Is there anyone that had a wide excision for DCIS stage 0 & had clear margins?

lauren08 Member Posts: 29
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Ok, surgery set up for next month. I think I remember my surgeon saying if the margins are clear we are done & if there was more dcis then radiation will be needed.

I heard that radiation trmts can only be done once so my question is if you have radiation & god forbid it the Dcis cells return wouldn't your only possible option at that point be a masectomy?

I know I will have to ask this question to my Dr but I'm throwing it out there anyway....
Do you think you could postpone radiation?

I have read the side effects of tamoxifen & saw blood clots & uterine cancer are possible.
Since blood clots run in my family that to me sounds like I'd be playing Russian roulette.

All these years of research...... millions of women with this.... why such limited choices?
We can walk on the moon but we can't find a cure for this horrible disease???????

Sorry just my mind racing with thoughts again.


  • Derbygirl
    Derbygirl Member Posts: 198
    Best advice is to do all
    Best advice is to do all that you can to kill cancer cells and reduce your risk of recurrence. Your surgeon probably meant in the case of clean margins that no further surgery would be needed. I had Stage 1 b. cancer and lumpectomy with clean margins followed by radiation. Radiation was done in case there were stray cancer cells in that breast. I understand your anxiety because I have been there, but I just finished treatment and know that I did all that I could to reduce my risk of recurrence. Good luck!
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Derbygirl said:

    Best advice is to do all
    Best advice is to do all that you can to kill cancer cells and reduce your risk of recurrence. Your surgeon probably meant in the case of clean margins that no further surgery would be needed. I had Stage 1 b. cancer and lumpectomy with clean margins followed by radiation. Radiation was done in case there were stray cancer cells in that breast. I understand your anxiety because I have been there, but I just finished treatment and know that I did all that I could to reduce my risk of recurrence. Good luck!

    Everyone's case is different
    But, personally, I agree with Derbygirl. No one is saying that cancer treatment is fun or convenient, and you have to weigh the risks of treatment versus the benefits. Your doctor is trained to make these assessments and will give you his or her opinion. You can get more than one, and you should if you are uncertain. But if radiation will significantly help you, just remember that it is a finite time of hassle and discomfort. Then it is over and you have fought to give yourself the best outcome possible. It may not seem like it now, but treatment will end and you will return to your normal life. Many of us even return to that life during treatment! Don't let everything overwhelm you. You will handle it just fine.

  • young_one
    young_one Member Posts: 67
    Derbygirl said:

    Best advice is to do all
    Best advice is to do all that you can to kill cancer cells and reduce your risk of recurrence. Your surgeon probably meant in the case of clean margins that no further surgery would be needed. I had Stage 1 b. cancer and lumpectomy with clean margins followed by radiation. Radiation was done in case there were stray cancer cells in that breast. I understand your anxiety because I have been there, but I just finished treatment and know that I did all that I could to reduce my risk of recurrence. Good luck!

    I agree with Derbygirl. We
    I agree with Derbygirl. We know the choices suck. None of them are fun choices. But radiation is the standard of care. Do you want "sub-standard" care? Plus, if you were to have a recurrence, would you look back and wish you had done the rads? Clean margins are good but they are not the be-all end-all to cancer. It only takes 1 stray cell. I am sorry for the tough words but if you think your choices are limited now, well, a recurrence will limit them even more. Or open them up to the choice of chemo cocktails. However you want to look at it.
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    young_one said:

    I agree with Derbygirl. We
    I agree with Derbygirl. We know the choices suck. None of them are fun choices. But radiation is the standard of care. Do you want "sub-standard" care? Plus, if you were to have a recurrence, would you look back and wish you had done the rads? Clean margins are good but they are not the be-all end-all to cancer. It only takes 1 stray cell. I am sorry for the tough words but if you think your choices are limited now, well, a recurrence will limit them even more. Or open them up to the choice of chemo cocktails. However you want to look at it.

    Good point
    This is a great point, and I wanted to re-iterate. This isn't to pressure or impose our own beliefs on you, but just to let you know our own varied experiences and opinions in this stressful world of breast cancer. Clear margins are great and I truly hope your surgery is completely successful on this front. But radiation (and chemotherapy) is not just for cancer that we know is there. I had clear margins, yet I am in the middle of six treatments of strong chemotherapy. Technically, I don't have any cancer in my body, but I was stage 2 with an aggressive cancer, so my risk of recurrence -- while still low -- is not acceptable to just leave without further treatment. Like young one said, the goal is to remove even microscopic cancer cells. Thankfully, you will not need chemotherapy. I look at it this way: surgery crushes and removes the beast; chemo and radiation disinfect and secure the house so that it is not welcome to return. Hope we can all help you here.
