my hernia surgery
ARRGh. I'm in pain. I'm home now, I had the operation thursday afternoon, I didn't go down for it until 3:00pm. He also did remove those lymph nodes or whatever they were under my left arm. Well, he opens me up at the lump in my abdomen, and the hernia wasn't there! So he was baffled. He then closed me up,then I had to get…
New here
Hi, I'm new to this forum, and to breast cancer. What/who do you consider a "survivor?" Had a 7 mm. mass show up on ultrasound, not on mammography, nor could it be felt. Surgeon removed it September 21 - ductal cell carcinoma. Did a lymph node biopsy - nodes clear. He's declared me cancer-free and return in 6 months for…
clever ways to make scarves?
I've been trying on my wigs and they're just not looking right, maybe because I still have all my hair, thick as a mop. I've been thinking of wearing scarves more and more. I will wear hats too. But, like pitt, I will want to make my own, or have my sister make them. I'm thinking of tye-dying them. I've been on youtube…
NYC Shopping
A store that sells new husbands has just opened in New York City, where a woman may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates: "You may visit this store ONLY ONCE! There are six floors and the value of the products increases as the shopper ascends the flights.…
Grab your coffee (or favorite beverage), pull up a chair and I'll tell you a story!
Good morning everyone! First of all...thank you all so much for the wonderful well wishes while I was in the hospital. I gave my son a huge hug for keeping you in the loop for me. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family surrounding me at home and through cyber space! OK, raise your hand....how many of you actually…
Hi All, I am celebrating!!!
Last chemo today and obviously I am up at 2:43 am because they gave me dexamethasone and decadron today and I cant sleep but no matter, I have the whole weekend to lay low. I still have herceptin to do for the next year but I dont expect too much trouble from that and I will probably have the right breast expander replaced…
To Bra or not to Bra......?
Have any of you found a "comfortable" bra to wear during radiation? I've just had #18 of 33 and the bra is getting to be a bit uncomfortable....the onc nurse suggested going up a size and the oncologist suggested a sports bra with a wide band....I don't wear one around the house but need one when out in public..... Thanks…
Taking care of Mom
My Mom is getting her first chemo on Thursday. I will go with her. Any advice on how to make her feel comfortable and take her mind out of what's going on? Thanks, MC
I think I might be dancing with NED. I only THINK so. I had the biopsy/lumpectomy last Tuesday and after a sleepless weekend waiting (my appointment to see him isn't until this Friday), I called the office. Unfortunately the girl in the front told me he would not be back in that office until Thursday. I told her I didn't…
Off Subject But.............
I just spoke to my Mum, My Dad has gone deaf. I'm real upset, he has always been a stalwart character in my life, Big Tall Dark and Handsome, now he is falling apart. Mum is really upset, she feels isolated (no conversation) she's trying to make the best of it but we really could get together and cry. Thanks for…
Just getting started
I've will have my first chemo on Tuesday and I am scared out of my wits. I really don't know what to expect...it's the unknown that frightens me.
Does anyone have any info on these two combos together or seperate. I started chemo again today and this is my cocktail. 1x a week for 3wks and then a wk off and start over until further notice. Plz advize
Any ideas about pain in upper arm after Modified Radical Mastectomy?
My mom had a left side Modified Radical Mastectomy two weeks ago (09/21/2009). Three days later (09/24) she was bleeding internally and they opened her back up to stop the bleeding. The drain was removed last week, the staples this week. When I saw her today she says the upper back part of her left arm hurts. There is no…
"natly" - are you from Costa Mesa, California by chance? You look much like a friend that I used to Square Dance with there. Also - can you tell me how to post comments on the discussion board? I can't seem to find that link. Thanks, Lynne
"Race for the Cure" Okie style!!!
Hello all my Sisters!! Yesterday was our Race for the cure and it was a very cold day here!!! I had on 6 layers and still got a bit chilled when those little gusts of wind blew through.. brrrr.. This was my first year to not only be a survivor but to participate.. It was really great. Some of the pople I worked with joined…
Computer tip
Since the spammer was one some of the replies went to some really old posts and some have been answering the really old ones. Here is the tip: Go to the CREATE which is when the messages were created and then click the gray arrow--you might have to hit the gray arrow a second time to bring the messages from oldest to…
we are being spammed!!!
I guess you guys have noticed that someone is spamming our board!!!! grrrrr...
Antiestrogens effectiveness
Hi; I'm new here, and am kind of confused about antiestrogens. Are there any tests that assess how effective an antiestrogen (aromatase inhibitor, SERM, or ERD) would be on a tumor? It would seem that someone with an estrogen receptor-positive tumor would benefit from an antiestrogen, but I was told it's not that simple.…
Just to let you know
Finishing chemo is something to celebrate. This is how my daughter and a friend helped me celebrate my last chemo. That was 5 years ago in July. so whether you are starting or finishing just know it is all part of getting well.
EARLY roll call: Columbus Day weekend plans!!
Ok, so I seem to have started my weekend a wee bit early. We are probably going camping this weekend, and I needed some cold weather gear. Soooo, during my lunch break I metroed out to Pentagon City mall and hit Nordstroms (hey, there's no rugged camping store at the mall). Well, I must admit, I overdid it a bit, but the…
Update on Casey
I posted on the previous thread the good news, but wanted to make sure everyone gets the latest update. Casey is "acting more like a normal baby" this morning, and the doctors may let them go home this afternoon. After a spinal tap, many xrays, MRI, Ultrasound, etc, they have determined that he had a blood infection. Three…
cyber slumber party, you're all invited...
Tell a story about when you went to a slumber party when you were young or just a scary story or just say BOO! I'll start...I went to a slumber party and all we girls were supposed to stare into the mirror and chant about some witch to show herself. She was supposed to appear. So we chanted and chanted and getting really…
A big hello from dmc!
I've been out of the loop for over a month now, since work has really been keeping me busy. I'm not use to working 50+ hours a week (I'm not sure if I should smile, because I can work those kind of hours and be tired like everyone else, or cry because I'm too tired to do anything else except work). Therefore, is it a :) or…
I couldn't resist.....
Some artists from the 1960s are re-releasing their hits with new lyrics to accommodate us -- good news, for those feeling a little older and missing those great tunes. Herman's Hermits - "Mrs. Brown, You've Got A Lovely Walker" The Bee Gees - "How Can You Mend A Broken Hip" The Temptations - "Papa's Got A Kidney Stone"…
Help Stomach Issues
I have finished my 3rd treatment of AC. all along I have had no desire to eat and have lost weight. I didnt worry too much about it as I am overweight. Progressively 4 days after treatment I end up constipated and then next day diahrea for days. unfortunately I have problems "down there" that get inflamed causing extreme…
missing my dad
this poem written for my dad by his grandchildren. So touching and so sweet. It has now been three years in August since his passing and he has been in my thoughts more than ever lately, so I wanted to share. The original poem was put on a pdf and there was a picture of him with each of his four grandchildren in each…
Username32 Blocked
I wrote to the CSN administrator, as I'm sure others did, and they emailed me to tell me that username32 has beenblocked from posting on our site and that all posts have been deleted. I love Greta at CSN. Marilynn
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer - Florida style
I, too, walked in my first breast cancer walk yesterday. The weather in Florida was a summertime 92+ degrees. The walk took place on the beach and was quite the sight to see. This location was just one of three locations in the city. The beach was a sea of "pink" and amazing. This was my first of many walks for this cause.…
Sicilian on board
I am brand new. I have had a lumpectomy and will be starting chemo this week. I am an emotional wreck! As someone who follows Edgar Cayce and who is a certified personal trainer, it is hard to reconcile shooting poison into my viens. I will do the chemo but it scares me more than the cancer. I believe I will be getting…
A big hello from dmc!
I've been out of the loop for over a month now, since work has really been keeping me busy. I'm not use to working 50+ hours a week (I'm not sure if I should smile, because I can work those kind of hours and be tired like everyone else, or cry because I'm too tired to do anything else except work). Therefore, is it a :) or…