70% of women likely to experience sexual problems after breast cancer
This article appeared in The Journal of Sexual Medicine today: http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/PressRelease/pressReleaseId-82477.html "A new study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine looked at whether women were more likely to experience sexual problems after breast cancer. The results showed that 70% of women were…
JOKE--What would you do
Q. Your riding a horse at full speed, a giraffe is beside you, an elephant in front of you and a lion behind you! What do you do??? A. You get your drunk **** off of the carousel !!!
Cost of BC
How do we know what costs will be covered by Medicare/Medicare Plus Insurance programs for the radiation treatments. Does anyone know the procedure for getting financial assistance or finding out if you are eligible for Medicaid?
The Patrick Dempsey Challenge
The Patrick Dempsey Challenge is Oct. 2nd & 3rd and I am participating in the 5K walk on Oct. 2nd. McDreamy, Patrick Dempsey, will be there as well. The Dempsey Challenge is a run/walk and cycling fundraiser for the Patrick Dempsey Center for Cancer Hope & Healing at Central Maine Medical Center in Lewiston, ME. This…
triple neg recurrance
Hi Any ladies with triple neg experience a recurrance. I know it's tough, From what I understand we're lucky all tests were negative and the cancer is in the same skin area of the mestectomy, small and not invasive. I am scared because my wife finished chemo April 20th this year and to show up so soon. Rad was not advised,…
Muscle spasms due to Neulasta?
Hey all. I've had my second chemo & will get #3 on Monday. This time around the overall fatigue & the aches & pains from the Neulasta were quite a bit worse. But the real problem is these very intense muscle spasms that I'm having in my back. I had them the 2nd week after treatment #1, but this time they're much worse. So…
This is so sweet and reminds me of a time my daughter, granddaughter and I ran to the car in the pouring rain, it was so fun we were soaked and were all laughing so hard and they said to me that was so much funnnn!!!!!! NEED WASHING? A little girl had been shopping with her Mom in WalMart. She must have been 6 years old,…
Mammosite or EBRT
Hello all you wonderfull women! I was diagnosed with DCIS after a biopsy, just had a lumpectomy (with a clean margin) and a sentinel node biopsy (also clean). I am now facing a decision about radiation. Anyone tried the mammosite option? Any bad side effects? regrets? recurrence? Also, is there anyone who decided against…
Oh .. my I have the 'Oh .. Hums' ... Whine .. Whine .. or venting ?
I feel as though I'm suffering from the Oh hum's ... Perhaps it's time for an attitude adjustments .. Coming here to my family of Warrior's .. Oh I have breast cancer - endured chemo for 6 months - poor me, I feel so sorry for myself . . whine, whine, whine Humm At least I didn't have to go thru radiation -- ======== Oh…
How long after surgery can you start your usual exercise routine? Will the feeling of "tiredness" go away after a week?
I think to myself if only it could be that easy. Has anyone read or heard about? THE ARTICLE: Several years ago, I had a man seeking asparagus for a friend who had cancer. He gave me a photocopied copy of an article, entitled, Asparagus for cancer 'printed in Cancer News Journal, December 1979. I will share it here, just…
Another Milestone Reached-Yeah!!!
I have good news to share! I had my port removed yesterday after enduring a year of Herceptin-Hooray for Me!!! I am so glad to be done with infusions. I know this is another phase in my recovery, and follow appointments are ongoing, but at least I can say that I am done with chemo and radiation. I am closing doors and…
Im getting my butt kicked...so im finishing my fight!
Im starting to get my butt kicked by my aunt...a little tough love to get me out of my stage i was in...well what ever she did its working. Im still grieving but at least im getting functional now. Plus i found something Stacy wrote me just a couple weeks before she passed away if you dont mind id like to share just part…
here is a good laugh Arthritis is so cruel
I'll tell you" he said, " I"ve learnd that arthitis is the crullest disease, cruller than Cancer his friend ask? " You bet the first codger replied. It makes everyone of your joints stiff, Except the Right ONE!!!!!
To my Breast Cancer Friends
Many friends will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave a footprint in your heart.
One down 15 more to go
chemo one down the drugs left with a numb right shoulder. that i think will slowly leave. i see if i get sleep. feeling ok. started trouble they have wifi up there so i was bad brought my lap top . one old guy across the room was yelling i had porn on but the nurse knew better i had a dumb game on. meant more for…
Lumpectomy on Thursday...what to expect?
I finished chemo on August 12th and am scheduled to have my lumpectomy this coming Thursday. I am a little nervous since it is my first surgery. What should I expect pain wise? Is there anything that I should bring along with me or is there something that I should get to make the recovery a little easier for me?
Good News...Pathology results..Stage 1 BC...clean, will need some radiation treatments; Chemo may not be necessary! Now...what is radiation like?
One Day Up - Next Day Down
I went to my Oncologist yesterday. I've been pretty much out of breath the past month or so, and she didn't like the way I was breathing. The nurse took a blood oxygen reading and it was 87, enough to put me on oxygen said the doctor. She said as soon as insurance approves and they got a company to deliver I would have the…
Here we go again with another blood transfusion tomorrow, this time for the low RBC. Pain patch is not enough at current strength and now ONC increased it to 150 on the Fentanol patch. My wife started to experience an involuntary leg twitch that may be the result of the patch. Things are really getting scary, becuase she…
Hi, I'm a newcomer
I'm new at posting but have been reading all of your posts since I was dx in June. I had a bilateral masectomy middle aug. Started chemo last week and I'm doing good. I will be getting chemo every 3 wks. for 4 months. I will feel more comfortable about writing as the days go by, I will join in. I have never done this…
Chemo brain attacks
So my brother in law is dealing with this beast on 3 fronts. His wife, his mom, and I are all currently battling the demon beast. So every family conversation always includes some kind of cancer discussion. His latest story...his wife's support group is having some kind of social function. He is, of course, expected to…
So. Cal Warriors -- October 10th - Costa Mesa - 'Making Strides Against Breast Cancer' walk ... S
Just throwing this out there .. I recall talking about this walk during our lucheon back on 8/28 .. I WILL be there, however my 18 year old daughter, Alexandra aka Sasha will be walking in my place, as I am scheduled for yet again ... another breast surgery 9/29 - my last one --- I hope, as my health insurance is out the…
I have a new (grand) baby too!
Must be baby month. Baby Jacob born 1:30 am on 9/20. 7#1oz 20 inches. I changed his first poop yesterday. It's like riding a bike. My first also. Cindy
I finished chemo in Nov. and am on harmonal replacement therapy, I am always tired and my Dr does not know why, all blood work is great but I tire quickly and have to rest. Is anyone going through the same thing or have had the same. Would like to have more energy.. bella64
My thoughts about if you ever love tell me now
If you are ever going to love me, Love me now when I can know the sweet&tender feelings whichfrom true affections flow. Love me now While i am living, Do not wait until I'm gone and then have it chiseled in marble, Sweet words in ice cold stone. If you have tender loving thoughts of me, Please tell me now. If you wait…
There is so an "I" in Team-Work!!!!
Hello my Kindred Spirits! Seems I haven't been posting as often lately! I have, thankfully been busy~ many of you ( especially my FB friends) know that I have had incredible, spiritual, fulfilling times with Reggie and his Tribe for the last two weeks. If any of you is interested, you can friend me on FB...I am Claudia…
finger weakness has any one have it?
Hi everyone. I had lumpectomy Sept 14 2009 IDC with no node involvement, followed with chemo tac and carbo herceptin for 6 treatments every 3 weeks just finished the herceptin for one year. Also have mild lymphedema in hand and fingers. This past week my fingers feel very weak I am having trouble doing every day things in…
Marines911 Thinking of You
Thinking of you and hoping you and your wife are doing okay...Also wanted to take a moment to thank you for your service and for protecting us and our great country. Let us know if we can help in any way. Love, Shy
My find of the day
One of my favorite things to do, is to go garage saleing on Saturday's. My poor Hubby NEVER knows what I will come home with next! For ex: once I came home with a calf (Yes! Baby cow) in my van! :-)Anyway, today was our neighborhood sale. Got up early, went treasure hunting, but found myself pretty disappointed at this…