Scar tissue and reconstruction
I am such a wibbler/wobbler trying to decide about reconstruction. Do I want more surgery and recovery? What about the costs (even with good insurance), given the economy? Still, I don't want to do or not do anything that will prevent an optimal reconstruction should I choose to go that route. I have had a bilateral…
Reconstruction Surgery Scheduled for Friday
Hello To My Breast Cancer Posse, I am having the expander put in on Friday at 8:45 a.m., prayers and happy thoughts are appreciated. I am really getting nervous, I have been having headaches since Thursday. I truly am happy to be getting it done, just nervous. Wanted to let you all know it was in the works. My best to each…
Am I employable?
I need to earn money, but what can I do? I can't even do my own housework, never mind working for a nearby motel cleaning rooms!.. What can I do? .......... Jxxxxxxxxx
Thread subscription email updates
Does anyone know what happened to the email updates? I use to get an email when a tread was updated and have not for quite awhile now.
I can't do the mammogram
I have my follow-up with my onco next week. He gave me a requisition for a mamo last meeting and I just know I can't go through with it. my operated on breast is so tender I can't even touch it so how would I stand that without fainting?. I'm just going to tell him (Chemo brain) I forgot to have it done. I know I just…
what do you know about infiltrating lobular cancer
The day after Christmas I found out that this is what I have...I dont yet know what stage it is in but they are leaning more to stage 3 or 4 :( any help would be great!!!! thanks
Has anyone refused to have a masectomy? What was the outcome?
Tram Flap Failure
Hi, I'm new to the network. Was wondering if anyone has had a Tram flap failure. Had double masectomy and only one side took. I previously had cancer 6 years ago and it came back. It was radiated and I was on Tamoxifen for 5 years, also had Lumpectomy. The doctors couldn't give me an answer as to why this happened. So I…
I'm back to work
I went back to work yesterday after having a month off. I worked 6 hrs. Neck was and is sore from the port. I had a fill earlier in the morning. Took me about 4 hours to clean out all the emails I had(over 400). Today will be my first full day back. I am glad to be back to work. Employer has been wonderful. My son(5 1/2)…
DIEP reconstruction
I am considering DIEP breast reconstruction. Does anyone have any feedback on what to expect?
Too funny
So, I was reading O'hill's post, and down in the comments she mentions Weightwatchers, one word. Only the censors take some of the letters out. Perhaps they will on my post too, so I won't ruin it. I looked at the word for a while, imagining the missing letters till I figured it out. Dang. That was a good laugh. If the…
Diagnosed with BC
Hi everyone! I am new in this site, I am not yet a survivor but I am going to be!!! I was recently diagnosed with BC. I am 24 years old. I will be having a mastectomy next week. The diagnosis changed my whole life! I was wondering if anyone who had had bc can share they experience on having a mastectomy. I am alos here…
When someone has estrogen driven cancer and can't take the meds
I know a person who has estrogen driven cancer and had a mastectomy in June but has tried 3 different drugs tamoxifen is the only one she hasn't tried and had reactions to each one. Does anyone know what she can do? She is thinking of having the other breast removed as a precaution but I told her that she would still have…
Implants before Cancer
Is there anybody out there that had implants before cancer? I had a breast augmentation in 1998 (saline, in front of the muscle) and in 2002 dx (at age 38) with invasive ductual carcinoma, stage 2. My tumor was small and more towards the surfice and very agressive. We treated with lumpectomey (x2 as the original surgey did…
Happy St. Davids' Day everyone!!!!!!!!!!!
Wave a daffodil about and shout "Yachydar"!!!!!!!!!!!
Ruptured Breast Implant
I am new to this site. I am a seven year survivor of multi focal ductal carcinoma. I had my right breast removed and went through reconstruction like a breeze. Each step was like rebuilding my life. I thank God every day for survival!! A few days ago after a regular house cleaning and a light workout I removed my…
I had expanders put in when I had my double mastectomy and I find that one breast is not shaped like the other one. Is this normal. I was told that it could be because the pec muscle on one side is developed more and that is why it looks different. I had my first fill at the time of surgery of 120cc and then in the doctors…
Treatment plan
Went to the drs on Feb.25th. Treatment as follows. 6 rounds of TAC then radiation. Should start in about 3 weeks. Dr. wants me to heal about 4-5 weeks before starting chemo. I'mdoing great with the Port tender but okay. I am having a lot issues with the surgery on breast still swollen a little having problems being nausea…
Just when I was ready to do the naked happy dance and eat chocolate, found out I was positive for the BRCA gene defect. I will be having a hysterectomy in a couple of months because the risk of ovarian Ca is higher and they usually take out the ovaries and fallopian tubes, but I want it all out---haven't used them in years…
regrowth pictures/have to look twice
I am soliciting feedback on my hair regrowth pictures - please note there are two separate emails (topics) because I couldn't fit all the pictures in one email - the second ones are the ones I am really upset about. (I think the second topic is entitled 'more pictures of regrowth' or something like that). could you please…
My lymphatron trio
good-morning my beautiful sisters. i am typing with one hand so excuse errors. i'm wondering if any of you have tried the lymphedema pump. it is a little machine with a sleeve, it works on the line of a blood pressure cuff, pumping fluid by pressure massage back into the lymph system where its supposed to be, i finally got…
AHHC please respond
Hello everybody, My name is Andreea and im writting this in behalf of my mother, who is a cancer fighter. Im from Romania but i came in the United States in 2005 to study; in 2006 my parents came to visit me and then is when we discovered that my mother had breast cancer. Im very dissapointed and sad because since 2006 and…
skin after radiation
I guess some of you have ben through radiation. I am wondering if I survive, is there any way to get red of effected skin after radiation ? for example by plastic surgery?
Hobbies? Passtimes? What do you all do when you are not in here?
I don't mean to be nosey....well maybe just a little, What hobbies, passtimes do you all have?.......I am breeding aquarium fish, I love my dog and tolerate my cat (he sees me as house-staff) I love growing rare and unusual plants. Avid reader, worked most of my life with horses, like to smoke and drink lots of beer. Huge…
WARNING - Reglan Use
I just want to pass this along to everyone, and hopefully will be able to help someone avoid problems in the future. The FDA has issued a "black box" warning for the drug Reglan. This was prescribed to me after the Ativan I was started on during chemo did not seem to work. My oncologist prescribed Reglan, and I used it for…
breast cancer that has metastesized to the bones
It's hard for me to find any info on this subject. Has anyone's breast cancer metastesized to their bones? What were your treatment options?
Nerve Damage
I am so frustrated. I was diagnosed with DCIS in August. I had my first surgery on 9/29. It was the latt dorsi surgery on the left side with an expander. I ended up with a couple of infections. I am also on Tamoxifen. I have had pain in my back, arm and chest ever since the surgery and have told my ps surgeon this and he…
It's Benign!!!!!!! Woohoooooooo
The clinic just called and declared that the new lump they biopsied 2 weeks ago is benign, no treatment necessary!!!!!!! Nekked happy dance coming up. Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
A Note From RE
Hello Everyone, Well I am seven hours from going to the hospital for reconstruction. All of your posts have meant so much and been so helpful to me. I am not nervous right now, just want to get the show on the road. I spent much of today cleaning the house, ironing my husbands work clothes for the upcoming week and going…
Had Port in Yesterday
Had my port in. Doing well. A little tenderness. Today, go to Dr. to find out my chemo schedule. Have question? I smoke and want to quit, what is the best way to quit. I have cut back but seems like when Ihave a moment I smoke. Cancer runs in my family so much I need to quit. Hard to quit. Any advise would be appreciated.…