I feel stupid so how come i cant change my profile pic?
I have been tryin to change my profile pic and my old one just keeps coming back up...what am i doing wrong? Or am i just having a blonde moment???
Performance Evaluations, Part 1...
(1) "Since my last report, this employee has reached rock bottom.....and has started to dig." (2) "His men would follow him anywhere, ....... but only out of morbid curiosity." (3) "I would not allow this employee to breed." (4) "This employee is really not so much of a 'has-been', but more of a definite 'won't be'." (5)…
reconstruction - Lessons learned
I came home yesterday after four days in the hospital with the "tummy-tuck" reconstruction. I thought I'd pass along some advice. 1) I came out of surgery around 4:00 Wednesday. Around 8:00 a resperatory therapist came to my room with his little gadget that you inhale/exhale into to prevent pneumonia. I was still in/our of…
PICS from the Komen Race, Evansville, IN
As requested, I figured out how to download pictures from Saturday, 9/25. The only problem is that if you go to my "expressions" page, they appear from the bottom up. So...if you care to look, start at the bottom. I don't know how to put captions, so here's a brief description: 1. The survivors gathering at the stage. The…
It's a three-fer day!
Started rads today. Started Arimidex today. 42'nd wedding anniversary today. I think I need a cookie. Cindy
Humpty dumpty
Well ladies. I need some advice. I had a double mastecomy with immediate reconstruction on July 8th. Both implants had to be removed in 2 different surgeries due to infection. Also had 2 more surgeries to clean everything out and close everything up. I go get the drains and sutures from first removal taken out tommorrow.…
Super sensitive skin
I had a bilateral mastectomy on Sept. 7 and am doing OK except for the fact that the skin from incision lines up to my collar bone is super, super sensitive. Is this normal and if so, how long does it last? I can't stand anything touching my skin and it's driving me crazy! I walk around holding my shirt away from my skin.…
AMAZING "Race" Day, 9/25, Evansville, IN
It truly was an AMAZING day! The Komen Greater Evansville Race was held this morning, and a beautiful morning it was. We had a low temp of 54 (coolest since May) and it quickly rose to the 70's with bright blue skies throughout. BRAGGING RIGHTS are here in southern Indiana! This was the largest per-capita participation in…
Fight breast cancer, but also monitor for heart disease
I am old timer survivor--still battling the disease after 23 yrs. I also had a mild heart attack in 2008. I had NO risk factors for the heart attack: was not overweight, exercised, no family history, low blood pressure, normal cholesterol, etc. Luckily I was aware (somewhere stored in the back of my brain) that breast…
Our partners may suffer severe depression
In today's news: a large study done by Danish researchers of >20,000 men whose partners had breast cancer found that these men were 39% more likely to be hospitalized with an affective disorder. See: http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/PressRelease/pressReleaseId-82977.html Somehow (the fates were with me on that day-lol), I…
Last Chemo treatment
My treatment was TAC I had 4 treatments of AC and 12 treatments of Taxol. I just finshed Friday . I was wanting to know if anyone has finished treatment and how did you react after your last treatment of taxol. I am afraid that my body is going to go thru withdraws from not getting the treatments. I was taken 3 weeks of…
Today is JoJo's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MISTY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you peace, love, laughter, & joy on your special day! ♥ Cat
I just don't want to talk about it any more...
I think I am actually making this post, just to kind of vent a little bit... To know me, you have to know the whole story... My husband was diagnosed on my birthday in 2007 with Chronic Myeloid Leukimia. After a series of tests and failures, he received a stem cell transplant at UCLA in March of this year. He is doing…
Results are in - clear, just a little fat.. by New Flower
Hello my dear sisters, Last week during routine check up my oncologist found a swollen lymph node under my armpit. Due to my medical history it was a very serious concern. The tests have been done today. I am happy to share that Mammogram is clear, no suspicious areas. Ultrasound: lymph node size 0.91 cm is a fat tissue,…
Seeing my sisters--happy news
My younger sis is in town from San Diego with her son. They are doing the college tour and checking out Tulane this week. Anyway, I believe she has been about 6 yrs since having a local recurrence. My older sister is here too and she has been about 20 ys since DCIS. We are meeting for dinner tonight in N.O I will try and…
Fun with Wigs pics
Posted pics of my various wigs. Hope to brighten someones day. Have fun
Taxotere skin toxicity photos
Since no one seemed to have had or know about this side effect from Taxotere, I posted photos on my Expressions page of the skin toxicity I developed. The burns had begun to subside when the photos were taken because I had started steroids again, but basically I'm effected from my knuckles to about my sleeve line on both…
~*~* What Have You Learned In Your Journey With Breast Cancer ~*~*
I think this is a great question, if I say so myself. LOL I think the answers will vary a lot, and possibly, they will vary in regards to what place we are in our diagnosis, surgery, treatment and lives. So, what have you learned with being diagnosed with breast cancer? Thanks! ♠♣ Susie ♠♣
nice place
Hi,this is to Jean0609,vickiesam,heatherbelle,&cavediver,thank you so much for the love I've sat at home most of the summer everybody has advice but i only wanted to hear it from somebody that has been threw it,or going threw it.my cocktail is epirubicin,cytoxan&5-fu every three weeks I just get so nauseated,yes the…
Happiness is a Journey
I wanted to share a card that I got because I love what it says. Happiness is a journey, not a destination....... for a long time it seemed to me that life was about to begin~real life. but there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time to be served, a debt…
got my brave waves on. . .
and took off the dressings on my surgical site. the doctors told me i could take it off on monday, but it took me until today to do it. when i was in the hospital, on friday they disconnected me from everything and i was free! i went to the bathroom by myself and decided to clean up a little. i had a fresh gown on the back…
my boobs just keep giving me problems!!
Oh my word - this morning I woke up to the WORST pain I have had throughout my whole cancer ordeal - I had a fill on my expanders yesterday, another 100cc. Now I'm at 750 cc's total. I started feelin pain in my back & chest almost immediately after getting my fill yesterday. Last night I soaked in the hot tub (twice!), and…
Reconstruction scheduled for October 13th
I am new to the board. I posted one time in March and then could not figure how to log back on. I had forgotten my password and screen name (thanks chemo). I have been following this site as a looker since March. I feel like I know alot of ya'll (from North Georgia). This is such a honest and encouraging site. I am…
Starting to get nervous about this round of chemo
Sorry to bother everyone but I really felt the need to "tell someone" and great as he is, my boyfriend really doesn't understand. I'm scheduled for my second round of chemo (TC) tomorrow at 8 a.m. EST and am pretty scared. I'm not too worried about tomorrow or Friday, but I am worried about the days after that. After my…
Hi! I'm new to this discussion board stuff.
hello! i'm 29. i'm a vet tech. i'm a breast cancer survivor. :) nice to meet you. i was diagnosed with stage 2breast cancer in may. i found the lump on a self exam. of course i waited a few months, because, i'm 29! how could i have breast cancer?!? well, i'm glad i got checked out. my gynecologist sent me for an mri and an…
Everyone welcome to see update pics of my Hair growth
Added pics from start to current pics of my hair growth by dates on expressions in my profile Lupe
3rd chemo knocked me for a loop!
Swollen ankles/feet, numb feet, leadened legs, bloated abdomen, chest cough, blowing nose, back ache, knees ache, slept most of the past 4 days and cramps in my fingers/hands Friday night so I couldn't crochet. I feel like a zombie with no energy. I'm trying to do the laundry tonight and sure hope I feel better tomorrow as…
not sure what to think
went to the hospital on friday for my first follow-up post surgery. got drains removed (yay!) also got pathology report from mastectomy. no cancer in breast, but 16 of 20 lymph nodes were full of cancer. my follow-up with my medical oncologist is on monday, october 4. i also meet with the radiation oncologist that same…
She's Here.......Isabella!
My first grandchild, Isabella, was born yesterday afternoon at 2:43 p.m. She was over 5 weeks early and only weighed 3 lbs. 7 oz. She was delivered by c-section. Everything so far is fine. They are giving her a little oxygen, since that was one vital that was a little low. Please continue to keep Isabella as well as my son…