Martin Luther King, Obama and the USA service day

rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi! my name is Jackie and i had a masectomy Dec.2nd 09. Six lymph nodes were positive out of 21 taken. I have been feeling ok 7 days after my first chemo treatment.
Before all of this i was a CNA at the Prairie Community Hospital in a little town or village?? of Terry Mt. I loved my job but could no longer lift or be around sick people. I still have been putting in a few hours here and there in activities with the residents there. My community has been so warm and caring, my fellow co-workers and friends brought home cooked meals every day for 2 weeks after my surgery and also donated their own hard earned vacation hours to me. I have no insurance so what a blessing they were.
Today i went in to get my blood drawn and was told that my friend Leann had created a web page for me for the USA service day for our communities for Martin Luther King day. People have already signed up to give their "Lady in Pink" food and donations. The address for this site is I was blown away and had a GOOD cry. My faith in God and humanity has grown bounds through all of this. WE all need to reach out and help our sisters in pink on this day. LOL Jackie


  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    That is so cool, Jackie!
    Today is Moopy's seventh day out from chemo, as well. The last couple of days have been kind of rough, with diarrhea and nausea, but Moopy is hanging in there like the warrior she is. I just now finished giving her a shampoo (the first time she has let me do this for her in the 18 years we've been together!) and she is feeling much cheerier.

    I checked into your friend Leann's webpage - a shorter version of the URL is - and it really IS wonderful that your friends care so deeply about you. I can't be there because Terry, MT is a rather long drive from the Ozarks. But please inform Leanne that a money order is heading for her mailbox tomorrow morning. Moopy and I are blessed with very good insurance, hers better than mine, and she is very delighted to help a sister in pink. I'm sure you know this, but she instructed me to remind you that the American Cancer Society can do a lot to help you in this difficult situation

  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    Aortus said:

    That is so cool, Jackie!
    Today is Moopy's seventh day out from chemo, as well. The last couple of days have been kind of rough, with diarrhea and nausea, but Moopy is hanging in there like the warrior she is. I just now finished giving her a shampoo (the first time she has let me do this for her in the 18 years we've been together!) and she is feeling much cheerier.

    I checked into your friend Leann's webpage - a shorter version of the URL is - and it really IS wonderful that your friends care so deeply about you. I can't be there because Terry, MT is a rather long drive from the Ozarks. But please inform Leanne that a money order is heading for her mailbox tomorrow morning. Moopy and I are blessed with very good insurance, hers better than mine, and she is very delighted to help a sister in pink. I'm sure you know this, but she instructed me to remind you that the American Cancer Society can do a lot to help you in this difficult situation


    Thank you so very much
    Joe and Moopy, What a kind-hearted gesture!! I am so stubborn about asking for help...but i will have to get used to it i guess, I will start researching the American Cancer Society like Moopy suggested. It is a hard enough battle to face without the tremendous amount of bills coming in. I am truly blessed though to have good friends and sisters in pink like moopy and all of the other courageous sisters/brothers in this network.

    I have finally started to become tired and the diarrhea is not fun as we all know. I was told my white blood count was low so i can't go to work..where alot of them have the flu etc. wondering if and when i will ever get to is a real bummer. Guess i'll get to read a few books i've been waiting to read. Please keep me up on how things are going for you. and Thanks again.. I pray you will be blessed always