questions about radiation and reconstruction

ruthielaine Member Posts: 59
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I had a double mast 2 weeks ago and had expanders placed because we were all under the assumption that I would only have to undergo chemo and no radiation - now the Docs are talking might have to do radiation - the plastic surgeon specifically asked if I would need radiation and I had said no - has anyone out there ever had radiation with expanders and if so what problems are there? Thanks


  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    I don't have the answers for
    I don't have the answers for you Ruthie, sorry. I had a lumpectomy with radiation. I am sure someone will reply that has. Good luck!

  • contrail
    contrail Member Posts: 129
    Radiation and Reconstructive Surgery
    Ruthielaine - I had a mastectomy on my right side with an expander. I went through 8 chemo treatments and 30 radiation treatments, and will be having reconstructive surgery on December 16th. I waited for three months after radiation was completed before discussing what kind of surgery to have. I needed that time to heal from the radiation. My plastic surgeon said I was not a candidate for an implant due to the scar tissue that resulted from the radiation. I'll be having a DIEP Flap, which is the newest version of the TRAM Flap. You should be able to have reconstructive surgery also. Talk with your radiation oncologist and plastic surgeon about your concerns and I'm sure they'll be able to give you all the information you need. Best of luck with your treatment. Contrail