BC and vitamin D

Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Just wanted to share this info. I got a call from my Onc. office this afternoon. I had labs done after being on Tamoxifen a month. He checked my vit.D level this time. His nusre called to tell me he wants me to start an Rx for D supplements because my levels are low. There is a new study showing that a healthy level can help prevent some types of cancer including BC or a recurrence of it. I googled it and read just a little but have to get ready to go somewhere. I don't know much but it can't hurt me so why not. God Bless
(((Hugs))) Janice


  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Glad you posted this and I
    Glad you posted this and I keep urging everyone to check their level. My sister is a physician and kept urging me to check mine. I was convinced that, since I was an avid gardener and lived in a sunny area, my level would be fine! Ok, I'm a brick head! I finally had it checked and it was way too low and I was sent to an endocrinologist. I hate it when my sister is right ;-)
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    Glad you posted this and I
    Glad you posted this and I keep urging everyone to check their level. My sister is a physician and kept urging me to check mine. I was convinced that, since I was an avid gardener and lived in a sunny area, my level would be fine! Ok, I'm a brick head! I finally had it checked and it was way too low and I was sent to an endocrinologist. I hate it when my sister is right ;-)

    My level was low when i got
    My level was low when i got diagnosed again, it is normal after supplementation and eating yogurt with Calcium and vit D plus I try to get more sun.
  • chriskaput
    chriskaput Member Posts: 109
    vitamin D
    Yes I also have an endocrinologis that I see every six months and she just checked my Vit. D level and it was low. She gave me a prescrip. to full for the Vit. D supplement. I will have to read more on this before I fill the prescription. I hate to have to pop any more pills!! Anyone else taking Vit. D supplements since starting chemo and what have your onco. said? My onco. said that I can take it since it doesn't interfere with the chemo's job like a multivitamin does.
  • webbwife50
    webbwife50 Member Posts: 394

    vitamin D
    Yes I also have an endocrinologis that I see every six months and she just checked my Vit. D level and it was low. She gave me a prescrip. to full for the Vit. D supplement. I will have to read more on this before I fill the prescription. I hate to have to pop any more pills!! Anyone else taking Vit. D supplements since starting chemo and what have your onco. said? My onco. said that I can take it since it doesn't interfere with the chemo's job like a multivitamin does.

    Dr. Oz
    I was watching Dr. Oz this morning before I went to work. The theme was supplements. He sited vit. D as one of the top three supplements woman should take to prevent cancers, aid in brain health, and something else, I don't remember now, will have to watch it again.
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    My rheumatologist
    keeps track of my Vit D. Since I've been in and out of hospitals for the past 4 years before being dx with bc there have been many times my Vit D dipped too low. In April hubby & I were on a cruise in Hawaii and then sightseeing for a week in WA with my sister and my Vit D was around 60. After surgery in June it plummeted to 43 and now sits around 30. I take Calcium +D, a multivitamin and 2400 IUs Vit D on top of that. It will be interesting to see what level it's at next blood draw. I have also been dealing with elevated liver function and no one knows why. PET scan and ultrasound don't show anything wrong with my liver.
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    Vitamin D
    I have low vitamin D, too. I am on a supplement at my PCP's suggestion. I didn't know that vitamin D helps prevent certain cancers. I was taking it because of calcium issues. If it also helps prevent certain cancers then I am all for it! Thanks for the info.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member

    Vitamin D
    I have low vitamin D, too. I am on a supplement at my PCP's suggestion. I didn't know that vitamin D helps prevent certain cancers. I was taking it because of calcium issues. If it also helps prevent certain cancers then I am all for it! Thanks for the info.

    I just recently had my
    I just recently had my vitamin D checked and it was 13. So I am taking 1 50,000 unit Vitamin D once a week for 12 weeks and then will have the level checked again. I also am taking 1 Vita D 2000 daily. My doctor said that they are seeing lower levels of Vita D probably due to our not going into the sun as much and use of sunscreens. I had been having some back pain and she said that the vitamin D could help with that but if it doesn't we will run some tests just to be sure. My hubby had this same problem with a low vitamin D and it went up after taking the weekly pills. Now he takes a lower dose daily pill.
  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
    fauxma said:

    I just recently had my
    I just recently had my vitamin D checked and it was 13. So I am taking 1 50,000 unit Vitamin D once a week for 12 weeks and then will have the level checked again. I also am taking 1 Vita D 2000 daily. My doctor said that they are seeing lower levels of Vita D probably due to our not going into the sun as much and use of sunscreens. I had been having some back pain and she said that the vitamin D could help with that but if it doesn't we will run some tests just to be sure. My hubby had this same problem with a low vitamin D and it went up after taking the weekly pills. Now he takes a lower dose daily pill.

    Mine were very low, too.
    It's too bad they didn't check our levels before we got bc instead of after. Very frustrating!

  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member
    roseann4 said:

    Mine were very low, too.
    It's too bad they didn't check our levels before we got bc instead of after. Very frustrating!


    Mine was extremely low after I finished chemo and I was also
    given an Rx for 50,000 mg of Vit D. I now just take it daily off the shelf. I just read in this month's issue of Good Housekeeping about Vit. D being thought of as good in helping prevent bc. I'll keep taking my Vit D. In fact, I fforget it a lot, think I'll remind myself more often!

    Hugs, Judy :-)
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175 Member
    Janice my onc wanted to test
    Janice my onc wanted to test my vit D cuz the chemo cause me to have osteoporosis and said if my vit D is to low i could possibly get bone cancer...so she has been checking it for me.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    jo jo said:

    Janice my onc wanted to test
    Janice my onc wanted to test my vit D cuz the chemo cause me to have osteoporosis and said if my vit D is to low i could possibly get bone cancer...so she has been checking it for me.

    My onc doesnt believe in it,
    My onc doesnt believe in it, but I do so I make him check it. (I want it included in my other blood work to minimize blood draws) he doesnt believe in vitamins either says they make expensive pee.lol
  • beetle25
    beetle25 Member Posts: 150 Member
    carkris said:

    My onc doesnt believe in it,
    My onc doesnt believe in it, but I do so I make him check it. (I want it included in my other blood work to minimize blood draws) he doesnt believe in vitamins either says they make expensive pee.lol

    I too was shocked to find
    I too was shocked to find out my vit.D levels were low. I figured that there was no way they could be low since I am outside alot during the summer coaching softball and then for my job when the school returns back in the fall. ( I am an athletic trainer and cover alot of outdoor sports). Anyway after it was check found out it was low and am now on vit D supplements 10,000 for 30 days and then 5,000 after that.

    Through reading about Vit D deficiency I also found out that if your vit D is low, your blood pressure could be high, you could have muscle aches and pains and not recover well from exerices, headaches can also be caused by the defieciency. Those are just a few.
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member
    beetle25 said:

    I too was shocked to find
    I too was shocked to find out my vit.D levels were low. I figured that there was no way they could be low since I am outside alot during the summer coaching softball and then for my job when the school returns back in the fall. ( I am an athletic trainer and cover alot of outdoor sports). Anyway after it was check found out it was low and am now on vit D supplements 10,000 for 30 days and then 5,000 after that.

    Through reading about Vit D deficiency I also found out that if your vit D is low, your blood pressure could be high, you could have muscle aches and pains and not recover well from exerices, headaches can also be caused by the defieciency. Those are just a few.

    I take vit. D everyday
    I started taking vit D when I started chemo against my drs. orders. I heard chemo, rads may weaken bones, so I thought couldn't hurt. After going thru chemo and radiation my bones are healthy, and strong. No problems. My way of thinking: I was having to take the Neulasta shot which pulls bone marrow to up white cells, so my bones needs vit D to replenish what is being taken. Apparently it worked.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    beetle25 said:

    I too was shocked to find
    I too was shocked to find out my vit.D levels were low. I figured that there was no way they could be low since I am outside alot during the summer coaching softball and then for my job when the school returns back in the fall. ( I am an athletic trainer and cover alot of outdoor sports). Anyway after it was check found out it was low and am now on vit D supplements 10,000 for 30 days and then 5,000 after that.

    Through reading about Vit D deficiency I also found out that if your vit D is low, your blood pressure could be high, you could have muscle aches and pains and not recover well from exerices, headaches can also be caused by the defieciency. Those are just a few.

    I neglected to say that my
    I neglected to say that my levels were low even though I was taking 2000 IU per day at the recommendation of my physician sister. I am in the sun all of the time and I do not use sunscreen on my arms and legs (I know I should but I don't burn and want to raise my d level).

    Another important point, women with breast cancer are more likely to have low vit d levels. I don't think scientists are sure why. One theory is that the cancer cells may activate and use up our vit d, but other scientists think a low vit d level may contribute to getting breast cancer in the first place. It is the classic which came first the chicken or the egg...lol.

    Anyway, if your doc won't check your level, find one who is current and will check it. Taking supplements and being in the sun was not enough for me or the other ladies who were dangerously low. So, please check your d level!

    Some links (because you know I am a nerd and love them ;-)

  • JuJuBeez
    JuJuBeez Member Posts: 332

    I neglected to say that my
    I neglected to say that my levels were low even though I was taking 2000 IU per day at the recommendation of my physician sister. I am in the sun all of the time and I do not use sunscreen on my arms and legs (I know I should but I don't burn and want to raise my d level).

    Another important point, women with breast cancer are more likely to have low vit d levels. I don't think scientists are sure why. One theory is that the cancer cells may activate and use up our vit d, but other scientists think a low vit d level may contribute to getting breast cancer in the first place. It is the classic which came first the chicken or the egg...lol.

    Anyway, if your doc won't check your level, find one who is current and will check it. Taking supplements and being in the sun was not enough for me or the other ladies who were dangerously low. So, please check your d level!

    Some links (because you know I am a nerd and love them ;-)


    my level was 5...
    In March when I was diagnosed. I asked the doctor to check my level because of something I read in an ACS brochure. I was also given 50,000 IU weekly at first, now 2x a month. I can't help but look at all the 'risk factors' I had, like the low vit D, started my period when I was 10, used the pill for years, had my first child at 36, and didn't breast feed. Is it one of these? All of these? None of these, just bad luck?
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    JuJuBeez said:

    my level was 5...
    In March when I was diagnosed. I asked the doctor to check my level because of something I read in an ACS brochure. I was also given 50,000 IU weekly at first, now 2x a month. I can't help but look at all the 'risk factors' I had, like the low vit D, started my period when I was 10, used the pill for years, had my first child at 36, and didn't breast feed. Is it one of these? All of these? None of these, just bad luck?

    This is werid-0-rama ... My doctor suggested Vitiam D
    and 'Fish Oil' for me yesterday -- I knew about the vitiam d .. fish oil, yuck! But I am going out and purchasing both today, after my blood testing, etc. Health insurance 'no more' on Friday, 10/1 .. so I've spent the better part of the last 3 weeks - going to every specialist known to man, and 3 doctors. Oh the fun!

    Vicki Sam
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    VickiSam said:

    This is werid-0-rama ... My doctor suggested Vitiam D
    and 'Fish Oil' for me yesterday -- I knew about the vitiam d .. fish oil, yuck! But I am going out and purchasing both today, after my blood testing, etc. Health insurance 'no more' on Friday, 10/1 .. so I've spent the better part of the last 3 weeks - going to every specialist known to man, and 3 doctors. Oh the fun!

    Vicki Sam

    I cant take the fish oil as
    I cant take the fish oil as I am allergic to tuna and they cant guarantee there is no tuna in the fish oil. I try to find other sources like walnuts of Omega 3's lots of things Ineed to do to clean up my diet!
  • EveningStar2
    EveningStar2 Member Posts: 491 Member
    Many people
    have low Vitamin D levels. I never had chemo but I'm low. DH also is low. I am also low in magnesium and since taking the supplement, my feet don't hurt as much! So I thought I would pass that one along--I thought it was from tamoxifen and I just had to live with it.

  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    VIT D
    I will echo most here....my level was 16 when diagnosed.....went on the 50,000 units weekly....Now take 4,000 DAILY....the cancer center where I received all my treatment is actually doing a study to see if low vit D and BC is linked..they're thinking there could very well be a direct link. I don't know of a single woman with bc who DIDN'T have low vit D....I made a post about this many months ago and got basically the same responses.......low vit D from most. I printed them and took them to my oncologist. My daugher 37, now takes it daily also.......hopefully as a preventative....but who knows!
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member

    Many people
    have low Vitamin D levels. I never had chemo but I'm low. DH also is low. I am also low in magnesium and since taking the supplement, my feet don't hurt as much! So I thought I would pass that one along--I thought it was from tamoxifen and I just had to live with it.


    You are right Maureen, many
    You are right Maureen, many have low Vit. D, not necessarily just bc survivors. Everyone should have it checked just to see.