prophylactic mastectomy/2nd breast
I am still in the throes of being treated for bc of my left breast (next week I will undergo a mastectomy), but true to my nature (I'm a worrier) I am already worried about the other breast. I just wondered: did anyone in the group undergo a second, prophylactic mastectomy at a later point after having treatment in the…
Starting chemo while drains still in
A friend has now become a member of our club. She had a mastectomy 2 weeks ago and the oncolgoist wants to start the chemo while she still has the drains in. Like we've all experienced - she's getting all kinds of advice on waiting/not waiting. Have any of you heard of starting chemo while the post-op drains are still in?
I wrote yesterday about brachytherapy. Mammosite is a form of this. I have had a few responses. If anyone has had experience with Mammosite, I would love to hear about this as an alternative to traditional radiation. Thanks.
I was diagnosed last week with Stage 1 - I have a 2mm tumor in one area of my left breast. This showed up as calcifications on a regular mammogram and was thought to be Stage 0---DCIS. Now following the stereotatic biopsy and an MRI, I am facing a lumpectomy (and a sentinel node biopsy now) with radiation (and follow up…
Knots In My Stomach
Hello. I was diagnosed with BC on Christmas Eve. I've been through Biopsy, Lumpectomy, Echocardiogram, Muga, and am still waiting for the start of Chemotherapy. For the past several weeks, I have been suffering from terrible knots in my stomach. I know they are from stress, and I've had a lot of stress as I am sure all…
Lump Scares = Mastectomy?
Well as we all know after having invasive breast cancer we get to have those LOVELY check ups every three months for three years. At my checkups, it seems like they keep having 'lump scares' - one leading to an aspiration and several leading to followups as well as your hurry up and wait 'we'll see what happens' plan of…
Love Is... Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. - Corinthians…
self love
This is just a thought I wanted to share that maybe you have had too. My work asked us to bring a picture of ourselves when we were little. So I hauled out the old photos to pick one out. As I looked through my life in pictures I was at first struck with sadness. Look at that little girl, me, how unfair that she should…
How to dance in the Rain....
How To Dance In The Rain > It was a busy morning, about 8:30 , when an elderly gentleman in his 80's, arrived to have stitches removed from his thumb. He said he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:00 am. > I took his vital signs and had him take a seat, knowing it would be over an hour before someone would to…
Sisterhood Gift
Dear Sisters, The gift each of you give of yourself by chatting on-line, writing responses on the message board, writing emails, sharing your own emotions, strengths, weaknesses have all been a gift to each of us. For all those survivors that keep in touch over the years, it is a total inspiration to us that are new. We…
Broken out in hives
I've been a really good sport for almost ten months now, but my patience is wearing thin...I have had 5 months of chemo, a bilateral mastectomy with expanders put in, and 6 weeks of radiation. There was a build up of fluid around the radiated expander which ended up in having to have the expander removed. Now, I have one…
Chat Room TONIGHT!!!!
remember to come! 9pm est and I forget the difference in others..sorry :( west coast I think is 6pm, then there is a 8pm hope this helps.
Heading up on the roller coaster
I wanted to thank so many of you for responding to my other message. I know that even though you might not have written, I have felt everyones caring and understanding, and....support. Thank you so much for thinking of me and writing. To be honest, I have been so exhausted and down but I have been feeling so many hugs from…
Breast Cancer Site
Hi everyone, I just received this email and wanted to share it with you. I'm going to pass it on to friends and family because as I understand it while our mammograms are covered for everyone, there are women in the U.S. that can't afford one. I do hope this helps them. jan * I * 6 * Y Please tell ten friends to tell ten…
Thank You All
I just want to thank all of you who have responded to my postings and/or emailed me. I start my chemo tomorrow and I'm ready. You've all given such great tips and such fantastic encouragement that I'm going to face this thing head on and fight my way through. Thanks again for being there. I really appreciate it.
reconstruction recovery time
I have gotten a few email replies in my mailbox, but I wanted to ask the group (those of you who had TRAM Flap reconstruction): how long did it take for you to be able to sit and stand after you had the procedure, even with some discomfort? I am concerned about the lengthy recovery time because I have my own business and…
recovery time/mastectomy/lattimus flap
I am going to have a mastectomy and then immediate reconstruction (I know I am not spelling this correctly, but it's the lattimus dorsal flap with skin sparing mastectomy - they told me it's a new procedure involving using the outer skin from the breast, inserting an implant, and then taking some skin from my side). Does…
recovery time/mastectomy/lattimus flap
I am going to have a mastectomy and then immediate reconstruction (I know I am not spelling this correctly, but it's the lattimus dorsal flap with skin sparing mastectomy - they told me it's a new procedure involving using the outer skin from the breast, inserting an implant, and then taking some skin from my side). Does…
Shortened Life
I guess I am just feeling blue but in my bones I feel I don't have much time. Yes, I have received blood results that don't look good but that is not it. I guess I am just on the down swing of the roller coaster and toooo tired to chug up the hill. I have received so much support from the chats and the message boards. It…
I have been told that I am going to start a new treatment called Ixempra. It is a new drug and I was wondering if anyone has used it and what to expect from the side effects. Thanks
Chemo Side Effects - How Long Do They Last?
I've heard about the metallic taste, nausea, vomitting, exhaustion, joint pain, and neuropathy. How long do these side effects last? Are you nauseated for the entire twelve weeks or for a few days after the infusion? Does the metallic taste last the entire time? Is this why people lose weight while on chemo? I know the PA…
getting through chemo
I check this page everyday now. The encouragement is incredible and also the lovely safe feeling of being among sisters. I am being tossed around by Taxol at the moment and feeling achy and I wanted to write to all of you who are in the same place, bravely, or not so bravely, in the middle of chemo battle. Let's all get…
Xeloda side effects
Hello, I have a few questions about Xeloda if anyone out there is still taking it. I just finished my first 2 week cycle of the drug, and after 3 days off, my hands and feet are starting to tingle. Is Xeloda a cumulative drug? I do not see any redness, swelling, or blisters, only slight tingling in the center of my palm. I…
er pr positive/Her2 positive
Does anyone else have this? Stage 1 no lymphnode involvement, premenopausal. What were the treatments? Just recently had lumpectomy awaiting word from docs on their plan. Thanks
Thoughts on Xeloda
Hi there, I was diagnoised with breast cancer in March, I've been through 6 cycles of Chemo, a double mastectomy, and 7 weeks of radiation. I have two more days of radiation left but then they are thinking of putting me on Xeloda just to make sure. Its more my husbands pushing just to make sure we've gotten everything. I…
confused about all the different types of reconstruction
I am going to have a mastectomy and definitely want reconstruction, but there seem to be so many types that I am confused! Can people advise me of their experiences with the different types? Also, how long did it take you to resume normal activities with the Tram flap (I'm a social worker and just sit in a chair and talk…
question about reconstruction and mammograms
Maybe someone can answer this question for me: my breast surgeon told me when you have a mastectomy, there is no breast tissue so the cancer cannot come back in that breast (I assumed that this means there is no need to mammogram the reconstructed breast). But now that I am researching reconstruction I am confused because…
Robin Roberts
Goodmoring sisters, I hope many of you were able to watch Robin Roberts walk the runway today decked out in her georgeous red, sequeined gown, and shiny bald head. She has shared much of her story with us openly, honestly, and with dignity, and today she displayed the courage all of us find dealing with this monster. I…
mastectomy breast care survivors - I want to hear from you
I am obsessing about this question: whether to have a lumpectomy or mastectomy and have written in several times! However, now I am asking only people who chose to have a mastectomy over a lumpectomy AND had early stage breast cancer (my tumor is 1.8 cm and I have inductal invasive carcinoma) to reply. I'll be looking for…
First Year As A Survivor
It's my first year as a survivor. Time to celebrate and as ya'll say time for a happy dance. Jackie