Inspiring Women - Living Beyond Breast Cancer
Good morning my sisters Just wanted to share this website which has some awesome testimonies of women living beyond breast cancer. Take a look when you can. http://www.youtube.com/user/LBBC1991?tr=y&auid=7058195#p/u/24/bAB4NkULIW0 Sparkle
Marlene_K better known as Mar where are you and how are you?
Has anyone heard from Marlene of N.J.? She was very active and completed her treatment a month or 2 before me. We get so attached and wonder when we dont hear. I'm sure she's catching up with life but hope she checks in with us soon.
How are you doing BJMom with your recurrence?
I haven't seen any update on you lately and wondered how you were doing with your treatment. When you feel like it, and, have a chance, please update all of us. Praying for you, ♥ KYLEZ
Seeing a neurologist tomorrow for my numbness
The Onc took me off Arimidex, but the numbness is still there. Pretty much the whole left side of my body, but not my neck, face, arm from the elbow to the hand. Strange. Scary.
chemo fatigue and l-carnitine deficiency
I have just finished 6 months of chemo, last one on Friday 8/27 so I am amoung the recent graduates. I was fairly active through out chemo with energy levels that were pretty normal until the last 4 weeks where my energy has plumeted and I haven't able to stay awake more than a couple of hours at a time. It is improving.…
Major Meltdown - Hormones Gone Wild
It seems the closer I get to the exchange date the harder these expanders are to bear. This morning I could hardly get out of bed. I just sat on the side and cried it was so sore and hurt so bad. Then the crying caused hot flashes and then my stomach got upset and to top it off I was feeling guilty for being such a wimp…
New clinical trial for TNBC - Wanted to share what I heard - Sounds very promising!!!
I heard about this on the news this morning, and just found an article with a little more information I wanted to share with any of you dealing with TNBC: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/8025202/New-drug-could-tackle-hard-to-treat-form-of-breast-cancer.html A new drug could be the first effective targeted…
Hey checking in just got out of hospital need prayers
Hello sisters. Its been a while. I just got out of the hospital yesterday, was in for four days. My Gfr is not improving and they are preparing me for renal failure. My ankles and feet and legs are real swollen and im having pain in my back. Pray that the meds will take me back up on my numbers so i dont have to go through…
The story behind the eyes...
My daughter and my cousin Stacy referred to these as my VAMPIRE EYES! Thou my eyes are a light blue...my daughter did this with her camera and turned mt eyes to an even lighter blue. I just thought this would be kinda cool since it is almost October...for Halloween...I know im just a spook what can i say...LOL!
A Shell of a Girl
I look in the mirror and I can no longer see the simple girl that use to live within me. It was October 29, 1996, when Dr. No Good spoke the words that changed my life forever. “You have breast cancer…..” Everything he said after those few words didn’t really matter. That day was the beginning of the end of the carefree…
BC and vitamin D
Just wanted to share this info. I got a call from my Onc. office this afternoon. I had labs done after being on Tamoxifen a month. He checked my vit.D level this time. His nusre called to tell me he wants me to start an Rx for D supplements because my levels are low. There is a new study showing that a healthy level can…
looking for help and understanding of breast cancer
need to ask about meds given for Cancer ameridec
Onco test came back Negative and SEcond Biopsy came back Negative Yay!!!
I have 1 more round of Taxol to go and I will be done! I also got some great news yesterday from my Surgeon. He called me at 8:30am and woke me up with the great news that my Gene test came back negative (I do not carry the gene) and I also got news a few weeks ago when he took a second biopsy when he had to put a marker…
shaved it down! feels a lot better.
if anyone wants to see. posted some pics of my next step :)
Can I get your opinion?
I have 4 chemo treatments left and then mastectomy. I've been thinking and reading a lot about reconstruction. And I'm trying to decide what is right for me. My husband has said "whatever you want" (gotta love that!). So what I'd like to know is, are you happy with your reconstruction/no reconstruction decision? Thank you…
gonna do the tamoxefin
Well praise God, I was able to avoid the chemo (big relief) but will go on tamoxefin. How long before I will experience any of the side effects? I have only taken it for three days but I keep waiting for the hot flashes and what ever else is going to happen. Also got my last fill yesterday and man oh man did that one hurt.…
Oh Great, there goes the hair. There was alot of hair in my comb this morning. I'll probably be bald by wed. Today is exactly 2 weeks since my first chemo so I guess the hair is on schedule.
Stage IV and Losing Health Insurance. Any options?
My mother is about to lose her private health insurance. Even though my parents have no assets and are about to move in with my grandmother, and their only income is the $190/wk unemployment she gets, she cannot get medicaid because she was diagnosed more than three months ago and is not "permanently and totally disabled."…
home from masectomy
Home and feeling little better each day. Thanks for your encoragement and prayers. Still become anxious when I feel tingling or warmness under arm or underarm. Don't know if temperature flashes come from surgery trama, anestesia, healing or nerves or heat wave in nj? trying to rest and get stronger. ann
I feel stupid so how come i cant change my profile pic?
I have been tryin to change my profile pic and my old one just keeps coming back up...what am i doing wrong? Or am i just having a blonde moment???
Performance Evaluations, Part 1...
(1) "Since my last report, this employee has reached rock bottom.....and has started to dig." (2) "His men would follow him anywhere, ....... but only out of morbid curiosity." (3) "I would not allow this employee to breed." (4) "This employee is really not so much of a 'has-been', but more of a definite 'won't be'." (5)…
reconstruction - Lessons learned
I came home yesterday after four days in the hospital with the "tummy-tuck" reconstruction. I thought I'd pass along some advice. 1) I came out of surgery around 4:00 Wednesday. Around 8:00 a resperatory therapist came to my room with his little gadget that you inhale/exhale into to prevent pneumonia. I was still in/our of…
PICS from the Komen Race, Evansville, IN
As requested, I figured out how to download pictures from Saturday, 9/25. The only problem is that if you go to my "expressions" page, they appear from the bottom up. So...if you care to look, start at the bottom. I don't know how to put captions, so here's a brief description: 1. The survivors gathering at the stage. The…
It's a three-fer day!
Started rads today. Started Arimidex today. 42'nd wedding anniversary today. I think I need a cookie. Cindy
Humpty dumpty
Well ladies. I need some advice. I had a double mastecomy with immediate reconstruction on July 8th. Both implants had to be removed in 2 different surgeries due to infection. Also had 2 more surgeries to clean everything out and close everything up. I go get the drains and sutures from first removal taken out tommorrow.…
Super sensitive skin
I had a bilateral mastectomy on Sept. 7 and am doing OK except for the fact that the skin from incision lines up to my collar bone is super, super sensitive. Is this normal and if so, how long does it last? I can't stand anything touching my skin and it's driving me crazy! I walk around holding my shirt away from my skin.…
AMAZING "Race" Day, 9/25, Evansville, IN
It truly was an AMAZING day! The Komen Greater Evansville Race was held this morning, and a beautiful morning it was. We had a low temp of 54 (coolest since May) and it quickly rose to the 70's with bright blue skies throughout. BRAGGING RIGHTS are here in southern Indiana! This was the largest per-capita participation in…
Fight breast cancer, but also monitor for heart disease
I am old timer survivor--still battling the disease after 23 yrs. I also had a mild heart attack in 2008. I had NO risk factors for the heart attack: was not overweight, exercised, no family history, low blood pressure, normal cholesterol, etc. Luckily I was aware (somewhere stored in the back of my brain) that breast…
Our partners may suffer severe depression
In today's news: a large study done by Danish researchers of >20,000 men whose partners had breast cancer found that these men were 39% more likely to be hospitalized with an affective disorder. See: http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/PressRelease/pressReleaseId-82977.html Somehow (the fates were with me on that day-lol), I…
Last Chemo treatment
My treatment was TAC I had 4 treatments of AC and 12 treatments of Taxol. I just finshed Friday . I was wanting to know if anyone has finished treatment and how did you react after your last treatment of taxol. I am afraid that my body is going to go thru withdraws from not getting the treatments. I was taken 3 weeks of…