I need a further understanding
Hi I am 21 years old and I have recently been diagnosed with a phyllodes tumor in my left breast. My first biopsy result stated that the tumor was benign tumor and so my doctor told me not to worry, but that I would have to undergo surgery. Once I saw my surgeon she told me about the two types of tumors it could be and…
Fashion Question
If you are a Project Runway fan you know that in fashion "one day you are in and the next day you are out" , well that is kind of like my schedule for surgery. I will be in the hospital for 23 hours ( insurance considers my procedure an outpatient procedure) so not quite a day. My question is what do I pack to wear home…
Blood Build Up 3 months after Mastectomy
I had a Mastectomy on May 7 of this year. I finished my radiation on July 30. This past week on August 13 I notice my incision looked swollen. The next morning it was very swollen and very tight. Now it has been 3 months since the surgery. I called my Oncology Surgeon and had to go in that day. They drew 8 large tubes of…
My mother and Keymo
What can I expect when she starts keymo? How can I make her as comfortable as possible? I am not going to want to leave her side. I have never seen her sick or depressed in all my 28 years, and I cant imagine it.
I'm new to forum
I've found this great forum after searching the web about breast cancer, which I was diagnosed Sept. 18. Still waiting for all tests to come in. I had the pet scan done 2 days ago and will be getting the port put in Monday, oncologist on Wed. So much waiting and worrying, it's unbearable. I cry when I'm alone and keeping a…
I will post tonight about my rad treatments 10 thur 15. So sorry..I have been sick and just haven't felt like using the puter. Sue :)
Chemo in two days.Please share how your first treatment went.
Two days till chemo.I feal that i will be ok in the end of treatments.but i also dread it,I think the first one will be the hardest.please share your thoughts and feelings on your first treatment.how did you feel after first treatment,i know we are all different.Thank.(Pat).
Am I Mental?
Darryl and Harold were in a mental institution. The place had an unusual annual contest, picking two of the best patients and giving them two questions. If they got them correct, they were deemed cured and free to go. Darryl was called into the doctor s office first and asked if he understood that he'd be free if he…
Where is Lili???
I know our sweet Lili is back from vacation, and busy with life, and work, and family...but have you seen her here lately??? Have I just been missing her posts with all of the others in here? If you all know something I don't ( which is highly likely!!!) please let me know! I realize that CSN likes us to send PM's rather…
Is the site messed up or is it just me?
Today I noticed on the site that everyone's pictures or avators were changed back to your old pictures. So, is it the site that is messed up or me? I refreshed my computer and even logged off a couple of times to see if that would help, but, it didn't. Or, did everyone just go back to their old avators? lol Hugs, Diane ♥
Surgery THEN chemo?
Hola! Ok I have/had a fibroid that went amuck. It was dx 18mo or so. They (radiologist) said " fibroid" back off the caffiene. I did not question anyone (My stupid). My tumor grew from approx. 2.0 x 1.5cm to 5.0 x 3.5cm in 2mos. Needless to say I wanted it off my chest. It was in the 1200 position, high up. It's like I…
Pammy's still in hospital
Hi this is Pam's son. She wanted me to update everyone. She is in the hospital still due to complications. She is doing well, though, and hopes to be home in the next few days. She loves this site and I know she appriciates all of the support. Thanks, TJ
Change on weekend plans!!
OK, everyone. I have a change of plans this weekend. My hubby decided to surprise me with a week long get-away to Connecticut (we haven't done anything all year)!! He wants to leave here tonight at midnight when he is done working. I love to be spontaneous, but he forgot how tired I get from Rads still. I haven't even…
Stage 3a breat cancer
I am a 31 year old mother of one married for almost 10 years to a wonderful husband. I was just diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. Had a lumpectomy 8/27/09 lump was removed and also 23 of 25 lymph nodes were cancerous, going for a petscan on 8/21/09.I go for my port consult with my doctor this week Then I have 20 weeks…
chemo question
Hello all, Quick question, I keep hearing people say they are getting six rounds of chemo. My onc. has stated I will have four, now don't get me wrong, I prefer not to have more, but is four normal? Thanks!
Bad day. Too bitter
Sorry all. Found out July I had idc. Had mas Sept 3. Not getting answers. For god sakes cant even get dr's note. Bone scan, chest xrays and right boob are clear. So went for masectomy few hours later was puffy to my collar bone nurses drained 650 ml. Rushed for second surgery. Needed blood trans. Not getting answers......…
Hello all this one is gonna be short and sweet. Oct 1 at 7 a.m. (I have to be there at 5:30 LOL) they will be doing the final touch up on my reconstruction. I will be totally out and recoup time should be approx. 2 weeks. Positive thoughts and prayers are appreciated!!! Hugs, RE
relationship advice from you all
I havent posted in a while, but do visit, so sorry guys. I have a question that i dont have anyone else to ask about except for my sisters. I met this guy the weekend before my surgery in june and he knows all im going through and calls me and we talk alot. Ive only seen him four times now and tonight i saw him. Ive had my…
discourage mestectomy?????
Has anyone ever been discouraged from having a masectomy? The docs say we are a prime candidate for a lumpectomy and want us to do so. But after seeing a few docs and talking with some beautiful survivors of both procedures we decided to have a masectomy. So they want us to do chemo first to shrink the tumor first. Any…
I figured out the importance of walking!!
The Importance Of Walking Walking can add minutes to your life. This enables you at 85 years old to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $7000.00 per month. My Grandpa started walking 5 miles a day when he was 60. Now he's 97 years old and we don't know where the hell he is. I like long walks, especially when…
Iife changing,please read.
Thanks everyone for putting up with me wanting to change my mind about Chemo.I really appriatte it.I know I have to fight this beast with everything I got.And I will do this for me and my family and friends.I relizese I could have worse things happen to me then chemo.Even though I know it won,t be easy.Sat. I had a life…
How to cope witrh hair loss
I had my first TCH chemo treatment 14 days ago. I had been told that I would lose my hair. I was not sure when this would happen. I have been emotional all day, because my hair seems to be shedding constantly. I can just run my fingers thru is and it just keeps coming out. Will this continue till it is all gone, or will be…
I am usually upbeat and happy, but as I just finished my 3 chemo treatment and got my usual fever and headache my husband told me that he was having a heart attack and refused to call for help. He said that it was caused by my negativity , and I didn't even notice I was becoming more negative. I know the drugs are…
chemo Help!
Hello everyone! I first came on when I was diagnosed approx. 3 months ago. Since then, I've had a mastectomy and the beginning of immediate reconstruction. All seems to be going well. The cancer had not spread to the lymph nodes and tumor - size 2 My problem - CHEMO - I had the first of six Chemo treatments (Adjuvant…
First day of Chemo for Vicki Sam .. My most enjoyable experience thusfar ..
To all that follow my ramblings .. General Surgeron ..aka the Butcher, Regional Hospital who screw up path reports. Found this wonderful acs breast cancer site, and started my fight. Located breast cancer specialist .. 2nd opinon doctor - wonderful well educated, interim President several breast cancer associations ..…
I did the right thing instead of hiding my bald head with a wig,in front of my Grandson.
Hi,I had ask advice earlier about weather to try wearing a wig all evening so I would not have to let my 6yr. old grandson know I was bald.I didn,t want to scare him.Most all of you suggested telling him.And you were so right,I chose to wear a hat and knew he would ask why.i usually don,t wear them.When he ask I told him I…
A small victory for my head
I had my first chemo (Taxotere/Cytoxan) almost 3 weeks ago. Around 12 days afterwards, I started to notice a little hair falling; by day 16, it was coming out in clumps in my hand. My hair was already very short -- but, when I started finding (my own) hair in my food when I ate, I decided enough was enough. So, this past…
Day 27, 28 & 29 and 2nd & 3rd & 4th Booster of Sue's Rads
I am reallyyyyyyyyy tired. I don't know why this has hit me so hard so quickly. But, it has. I guess these boosters do take more of your energy, plus, I have already had 27 of the regular rads. I will be so glad to be done with them, even though, I will miss the people there. I think that is what keeps me going partly. I…
Mammogram results
I had my follow-up mammogram this morning and everything is fine! The spot that had to be reevaluated didn't even show up on today's film. The tech said it could have been a positioning problem. I thank you all for your good thoughts. Now I can continue to focus on my mom's uterine cancer treatment. All of you will be in…
A Man's view of Women Drivers!!
Hope this is not too naughty for this board. My 'man' cousin sent it to me. This morning on the Interstate, I looked over to my left and there was a Woman In a brand new Cadillac doing 75 mph with her face up next to her rear view mirror putting on her eyeliner. I looked away for a couple seconds and when I looked back she…