starting chemo
Hello I'm normally on the colon site I have stage IV colon cancer however my Mom was dx with stage II breast cancer and I'm trying to get her situated with her upcoming chemo. I live in Mi and she is in New Jersey. She drives but my dad doesn't. I called the ACS and they have volunteers that could transport her back and…
I have DCIS. They SAY just a lumpectomy and radiation and I'll be fine, although there is always the possibility of recurrence. Is this "bad" enough to join a support group? I don't want to be disrespectful of someone with invasive disease.
Stage 2 Her 2 Postive
Hello My name is Debbie and I have presently I am on Chemo. I wanted do know if there are any surviors with Her2 postive. I heard it is the worse to have. Is this true? I really scared. I feel I have no hope.
I had an MRI on both my breasts yesterday and the surgeons office called with the results today. They have found more spots on the other breast and a small spot behind my nipple on my right breast (which is the one that I knew had cancer). I no longer have an option of lumpectomy. I can have a biopsy of the other places or…
Second thoughts about implants.
I had a double mastectomy two years ago. A year ago I had my last surgery with the saline / ____ implants. I have a fantastic plastic surgeon. The look is great. It is the feel. The implants were put under the mucle because of the skin was too thin. I keep waiting to not feel like I have a tight strap around my chest. I…
hello everyone I hope you'll are doing good. anyone out there on xeloda and if you are for how long and what kind of side effects do you have. god bless. pelona
reconstruction or not?
Hi - I would love to hear pros and cons from people who have had mastectomies when it comes to whether or not to have reconstruction. I'm concerned that the prostheses may slip or rub against the scar and cause discomfort. But I'm also worried about implants - might they migrate (I saw pictures on the Susan Love website of…
I just have to ask this question from those who I know will answer it with no hesitation. What is a tatooed nipple? Exactly how is this done, and who does it? My niece asked me if I knew about it, as her friend was going to have it done, but she hesitated to ask her personal questions. I think it is awesome that this…
Neurontin for hot flashes
Hello: I am on femara which causes wicked hot flashes. I was on Spastrin for it and it worked well. Now this medication is no longer available and my doctor put me on Neurontin. Does this work well? I am worried for I have several hot flashes a day. I also worry about weight gain. Does anybody have experience with this?
Too Much Pink?
Ok~ I can take it! ( I think, anyway) Ya know if you are collector of say, hummingbirds, or cows, or dolls, or postcards? Something that you like and enjoy having? But then, because everyone knows about this, they start gifting you with anything and everything to do with that collectible? And you know you don't love all of…
Tykerb ... anyone on it yet?
Hi - I started the very new drug Tykerb almost 2 months ago. It is a stronger from of Heceptin and is designed to be taken with Xeloda (both used for Mets). I have recently begun to itch and itch ...my arms and legs ... and I have had a couple bumps here and there that look like bug bites. Is anyone taking Tykerb? Do you…
Aromatase Inhibitors
I was diagnosed with invasive BC w/2 lymph nodes involved in November of 2001, when I was 37 yrs. old. My children at the time were 5 and 8, and in kindergarten and 3rd grade. This fall they have started middle school and high school, and I'm here to see it (thank you God!). I have just finished 5 years of tamoxifen, with…
Thank you all so much for your input. Just hearing what others have chosen and how it has worked out for them helps immensely. I have to admit that I am a bit frightened, anticipating surgery. I'm concerned with the pain and I had heard that the reconstruction was a painful process. Glad to know that the mastectomy is…
I have just been diagnosed with breast cancer. I met with the surgeon yesterday and I still have test...CT scans, MRI, etc. to do but she wanted me to be thinking about total mastectomy or lumpectomy...if it will be possible. Also about reconstructive surgery if I elect the mastectomy. I would love to have input, on the…
Another even better story....
There was a couple who used to go England to shop in a beautiful antique store. This trip was to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. They both liked antiques and pottery, especially teacups. Spotting an exceptional cup, they asked "May we see that? We've never seen a cup quite so beautiful." As the lady handed it to…
Bilateral, or just one?
Hello, I've just been diagnosed and am trying to decide on surgical options. I have invasive ductal carcinoma on the right and would definitely prefer to have the breast removed instead of choosing a lumpectomy with chemo. I had been thinking that the most efficient decision would be to have my left breast removed as well…
Cute Story
This is a story that was posted about a year ago and it made me smile... and I saved it. I was on my computer tonight cleaning up my files and I ran across it... Thought it might bring a smile to some of your faces. An elderly Chinese woman had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole which she carried across her…
Tamoxifen -- Cramping?
Hello Ladies -- I have been on Tamoxifen for about four months now. I still am getting a period, but it came a later last month, so it may be in the process of ceasing. Since starting Tamoxifen, I've been having some cramping in my left ovary. It started out gradually around my period, and has been quite severe this week…
FYI & Frustrated
Hey guys, For your info..I watch ABC news every am, and today they talked about a new web page called abc News On Call...Breast Cancer. You can find it by going to abcnews.com, you'll see the big pink box, click on that, and it takes you there. Check it out..it is fabulous. Lots of info. As for me, I am frustrated at the…
Life after 1st recurrence
Hello everyone, Its been a while since my last post. I've been busy battling again. Just to recap; original dx 4/2005. AC/Taxol for 16 weeks (4 cycles of each every 2 weeks) then 7 weeks of radiation. All done by Christmas time 2005. What a celebration! Fast forward exactly 2 years to 4/2007. Dx with recurrence to lung.…
hi..Just wanted some feedback from anyone who has taken arimidex...any side effects I should watch out for?..Waiting for the oncotyping to come back and then will be starting the arimidex..I had a mastectomy Sept 13th..still sore and sometimes I get depressed ...I cant wait to go back to work. anyway, just checking on the…
chemo-eyes 2
Thanks for the responses to my original query. I saw the Oncologist and the chemo nurses and they all said not to worry about the eye, basically what you all said. So...I will not worry. I'll let those around me do that for me, if it pleases them. thanks, seof
Chat Tuesday Night- 6pmPT/7MT/8CT/9ET
Well, tomorrow is Tuesday, chat sisters! I know from reading the threads that of course we have differing schedules, and that Tuesdays will not ever work for some of us. As awesome as we are, think about it: The fact that we are all not available on Tuesdays proves something to me. WE ARE LIVING LIVES DURING AND AFTER…
1 year survivor...but
September 27 marked one year since my mastectomy and I'm happy to report that I continue to be cancer free. A month after my surgery my husband Bill and I picked up stakes and moved from NJ to South Carolina. It was a leap of faith on my part since I had never lived anywhere farther than 45 minutes from the house I grew up…
Implants after radiation
Is there anyone out there who had a reoccurance in the same breast and had there breast removed and had a implant did you have a problem with blood supply due to the radiation. Thanks
I'm just saying.....
G'morning Sisters! It was really nice meeting you in chat last night! Because I recognize your names from the boards, it's like we know each other already. Sweet, indeed! I don't know about your schedules, but our meetings remind me of a Book Club. Only we are a Boob ( or maybe Boobless) Club. I am a regular participant in…
DCIS - or NOT is the ? today
Well, first I want to thank you all for the kind thoughts after I made my first post-Newly Diagnosed with DCIS. I have since had my MRI, and talked with a radiologist. She told me it was DCIS, gave me the basic options of surgery w/ radiation, lypmh nodes testing and so on. Today I went to another hospital in my area,…
BC as a GIFT?
Hi all. Have any of you had someone say that being diagnosed with breast cancer has been a gift? This happened to me on a yahoo breast cancer group e-mail. I responded that if this was a gift I'd give it back and I just couldnt understand how anyone could think that way. So ok, I was chastised BIG TIME for supposedly not…
Hans did great!
The procedure yesterday went well, although it was long....7 hours.... The doctor was very excited about the turnout...of course, I could have told him that, with all the prayers, there was no other outcome but terrific!!!! He finally got to his room at midnight...they had to monitor the insertion points so that he didn't…
Reporting Back From Play Time
I promised an update. I got home on Saturday afternoon late from the best vacation that I can remember in years. It was 9 days at the beach on a Shag week at the beach... Claudia, I was a good girl... but we stayed out partying until 2 most mornings. I listened to probably 15 great beach bands live... they had a D.J.…