. And have never…
Right or wrong..In the news....
I'm certain many of you have seen the news lately about the breast cancer patient that was pregnant during her treatment. She continued, under the watchful eyes of MD Anderson Cancer Center, to receive wide-spectrum (evidenced by her lack of hair in the interviews....) chemotherapy. Recently she delivered a 'healthy' baby…
My friend was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and will begin chemo treatments next week. I want to support her but since I don't live nearby, I can't be with her. I call her and am a good listener, but what else can I do or give to her to help during this difficult time.
Do you believe in Karma????
I just thought I would share this with you.... I ordered a set of linens on Ebay~the color and pattern were exactly what I needed to finish my Thanksgiving table. And I wanted it all to look as beautiful and inviting as possible, as I certainly have a lot to be thankful for. I was willing to pay $15.00 for the linens, and…