hospitalized - released
Just got released from the hospital. I received my third round of A/C chemo and was doing well until last wednesday started to get chills and fever, was hospitalized thursday with fevers to 103.4 and very low white cell counts. All culturals were negative, probably just upper respiratory viral infection. After three days…
update to my Angels
Hello to all my sisters/angels. I hope no one has worried about me, I haven't been posting much lately. I have been emotionally and physically drained, but I am OK! I haven't had the time or energy to make any drastic decisions....but i have talked to my husband and gave him an ultimatum. He is not himself when he drinks,…
Taxol and herceptin
Hi everyone!!! Just an update...I was pretty keyed up about starting a new med regimen on friday. I just switched from A/C to taxol and herceptin. I had decadron, pepcid iv, another antiemetic, then benadryl then they ran the taxol over 31/2 hours and the herceptin over 1 1/2 hours so I was at the hospital from 9am to…
Hi All! New here
I've been lurking here for a couple of weeks and decided today to plunge into the message board world of CSN. My name is Cindy and I was diagnosed with BC in April 2009. My surgery was in May and I'm now on my 7th round of chemo. Looking forward to getting to know you and sharing stories, laughs, and also being there as a…
How long to recover from total lymph node removal?
I'm about to have ALL (yes, ALL) the lymph nodes under my right arm removed, and I have a question about how long it takes, on average, to regain sufficient use of your arm to go back to work. I am a computer analyst and I use a computer keyboard all day (both hands - I'm a touch typist). During the surgical consult, my…
Rash with Treatment?
I have had two rounds of chemo. I am getting an arm rash about 5 days after chemo/neulasta shot, and then the skin on my arms peel, like a sunburn. Has anyone else experienced this?
How do i help my daughter
I need advice on help with my poor baby girl. She is actually 11, but still my baby. She is a big mamas girl and now is constantly worried about me. She keeps telling me she doesnt want me to die. I am trying to reasure her and tell her im not going to, but i dont know what else to say. She cries alot now because ive…
mission accomplished/nipple tattooing
Just an update: after 5 (yes, five) appointments which were cancelled by the plastic surgeon, I finally got my nipple tattooing done today at the University of Chicago Medical Center! The doctor said that in a high percentage of cases the tattoo wears off a little bit and has to have a 'touch up,' and if it happens that…
3rd chemo on Monday
hello, i'm getting my 3rd chemo on Monday. I'm on taxotere and cytoxan. I'm usually get sick 4-5 days after chemo. 2nd tx 5 minutes after the taxotere got very red on my face, chills, heartbeat was fast. I put some cold and wet towel on my face and made it better. I hope 3rd and 4th tx be better...this time i will take a…
Tram flap recovery
I had a bilateral mastectomy with reconstructive surgery-tram flap. However, I am very discouraged about the "tummy tuck", as my stomach is now larger, with no waist, and I can't fit into any of my pants, except for those with an elastic waistband. It has been 12 weeks since the surgery, and I can't get much of an answer…
Newbie here - How to tell young children
Can anyone give me some advice about how to talk to my young daughters about this? I was just diagnosed with Stage I invasive ductal breast cancer. My 10 year old knows something is up. Our good friend went through chemo for this last year and now my daughter is scared that I am going to lose my hair. Any advice? As for…
Feeling Sad
Thank you all for your generous prayers and loving thoughts! I heard news about my friend and am very sad to say that there is nothing more that can be done. Her doctor doesn't want her to undergo chemo again because it will accelerate the cancer growth. (Does anyone understand that reasoning?) She is in so much pain and I…
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
I've beeen diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer which I understand is quite rare. My Oncologist says Chemo twice a month for a year. He also said that if I missed a treatment, my body would go into shock and I'd die. Has anyone ever heard of Chemo for a year? And dying of shock if you miss a treatment? I'm getting…
Next stop, Oncology Dept...
Afternoon All, I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer in June 2009. I went in for a routine mammogram this past April. A cluster was found and the rest is history. It's invasive, grade 3. I meet with the oncologist this Monday, August 17th. Am nervous about the meeting as I know the course of treatment will be…
I spent most of last night at a luminary party held my good friends daughter. It was fun and a tad emotional. We made luminaries for sisters, mom's and friends. We remembered good times, shared photo's of our loved ones and we laughed at some great memories. I have posted several photo's in the expressions gallery if you…
married 36 years to day
Just got back from the 4 hour drive to meet with "my surgeon". No one closer does many reconstructions - removes them extremely well I understand, but not much experience with putting them back. Surgeon was kind, confident and caring and we like him a lot. However, he doesn't really agree with my idea of a double…
need sleep
I am writing for my sister in law. she had her 2nd chemo last week and she still can't sleep. the dr gave her ambien last week but she can only sleep a couple of hours and is awake again and cannot go back to sleep. is there something else she can ask for that will help or does anyone have some tips i can pass on to her. I…
How to get to Heaven
A teacher asked the children in her Sunday School class, "If I sold my house and my car, had a big garage sale and gave all my money to the church, would I get into heaven?" "NO!" the children all answered. "If I cleaned the church every day, mowed the yard, and kept everything neat and tidy, would I get into heaven?"…
The ongoing travel update...lol!
So, I know I have been remiss about pictures...but here are some from my weekend. Today is Sunday, and it's a stay at home day. Tomorrow we go again, but today is washing, and cooking (we are eating roast tonight). The sun doesn't stay up as long anymore, and the nights have a chill to them. I truly am envious of you all…
Breast cancer spread to the spine and stomach.
My mom survived breast cancer 10 years ago. This April cancer was found on her spine. She was given radiation, shots of zometa, and some physical therapy. She only walks with assistance to use the bathroom. They past two weeks she had been getting sick to the point now she cannot keep anything down and has not had any…
Radiation & 2nd go at cancer
My name is Jenn. I am 26 years old and just recently finished my chemotherapy for breast cancer the second time. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in May 2005 when I was 22. I was diagnosed a second time May of 2009. I am going to be going to do radiation starting next week and I am kinda nervous. There are so many side…
Claudia? (chenheart)
Anybody heard from her tests?
Anti Cancer A New Way of Life
Has anyone read this book? I think I saw this mentioned in one of the posts. I found this book to be truly eye opening about how the enviorment and foods contribute to someone getting cancer. It was so facinating! I read this when I was first diagnosed, I really felt it helped me fight the cancer.
Please help,don,t know what to do.
Hi everyone,I am still waiting for test results.THIS LAST TEST IS TO CHECK THE CANCER THEY REMOVED WITH SURGERY TO SEE IF IT IS THE KING OF CANCER THAT WOULD HAVE SPREAD.That tells if i have chemo or not.the waiting is terrible.The thing is i had a caribian vacation planned for almost a year now.MY sister and 3 other…
Chemotherapy and 'womanly cycle'
Hello all, I know this isn't everyone's favorite topic, but I am a little nervous about it. My last 'womanly cycle' ended nine days ago and I am just starting a new one. I have never been early or had any issues before, could this be a chemo. side effect? It is Friday night and it is not urgent to call the dr. so I was…
Hey Cat... Meow... are you out there?
Hey Cat... I know that your still recovering from your surgery, and Robert did such a good job keeping us updated while you were in the hospital, and when you got home... I was just wondering how you are doing, and hoping that your feeling better and better everyday! Just wanted you to know you were being thought about!!…
Update on Corrine
Thursday Corrine had a fever and was sore. She could not sleep Thursday night from pain and Friday it got worse. She called me at work about 2:30 and told me her temp was 101.5 and needed to go to emergency. The incision on her left breast was infected. She could not drive herself because of the meds she was taking. I was…
Triple negative; Please help!!!
My girl friend (I will call her Connie) (49 yrs) was diagnosed with breast cancer a couple of months ago. She just had a double mastectomy and 24 lymph nodes removed ubder her left arm. Her recovery from the surgery has been good considering it has only been 2 weeks. Her spirits have been good as well. She has understood…
attention Rague
I go throught the VA also, please let me know it there are any questions or concerns that you might have, i am a source of info when it come to them tj