Strange thing Happening

Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
This is really scary & I'm not sure what to do.
I finished Chemo May 4th, seem to be recovering from that pretty well other than Neuropathy in my hands, legs, & feet. Finished Rads Tuesday (Yay!)but, here's what happened & has been happening since...
Monday night I had sharp pains in my breast, wasn't sure if it was from Rads or if I was possibly having a heart attack! The pain went away after a few minutes but I felt very dizzy & like I may pass out, even while I was laying down. Tuesday morning I felt ok, went & had Labs done, saw the Dr, had my Herceptin treatment, then my last Boost. (mind you I forgot to mention this to the doc as I already had a list of things to discuss) While I was having the Boost I felt the same way again w/o the pain. I told the Rads Asst. & she said she would let the doc know & call me later. As I was driving home, it happened again. I felt like I was going to pass out. Made it home, went to bed. She called, had me come back in for a CtScan to rule out a blood clot. No blood clot. Bloodwork is fine. Afterwards, she said it may just be exhaustion from all the treatments and to just REST! So, that I have been doing. However, this strange occurence keeps happening every now & then. I just don't see any reason for this to keep happening. I'm not taking any meds, I eat well, stay pretty hydrated in this blazing hot weather, and don't dare drive anywhere now. I plan on calling the doc to tell him this is still going on, but I'm wondering, has this happened to any one else?


  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    I haven't had pain in chest
    I haven't had pain in chest area but to me it seems like an EEG/EKG might be in order.

    Thoughts and prayers

  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I've had little sharp pains
    I've had little sharp pains like a needle prick in the scar site but was told that was normal. Something about the cut nerves. I've also had what felt like a cramp when I reach a certain way. This doesn't sound like what you are having tho. Calling the doc is a good idea.
  • crselby
    crselby Member Posts: 441 Member
    don't put off
    Hi Cat,
    It could just be exhaustion. But it could be cardio vascular disease just starting to show. In your shoes I would call my family doc, mention chest pain and dizziness. If he/she doesn't do an EKG, go to the Emergency room and mention those two symptoms to the triage nurse. You will be seen right away. Oh, since it is a weekend and your family doc is probably closed, just go straight to the ER. They will say, "better safe than sorry", I guarentee! Please do it today. If it is just side effects of all your treatments, you will feel better knowing it's not your heart.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    The Good News/Bad News part
    The Good News/Bad News part of this? Drs take chest pains in WOMEN extremely seriously! You will move to the head of the line if anything is suspected to be affecting your heart. I also had chest pains, accompanied by shortness of breath, and just an unexplained general not feeling well. I had scans done almost before I got the sentence out of my mouth! I did NOT have any heart problems, and just knowing that made me relax and feel better.
    Get on this, girlfriend~ you don't need the scare and fear of driving and living your life to the fullest!

    Keep us in the loop~ we love you!
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    chenheart said:

    The Good News/Bad News part
    The Good News/Bad News part of this? Drs take chest pains in WOMEN extremely seriously! You will move to the head of the line if anything is suspected to be affecting your heart. I also had chest pains, accompanied by shortness of breath, and just an unexplained general not feeling well. I had scans done almost before I got the sentence out of my mouth! I did NOT have any heart problems, and just knowing that made me relax and feel better.
    Get on this, girlfriend~ you don't need the scare and fear of driving and living your life to the fullest!

    Keep us in the loop~ we love you!

    check your heart
    Please go to cardiologist or primary care to check it out . Simple EKG or stress Echo should rule out heart problem.
    Congratulation on finishing Radiation !!!!
  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950

    check your heart
    Please go to cardiologist or primary care to check it out . Simple EKG or stress Echo should rule out heart problem.
    Congratulation on finishing Radiation !!!!

    I had sharp pain in the
    I had sharp pain in the breast from the scar tissue forming around the implant...felt like being tazered! But that's all. And it did stop after awhile.
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    I agree, please go have that checked out. Hopefully, it's just ramifications of the treatment and will go away soon but check it out.


  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. Like the usual side effects from treatment aren't enough!

    As others have said, PLEASE go get yourself checked just to rule out any serious problem. Hopefully it will ease your mind about any heart issues so that you can rest and relax.

    Please keep us posted about how you're doing. I'll be sending positive thoughts and prayers your way.

    Sis Cindy
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. Like the usual side effects from treatment aren't enough!

    As others have said, PLEASE go get yourself checked just to rule out any serious problem. Hopefully it will ease your mind about any heart issues so that you can rest and relax.

    Please keep us posted about how you're doing. I'll be sending positive thoughts and prayers your way.

    Sis Cindy

    I strongly beleive it is a side effort brought on by
    chemo and rad's.. However, the smart things to do is insist on having a 'echo cardiogram' - ultra sound that records your heart chambers, walls, valves etc.

    I thought I was having a heart attack after my first TCH treatment and spent 7.5 hours in our local ER -, so yes - please have yourself checked out and in the interm - rest and be kind to yourself.

    Strength and Courage :-))

    Vicki Sam
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    VickiSam said:

    I strongly beleive it is a side effort brought on by
    chemo and rad's.. However, the smart things to do is insist on having a 'echo cardiogram' - ultra sound that records your heart chambers, walls, valves etc.

    I thought I was having a heart attack after my first TCH treatment and spent 7.5 hours in our local ER -, so yes - please have yourself checked out and in the interm - rest and be kind to yourself.

    Strength and Courage :-))

    Vicki Sam

    Since you are on Herceptin,
    Since you are on Herceptin, which may cause heart problems) I do not understand why they did not do a muga scan or ekg to check your heart. I am angry that your nurse states it may be exhaustion! grrrrr. They should be running more tests, this is not normal and is not a symptom of exhaustion. There may be nothing wrong, but if your really are concerned, (which i would be if this happen to me) you need to be insisitant and let them know how often this is happening
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192
    meena1 said:

    Since you are on Herceptin,
    Since you are on Herceptin, which may cause heart problems) I do not understand why they did not do a muga scan or ekg to check your heart. I am angry that your nurse states it may be exhaustion! grrrrr. They should be running more tests, this is not normal and is not a symptom of exhaustion. There may be nothing wrong, but if your really are concerned, (which i would be if this happen to me) you need to be insisitant and let them know how often this is happening

    Thank you
    so much for responding and your much appreciated advice. I did take it & came into the ER last night after a few more "episodes". They ended up admitting me. (Chen-you were right! I've never been seen so fast in my life!) So far I have had an EKG, Chest Xray, Blood drawn 3x, an Echo, and in the morning they will be doing a Stress Test. Then I'm hoping to have an answer & can go home! Will keep ya posted...
    Lots of Love
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Cat64 said:

    Thank you
    so much for responding and your much appreciated advice. I did take it & came into the ER last night after a few more "episodes". They ended up admitting me. (Chen-you were right! I've never been seen so fast in my life!) So far I have had an EKG, Chest Xray, Blood drawn 3x, an Echo, and in the morning they will be doing a Stress Test. Then I'm hoping to have an answer & can go home! Will keep ya posted...
    Lots of Love

    I actually figured that if
    I actually figured that if you were asking us, you were also looking for responses, and that you would act on them in your best interest. I am glad that you moved to the head of the line, sorry of course it was necessary, but also hoping that whatever "it" is will be taken care of post haste and you will be back home getting stronger!

    Thanks for keeping us in the loop! We love you!

    Hugs, Chen♥
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    chenheart said:

    I actually figured that if
    I actually figured that if you were asking us, you were also looking for responses, and that you would act on them in your best interest. I am glad that you moved to the head of the line, sorry of course it was necessary, but also hoping that whatever "it" is will be taken care of post haste and you will be back home getting stronger!

    Thanks for keeping us in the loop! We love you!

    Hugs, Chen♥

    Cat .. I would like to the outcome
    of your tests .. Interesting ...

    Take care:-)))

    Vicki Sam
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    Cat64 said:

    Thank you
    so much for responding and your much appreciated advice. I did take it & came into the ER last night after a few more "episodes". They ended up admitting me. (Chen-you were right! I've never been seen so fast in my life!) So far I have had an EKG, Chest Xray, Blood drawn 3x, an Echo, and in the morning they will be doing a Stress Test. Then I'm hoping to have an answer & can go home! Will keep ya posted...
    Lots of Love

    Glad they're checking you out thoroughly!
    Please let us know what they find once you get your results. Hopefully it is something very minor, and you will be able to put your mind at ease. Continuing to send my positive thoughts and prayers your way.

  • webbwife50
    webbwife50 Member Posts: 394
    I had some similar events during my chemo treatment and for a while after that I of course reported to my oncologist. It scared me that I might have some heart problems so about 6 months after I finished chemo I askek regular doc, during my annual physical, to please refer me for a heart study. It was a big relief when I recieved results at the time of the study, that my heart was well. I think there are so many strange things that happen to our bodies during chemo that the most responsible reaction is to report every little thing to the ocologist you have chosen. God Bless