Sillly question
Once a port is put in - will it cause the security metal decetors at airports/court houses/etc. to "go off"? Hubby was asking about that last night.
Update & N-E-1 w/Teens?
Let's begin w/the ME news...met the surgeon today. He pulled his chair up close and asked, "so, what's going on with (you?)" Good way to begin. I began asking my ?'s, received very well explained answers, he complimented me on my knowledge (thanks to all of you! ;-)He suggested a Lumpectomy w/rad, as I had already made up…
You guys are a blessing!
Just want to tell you all that your responses to my (test results) post have meant so very much to me. I was overwhelmed and teary eyed as I read your congratulations. You guys are such an incredible group of brave, strong, caring, funny, and loving women. I feel that if there was one blessing that came from my cancer it…
Leg Fatigue
Hi, All - I'm 5 months out of chemo (ACT) and am still experiencing awful leg tiredness especially when I bend over to do something. Is this normal? Thanks, TJ
hope this info helps
just wanted to see if this can help anyone of my sisters you have all been so kind to meand loving i hope this helps did you know you get reimbursed for all you gas miles when you drive everyday to radiation or chemo my hospital reimbursing me 300.00 for 6 weeks also found a place my medical center gave me for the perfect…
I'm trying really hard!
Doc says get more exercise.....does this count? ♥ Pammy
Please tell me if I'm out of line here
Most of you know the story about Carter. To the few who don't know the story. Carter is a 5 year old boy with brain Cancer. Carter is home from St Jude and is not doing to good. Back in March I wrote a letter to our Chicago Cubs baseball team. I was asking them if they could arrange a visit with Carter with his favorite…
Anyone else have hip and joint pain after chemotherapy?
I wanted to get some feedback on hip and joint pain after treatment. I finished chemo in April and radiation in June. Since then I've been having (minor, though sometimes a little more) hip pain and joint pain. There's a spot on my right hip that is sore when I turn over at night. Also my knees are creaky, if not quite…
HeLLO EVERYONE.I SEEN MY Cancer Dr today.My test came back that I am in the middle scale of Cancer comming back.So I have to decide if I will take Chemo.It increases my chances 8% if I don,t take the chemo.She also told me I will lose my hair after the second treatment.I am having a really hard time with the thought of…
36 hours
Good morning all. I started this last Sunday and have been keeping so busy that this is my first chance to get back. Tommorrow afternoon I will be totally boobless, which I think I had decided years ago with the "what if". Never have been a fan of my chest, was always more of a hinderance until I breast fed my 4 kids 20…
Eye brows .. enquiring minds want to know ../// Inexpensive scraves and wraps found at beauty suppl
In prepartion of chemo and hair loss - UGH, I set out on a mission today to find eye brow stencils. I was actually going to tattoo on eyebrows, however, Dr. H - said .. NO WAY, do not put any ink on your body. May cause infection before chemo .. Damn, there goes my idea for the BIG FAT .. Pink ribbon tat on my back. I…
CT scan results + welcome to newcomers
I know the results could be worse, but I would like to see a perfect CT scan with no new growths (wishful thinking, eh?). I still don't know why have a spleen-like organ where I shouldn't have a spleen (since mine ruptured over 12 years ago and was removed) and I also don't the significance of a nodular on my liver…
Feel a lost
I had two type of cancer and my breast remove I had a reconstuced an a reduction it was in the being stage.my recovery has been good but i feel a lost and also feel bad because I feel this way and other are so sick. Is this a normal way to feel or should just be happy and not say anything. I also lost my job 10 day after I…
No Chemo for me on Monday
Went to the doc today and because of the lingering pain in my feet and ankles. I will be skipping Monday's treatment. The doc is concerned that the Taxotere may be causing permenent nerve damage in my feet. If it is better by Sept. 8 we will scedule Chemo. If not I stop Chemo and move on to Radiation. Pretty scary. While I…
CHEMO OVER!!!!!!!!!!!
YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!!!!! I am patting myself on the back, big time! I finished chemo on Monday! And had my last Nuelasta shot yesterday.....another milestone! Other than the days I gave birth to my two kids, I have NEVER been more proud of myself! I did it.......I know I haven't had to have chemo for the length of time that…
Should we start a new post about radiation treatment questions and answers?
I have been noticing that some are done with rads, some are still in rads, and, some are getting ready to start. Would it be a good thing to start a separate thread just for rad questions and answers? Then, someone could ask a ? and anyone could answer. What do you think? Would it be helpful?????? ♥ Noel
Day 27 of Pammy's Rads
Wow, do I feel like I hit a brick wall today! Went to rads and did the routine. As I was leaving, my Radiation Doc was in the hallway passing by the elevators and stopped us to ask how I was doing, feeling, etc. Asked if I was getting excited to almost be done? Shook my husband's hand and asked how he was doing! I was so…
Chemo port implanted today
Hi all. This morning I had the chemo port installed. I was not prepared for it to take so long...my fault for not finding out. But it's over now. I'm very tired and sore, but okay. It was a long day, and a long drive home [we're 2 hours from the hospital]. But now I can rest and have HubbyDearest wait on me for the whole…
Legal Question
Hi All! I'm not sure if you can help with this, but learning how resourceful you all seem to be thought I'd give it a shot. It may have happened to someone else... I first found my lump back in May of '08. (Thanks to my dog) Didn't have any insurance, so I went to the Health Dept. They told me of the SBK Grant & sent me to…
Joke--Three Little Pigs
The three little pigs went out for dinner one night. The waiter came and took their drink orders. "I want a Sprite," said the first little piggie. "I would like to have a Coke," said the second little piggie. "I want a beer and lots of beer!" replied the third little piggie! The drinks were brought and the waiter took…
look good feel good
My name is Tiara and I'm from Glendale, Arizona ~ Is there any program here in Arizona on look good feel good ~ can't seem to find anything in my area. I'm getting ready to start chemo ~ Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Tiara
My hair has started falling out
I knew this was coming but I'm still scared and in denial. My hair has started to come out. How long will it take?
How do i add a picture to my page please?
I keep trying to add picture to my page and its not doing it.
Surgery is less than 12 hours from now.....
In a way I'm glad it's almost here (almost over) and in another way I'd like to "skip" Wednesday all together and go straight to Thursday. I've told my husband that we could throw the fishing poles in the back of the truck and drive right past the hospital on our way to fishing many hours away (he didn't go for that). I…
Welcome all
I would like to welcome all the new people that have joined this wonderful board. I have been a little bit of a funk and really have not replied to many threads and I am sorry I have not welcomed you individually. I am coming out of this funk a little each day. I am welcoming you in a group message and I am sure we will…
New Pics Around Here
I have been noticing some new pics around the site and some are really funny and some are very pretty! Kudos to all of those who changed them! Now, water balloon fight anyone????? ♠♣ Susie ♠♣
Chemo 1 Down, 3 to Go!! How about Acupincture??
Hi - I had my first treatment of AC yesterday. It went fine. The anticipation of the whole thing made me nervous. I felt a little queasy last night and threw up a little, but that was because I was drinking a lot water which, believe it or not, gave me heartburn. I also ate saltines. I was fine after I got that out of my…
Day 28 of Pammy's Rads
Yeah!! Today was the last day of whole breast radiation. When my Doc did my ulta sound to measure for my boosters, he was super impressed with my healing. Could not believe that there was just a minute amount of fluid left in the cavity. He wanted to know what my secret was. I proudly told him.....rest, rest, rest and lots…
Best place to have port installed ... general question
Any suggestions ??? Meeting with onc tomorrow. Thank you, Vicki Sam
update my ifo on reimbursments
please contact amc society or you case manager at oncologist for reimbursement on gas milage getting free meals during visit lodging and meals while away from home for treatments anylong distant calls faxes copies of medical records etchelp with rent morgage etc help with if you spouse has lost work for your visits etc…