HELP, surgery or no surgery
Hi, Im new to this site but not new to fighting BC. I had my first BC in 1995 stage 2 ,I was 27 yrs old had lumpectomy then chemo (adrien, 5fu,cytoxin) then radiation followed by 5 yrs tamoxifin. Stayed cancer free 11 yrs!!!! Now in April I noticed the IBC symptoms and spent the next 3 months fighting Docs to get it…
Do we really need reminding??
Ok kiddies~ if you all would just show up in Room 2 tomorrow night at 6PM (PST)no one would have to post these weekly reminders! I know it's a busy time for all of us, but maybe you can pop in and say hello for a few minutes, huh? Hugs, Claudia
I heard from the Oncotype lab today and they feel sure that my insurance will at least pay for seventy per cent and the rest can be written off. Even all can be written off, if need be. I have another problem that I'm wondering if anyone has had. My CT scan showed spots on my lungs and in my chest nodes. This has everyone…
chemo port
I have had a port for a year and a half. I'm getting ready to have it removed but it has sunken down into my chest. It looks bad. When I asked the dr. if I could have a plastic surgen repair the hollow area, they thought I was nuts. I'm not a vain person but this will look really bad with a bathing suit in the future.…
Are positive lymph nodes usually or often swollen?
I'm awaiting lymph node dissection and am very concerned about possible lymph node involvement. I have no signs of swollen lymph nodes and am hoping that's a good sign.
Chat Reminder
Hey gals (and guys) It's that time again. Don't miss the boob chat coming up Tuesday night at 6pm pt/9pm et in room 2. Hope we get a crowd of new and old. It's so much fun to talk with you all! Besides, I'll need some distraction - my husband will be in Ecuador climbing mountains!
Comedy of errors....not
Had my annual mammo which showed some questionable areas so was recalled for diagnostic mammos and ultrasound. I saw all of these and went to my primary to get referrals to a breast surgeon for consult on a suspected lobular carcinoma. I got phone calls from the mammography center asking if I had the films (no, you do) and…
Morbid, thought provoking moment...
Well I have some sad news to report. My best friends mom just passed away last week. Three weeks ago she was diagnosed with primary lung, brain and liver cancers and was given 2-6 months to live. Three weeks later, bam she's gone. I turned to my husband after finding out and said, 'If I ever get invasive cancer I hope I go…
Yearly with my colon guy....
Well, my insurance must think I'm cured...I had to self-pay my yearly with my rad/onc who is following my colorectal cancer...lol.... He is Mr. Wonderful. He got so excited that he could still 'feel' my staples from my reenstamosis...ask if I do self exams...told him that's what HE was for, as well as supplying me with eye…
First Year Check Up
Had my one year check-up yesterday, sonogram on one side, mammo on other to have a new baseline. Dr. said there is a node in the other that has shifted because of the two reconstructions on that side (reduction and moved nipple). But, he says it hasn't grown, just shifted and that it's benign. So, I have been given the all…
I went back to the doctor and had my drains taken out yesterday after two weeks. They were draining too much on the first appt. One side didn't hurt at all and the other slightly. I feel so free now. They were really getting on my nerves.They gave me the okay for stretches and I can sleep on my side again! My doctor wants…
What a day Tuesday! oh my...
I just need to let this gooooooooo. I was leaving to take my morning walk (730am). I noticed this PINK heap at my neighbors stoop. I looked and looked again...IT WAS MY NEIGHBOR on the ground! this poor woman! she was shivering and confused....I said, (name) are you Okay,does anything hurt? she told me her hip gave out and…
37 and iam looking to see if there is young people out there in washington to talk to that is in the same boat that iam in.had breast cancer@ 34 and @ 37 brain,lung and every time I go for treatment Im the youngest in the room. THAT SUCKS single and young.
Lynn Redgrave and false empowerment
I believe in hope and optimism as much as anyone. However, I find that I am offended by false hope and a form of bogus "empowerment" that borders on silliness--especially when there may be an agenda attached. Ms. Redgrave's ad is, I think, a perfect example. I've provided my thoughts at www.shamblog.com. Please feel free…
Life is Good... Have a Great Thanksgiving...
OK All.... I know for many of you ... You are still fighting mightily to sleigh the ugly beast.... But for me I was diagnosed in May 2005... and I guess this weekend.. it dawned on me how blessed I was going to be this Thanksgiving... I am back to being healthy... My son has just bought a house and is getting married in…
Chat Tuesday Night
Reminder...join us Tuesday at 9PM EST for breast cancer chat! We can talk treatment, life after treatment-- and even trade some turkey recipes. See you all there! Karen
Post-mastectomy pain syndrom (PMPS)
Hi, I am 4 years since dx; mastectomy; 8 rounds AC&Taxol; reconstruction (implant later removed); I'm so happy to report no recurrence of Ca. My problem is, chronic nerve pain under my arm, and across my chest wall, and side where my ribs are. I'm being treated for pain by pain specialists, and mostly pain is under control…
If it's Tues, it must be ChatRoom 2!
I am planning on being in chat on Tuesday at 6 PST....if even for just a few minutes to say hello to my awesome BC sisters! This is just a reminder~ and hopefully those of us who want/can do a Saturday-Sunday chat instead, will soon make that a reality! Hugs, Claudia
Treatment Options
Just diagnosed in July with invasive Ductal carcinoma, 1 cm+, no lymph node involvement. Due to strong family history of cancer, had bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction. After 1 consultation with my oncologist, and after the drill on the 5 year survival and reoccurence rate, I am so confused if I should take chemo.…
breast pain before biopsy
I was just diagnosed with a tumor in my left breast less than a week ago. The night before my mammogram I thought I had a bruise on my left breast. I did feel an almond shaped lump but there was no bruise. I had my ultrasound which indicated a neoplasm with characteristics consistent with malignancy. Since then, I have had…
New survivor
Hello...I have been recently diagnosed with DCIS, had my surgery, now facing the decision of radiation and Tamoxifen and feel so overwhelmed with all the information and decision process. When will I stop feeling so scared and vulnerable?? I often awake with that split second and think..."boy that was a bad dream"...only…
I had my bilateral mastectomy Monday and came home Tues. morning. I have done so well. And for the ladies who are awaiting this surgery....I had no pain. I have taken one Tylenol since I've been home. Oh...there was soreness, but that is certainly tolerable. My nodes were clear but the tumor was bigger than first thought…
I just got diagnosed with breast cancer
The results of my stereotactic breast biopsy indicate low grade ductal carcinoma in situ with focal intraductal papillary component and microcalcifications. The dr. is recommending a mastectomy. He thinks it is all contained. Doesn't think I will need chemo or radiation. I had colon cancer 5 years ago. And my brother had…
I am scheduled for surgery Nov.15
I will be having a mastectomy on Thursday. How long do you think it will be for me to feel like going to work? I have an easy job in a theme park, standing, no lifting. Mostly directing people. I don't want to just sit around waiting to get better. Dr. said I will have a drain. what is that like? Thanks, Arlene
Breast cancer biopsy
My mother was diagnosed with a suspicious something after a mammogram and ultrasound. Now the doctor wants to perform an ultrasound guided core biopsy. I was just interested before we jump into this to know where I can find studies of cancer survicors that underwent Biopsies other than excisional biopsies. I am kind of…
We know what it's NOT...The beast!
Well, finally, after a very scary conversation with the gal from my primary care doc who said "I really can't tell you the results, I don't know how to read them...I'll send them to your oncologist...she will tell you"...(I KNOW these are an easy read...sigh...)... The results from both the mammo and the ultrasound came…
Is it just me
I had a bilateral mastectomy on March 20th of this year so this is going to be my first winter with my new breast. Is it just me but my left breast which was the cancer breast is starting to throb now that the weather has gotten cooler. Also do you feel like sometimes you have something tied around your chest and your skin…
I feel like I could live forever
I can finally exhale. I got the results of my PET/CT today and they were clear. I was anxious because I still had 22 nodes after chemo, that had already started traveling. Time for the naked happy dance and that glass of cheer!!! (Actually I just want to sleep now that the stress is starting to drain away) I know my…
shoulder pain after port
Well the one good thing about having my port put in Monday is that it made me forget temporarily about the pain from my lumpectomy/sentinel node surgery (burning sensation), lol. I don't quite understand why I have shoulder pain though from the port surgery. My chemo starts Friday - a little nervous but I really would just…
Heal magazine for Cancer Survivors
Has anyone seen the Heal magazine? It focuses on cancer survivors (only magazine that does) and from the makers of CURE. It's awesome! I received a free sample issue and signed up right away. www.healtoday.com 800-210-2873 I think you can get a discounted price of $14.95 for a year subscription if you use the promotion key…