Twas the week before Christmas...

coug90 Member Posts: 59
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Twas the week before Christmas and all through the room, keyboards were silent, but mouses did zoom with cybershopping and thoughts of packages to boot. The chatters were all wrapping and decorating with zeal, wondering if the boob chat would continue for real. When all of a sudden there arose such a clatter, I ran to my laptop to see what was the matter. Room 2 was vibrantly hopping with chatters all a-knocking. The din of the bells chiming with each comment made me smile with cheer knowing the holiday spirit was near!

Ok enough corn. Join me for the chat party this Tuesday, Room 2, 6pm pst/9 est. Hope to see you all there!


  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Twas the day before Tuesday all through CSN, The word is now spreading of chat now and then. At 6 or at 7, at 8 or at 9~what zone am I in ? Can I make it this time? I rush to my keyboard~Oh no! I am late! The Java Sun swrirling is making me wait.
    I think of the names that might be in Room 2; Old ones and new ones, a lot or a few.
    As Coug said quite rightly~enough of this corn!
    Let's meet there tomorrow! A new day is born!
  • 'Twas the day of boob chat...
    And all through the house....
    I wandered aimlessly,....
    Feeling like a louse.
    Last week I forgot....
    And the week before that...
    To join my friends...
    In the cyber-boob chat.
    So today I'll do better...
    And show up on time...
    If my puter don't freeze...
    And the obit column isn't mine!