Okay I know most of you don't ride motorcycles or quads (I love my quad) but, you may know someone who does. This is an organization that holds events, golfing, snow mobiling,quad and motorcycle runs to raise money for breast cancer for Men and Women. They sell cool stuff to help raise money as well so forward this on to…
how do I get a wig through the American CANCER SOCIETY?
HI,i have had several people tell me I can get a wig through ACS.DO I CALL THEM OR EMAIL?aNY HELP WOULD BE APPRIATTED.tHANK YOU.
Moopy and Aortus
Has anyone heard from the Moopster and Aortus? I know it's been a while since I've been around,and maybe they're on their much needed vacation from all of this. Just wondered...
peggy day one radiation
the long haul began monday went fine it was quick but now i am scared i was reading some of the girls post that it could hit heart and lungs my oncologist didnt tell me that my tumor was on nipples more to the outside can it hit the lung im going to ask today im so nerveous now will post tonight about my second day god…
Pain medication and constipation.....
I was back at the hospital yesterday afternoon due to severe constipation problems due to my pain medication. I had not had a regular bm since my surgery last Wednesday and by yesterday morning was in such pain I knew I wouldn't be able to deal with it myself. I asked my husband to drive me to the hospital and they had to…
Another Newbie
Hello - today is my first day to join this discussion group. I am hoping to make new friends, find folks I can talk to about what is happening in my life and learn about what all is going on. I think I have been in denial since I was diagnosed, and haven't talked about it much with anyone except my husband. I am a 68-year…
I know it's been awhile since I have posted. Doing okay with the chemo, manageable. Fatigue is crappy. But my question is about my next round Taxotere. I know that everyone is different but wanted to know how you all did with it? Any input would be great. Thanks Sherry
Diagnosed Today.....
Hi, My name is Carolyn and I was just diagnosed with well differentiated invasive ductal breast cancer today. I am still reeling from the death of my mother 3 weeks ago, and today I got the positive test results that we all dread. The hardest part of today was telling my 2 sons, 18 and 20, which broke my heart. Of course I…
Roll Call: Oldies and Newbies, tell me your weekend plans!!
OK, everyone, we've had quite a tumultuous few weeks here. Many, many new sisters, anxiety about aches and pains, new scans, MRIs, first chemo treatments, hair falling out... BUT, there is always the weekend and there is always joy, peace and love to be had. Us "oldies" (it's a relative term, to be sure) want all our new…
My Good 'Ol Dog
On a hot summer day, a country bumpkin came into town with his dog. He tied the dog under the shade of a tree and went into the bar for a cold beer. About 20 minutes later a policeman came into the bar and asked who owned the dog tied under the tree. The bumpkin said that it was his. The policeman said, "Your dog seems to…
Anyone on taxotere, carboplatin, herceptin for their chemo?
I haven't started chemo yet. Did anyone have many side effects from this and when did the side effects start? Day 1,2.or ???? I'm worried about my heart with the herception did anyone have problems? thanks
luminary Party
Re i just loved the ideadof a lum. party. i would like to have a lightup lum. here at my home . who ever wants to participate e mail me privately at csn just because we are all over the world want stop us. on 10th of oct i will light them up this will give everyone time to make one and get it in mail. just to let you all…
Clearing the Air...
Hi All, Thank you for your input on how to tell a kid about cancer. I read your stories and was touched. My husband and I sat down with our daughter over the weekend and broke the news to her. I borrowed here and there from your stories and wove one of my own. My daughter gave me a hug and then we three, including pet dog…
Neulasta and how long to boost White Blood cell Count
One week after first chemo "AC" my WBC's were 2.9. I had the Neulasta shot the day after chemo. How long does it take for the neulasta to kick in?
BBC News Health page has a very interesting (Bloody Scary) item about tamoxifen and recurrence. Worth reading. Jxxxxxx
Time to vent again
I was so upbeat yesterday and feel so down today...I should have known that I wouldnt get thru taxol/herceptin without it draining my energy. Then I come to find out that I have to do herceptin weekly until I am finished which is early october. I didnt know that until friday when I was told. I know that herceptin isnt…
Caregiver not with MRSA but exposed to MRSA
Corrine and I have seemed to arrive at a large speed bump. About 2 years ago, I invited a dear friend into my home. We have known each other for 32 years. She is disabled, cannot work and ran out of money. I have helped her financially, emotionally and sometimes physically. Although she has no outward signs now, she was…
Day 29 of Pammy's Rads
Whew!! First day of Boosters. It was rather interesting. I did not realize they were going to lay a wet washcloth over me (glad it was warm!) so that there is better "conduction" in the treatment. I somehow got this picture in my head of electricity & water not mixing and getting "zapped" literally, that I think my heart…
creampuff91344 Tribute to her beautiful Daughter
I did not want this to be missed and lost in another thread so I am opening a new one here. Judy has posted her tribute to her lovely daughter in the Expressions Gallery, if you get a moment check it out, she was quite a courageous young lady. Judy thank you for sharing her with us, I am honored. RE
Need recomendations for Masectomy Surgeon - Houston, TX
I'm searching for a well qualified surgeon with privileges at Methodist or St Luke's in Houston, TX for a masectomy. Any help would be appreciated.
"Newbies" Watch the Survivor Movie, please! You will be Empowered~ I promise!
My long-time sisters in here are familiar with the fact that I love and often recommend a 3 minute online movie called The Survivor Movie! It doesn't sell anything, preach anything, or advise you to take a particular course of action. But the 3 minutes are so well spent, even if it makes you cry a little. But the tears…
getting ready for my 3rd chemo today
hello everyone. I just wanted to let you know i'm getting ready to go get me 3rd chemo... Pray for me... lov u all....
Breast Cancer Book
I have been packing things up and I pulled out a book that the breast care specialist gave me at my 1st visit. I forgot what a good book it was and is. It's called I Flunked My Mammogram by Dr Bodai. It answers so many of those 1st questions and has a good section on common breast cancer drug, common anti nausea meds, a…
Latex Factory
A guy is going on a tour of a factory that produces various latex products. At the first stop, he is shown the machine that manufactures baby-bottle nipples. The machine makes a loud "hiss-pop" noise. "The hiss is the rubber being injected into the mold," explains the guide. "The popping sound is the needle poking a hole…
surgery after chemo
I started my treatment with chemo in July. I know I have to have a mastectomy after completing my chemo, but I am wondering if anyone knows how long after chemo surgery is usually done? Has anyone else had their surgery after chemo? I have had a lot of side effects from the chemo and am finally going to go back to work…
Someone sent me this poem. Thought I would share, Hugs Diane Cancer is so limited... It cannot cripple love. It cannot shatter hope. It cannot corrode faith. It cannot eat away peace. It cannot destroy confidence. It cannot kill friendship. It cannot shut out memories. It cannot silence courage. It cannot reduce eternal…
Geez Louise!!!
I contacted my nieces who are now living down south near their other aunt. I had not heard from them in some time, now had seen them in over 2/3 years and was a little vexed. I emailed them and called them out on it, basically saying that knowing I had been sick, a card or call or an email of support would have been nice.…
Back From Trip
My weekend trip turned into a week long trip! We drove up the coast all the way to Sonoma. It was very relaxing and wonderful! My husband drove the entire time and I just sat back and enjoyed! I grew up in Southern Calif but never had been further North than Fresno, and never had been on a Northern costal drive! We stopped…
Surgery went well
I had the DIEP flap surgery on Tuesday and all went well. The flap is 'taking' well and my pain level is very manageable. Narcotics make me sick so I'm just taking Tylenol thus far and that seems to be enough. They had a novacaine type pump in the abdominal incision so that has helped too. Unfurtunately it got caught on my…
Happy Birthday Marlene K....
Hope your having a wonderful birthday weekend!! ~Cheers to you~ ~T