Hello, Its been a very long time since I have checked in. I am wondering if anybody on this board has received "LATE" Herceptin? I am 7 years out past treatment and my onc called me in to see if I was interested in starting a year of Herceptin. I seemed to have fallen through the cracks because at my time of chemo it was…
new mom
I just found this site doing a google search as I was desperate to just blurt out my feelings to anyone who would listen... my mom died of breast cancer (which had metastacised into her brain and bones) in march of this year. She had cancer for just 13 months. She was my everything. Four days before she died my perfect son…
My wife has been vomiting for the past 2 days and yet her pain has taken over her entire body, it seems that the increase in pain medication is not helping, yet it is like her body can't take that much medication. I called ONC and asked her if I should take my wife to ER, and she said "YES," but my wife does not want to go…
exchange surgery date~finally!
just an update! I have finally got a date for my exchange surgery.its october 26th. im so excited! had my BMx on Feb 16th so i am more than ready for this next 'soft' step. Just hope i like them! lol Kay xxx
If not for VickiSam
then going to Rite-Aid would have been the usual ordinary experience. But because VickSam is a lovely generous person, I set my purchases (tons of calcium) on the counter along with my pink ribbon key ring that VickSam gave each one of us at the Southern California RE Union. The woman said, "Are you a breast cancer…
Tears at the gym
So today was my first day back at my gym. And I felt so overwhelmed when I was on my treadmill with a good book, ready to roll, that I cried. I would have never thought that I would cry for joy for being able to go to the gym. Go figure! Ayse
Today is linpsu's birthday!
Best wishes for a wonderful day - filled with everything you love most! ...and to many, many more! love, Jenny
Today is sparklewings' birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope your day is filled with everything you love most! love, Jenny
anyone have an ommaya reservoir
Anyone have an ommaya reservoir in their head for chemo? Just wondering, mine changes sizes sometimes very small other times rather large. Onc says shes not worried about it I just think its odd.
How long does it take for the stiches to disolve?
I'm talking about the internal ones, (sp) suechers, sutchers?
Because some things aren't suitable for Facebook...
I have a facebook account and that is usually where I post how I feel or what's going on inside me. Most times facebook is a very unsatisfactory place to vent so here goes... Tonight I am tired of this whole mess. I'm tired of fighting. I'm tired of hoping and waiting and I'm really tired of being disappointed. I'm tired…
north carolina
Anyone here from NC?
Does the pain/discomfort ever go away?
I am just about to walk out the door to get to my radiation appoointment, I am not having radiation today, it is to set everything up and get started. But this Wednesday it will be 3 weeks since my lumpectomy and I still constantly have to wear a bra, and even in the shower I have to hold my boob in place.…
Husband is such a disappointment
Found out that my husband was not attending a swap meet today. Instead he went over 60 miles to another town to sit with a friends wife who is in the hospital after a bad bike wreck. The friend needed to go home and take care of some things. Spent the whole day there! That is why people think he is such a great guy. Little…
which is better: do the chemo first or Surgery?
im not actually the one who has cancer but i just try to help my cousin.. she has stage 3B breast cancer. no surgery was done because the doctor decided to do the chemo treatment 1st before the surgery. unfortunately, yesterday was her 1st chemo day and she experience allergic reason with taxotere.. she cant breath and…
Good Inexpensive Wigs Fast
My sister and I survived breast cancer for the past 7 years, but now she has been diagnosed with lung cancer. We both gave our wigs away after the chemo did it's job. YEAH! But now my poor sis needs a short brown wig to cover her head. She had 3 treatments last week so in two weeks she will be bald again. Can anyone help?…
Anyone been told not to drive? Since I have had seizures I cant drive and I hate it!!!
Ulta has some great deals on pink ribbon stuff - about to go shop shop shop! Check it out :)
Today is rrogers34's birthday!
Wishing you a great day and your best year yet! Celebrate BIG! love, Jenny
Do I remember reading that someone on zometa had gout? My right big toe is killing me and I am not sure what that is about?? I have to work tomorrow, but, if it persists, will call my primary on Tuesday. It seems unlikely that I would get gout because I don't drink, rarely eat meat, am not overweight, but then, EVERYTHING…
Devastating news about my mom
Just got the news yesterday on my moms pathology report. Two weeks ago my mom had surgery to remove a tumor from her stomach. We just found out the tumor is cancerous. Im devastated! My poor mom is going to be 62 nxt month, she has already endured 2 surgerys in the pst 4 yrs for her heart. She lives with a pace maker…
Hospital Bill
I just recieved my bill from my exchange surgery and Blue Cross is saying that it is cosmetic and they aren't paying for the 10,300.00 bill!!!!!! I think I will be on the phone with them first thing in the AM. Wish me luck.
new hair pics
Hi! I wanted to share a few new pics with you all, they're under my expressions page. One is my cat Jack, he snuggled up to me so sweet the other day when I was online, I thought id share it especially after the post about our pets. Then I added 2 fun hair pics, my mohawk & my blonde wig. Hope everyone is having a great…
Services for pink warrier
I just got back from attending the services of a woman who I have known most of my life. My sister was married to her son. She was my neices' and nephews' grandmother. She was diagnosed over 4 years ago at stage 4 metastatic breast cancer.She was a strong warrior and she fought it for as long as she could fight. She was a…
Triple Neg. Breast Cancer/Stage 2/Grade 3
I'm short of one year being "branded" with cancer. Poked, jabbed, stabbed, sliced, diced, baked and fried. And still have a long way to go. Husband lost job last week so trying to afford CORBA. Any advice?????
Today is sparkle1's birthday!
Brenda, Happy Birthday - hope you have a lovely day! And wishing you many, many more!!!! love, Jenny
Pics from Susan Komen Race for the Cure 2010
just posted a few pics from the race. walked with my family and friends the day after my first treatment. felt so good to be surrounded by so many supporters. (might not have been the best choice though, wiped me out!)
Bjmom Update
Thanks everyone for asking about me and sending me love. I am doing ok, I had the radiation treatment on Sept 2. it went alright the side effect did not start happening until this week. The pain has went down a little but it still there. I have gone fly fishing for women with cancer and it was a great get away. I was the…
October Is Here Again
Here we are in October which of course is Breast Cancer Awareness month, this morning I opened my facebook page to find this notation on my daughters wall: "October is breast cancer awareness month!! Take a minute to honor those who battled this disease, thinking of my grandma♥ Aunt Sue♥ & Mom♥ miss you yamyam & aunt sue!!…
good report, but now have a concern
April 23, 2010 had mastectomy, Stage 1, 1.8 cm. Low grade, node negative, Her2 negative ER positive, Oncotype DX score is 6. Thought I had had a good prognosis. Had a routine CT scan on my chest and stomach last week and my oncologist told me that there was some tiny spots on my liver, but he did not think it was cancer…