Tram Procedure

magph1121 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am new to this site but I was wondering if anyone had the tram procedure. I have had alot of problems with mine and right now it does not even look like a breast. After my chemo, they want to use musle and skin from my back to make it look more like a "breast". They use my stomach fat and weaved it through my body, I will not let them start with my back. I was hoping to know if this is uncommon or if anyone else had any problems.



  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Your choice
    Remember it is your decision and your choice. It is probably very difficult to make a perfect breast.
    Yes, there is a technique when they take skin and muscle/fat from back.

    I had DIEP/Tram flap reconstruction from my tummy. Due to tromsosis my surgeon had to open it an stitch again. Then 2 days later pathology report came back showing some skin invasion. They (breast surgeon and plastic surgeon) had to take additional skin off and reconstruct breast again. Basically instead of one surgery I had three. 12 moths later my plastic surgeon ask if want to do flap re-position to make it more symmetrical. My answer No way. I am not going to do any breast readjustments, no nipples, no more surgeries!!! I was able to buy two good bras with padding and feel pretty confident for now.

    If you are ready for another surgery, wait. It is never too late.